

A Danish study says that frequent sex can prevent preeclampsia.

I stare at the text I’ve written. Then, before I can talk myself out of it, I push SEND and set my phone on the library cart.

The ache between my legs is intense, but this text is not only an excuse to see Chase. There’s legit science behind it.

It’s just this is the third time legit science has been behind the sex-requesting texts I’ve sent him in the week since I found out I was pregnant.

The first time it was the study that showed that intercourse could lower blood pressure in pregnant women. The second time I’d read an article that orgasms were helpful for strengthening the muscles used in labor. Both times, he’d responded without delay or argument.

Both times orgasms and banging were had.

This time seems to be no different. My phone is already vibrating between the computer and the edge of the cart.

Preeclampsia is way bad. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
