
The Sneaky Snake Family

High in the chilly cloudy sky Sienna held onto Marco's back. He was floating straight over the Snake Castle roof laughing coldly because it was impossible for S to see them..."He will get a nice surprise..."Marco chuckled. Ziran was feeling the adrenaline rise in his body as he was hanging in the air in Marco's huge claws...

" Let's go to Crystal City," Sienna pleaded," I need to rest." She felt kind of bad for leaving S so suddenly. And she was still worried about Sharchan...and S too."What if they hurt each other?" she thought biting her lips nervously.

"Sand City is closer. We will go there. We will be there in two hours."Marco said to her firmly.

"But it is not so good when Sarcos is not there."Sienna moaned a bit," Anyway, I need to wash first." she added."I'm bleeding out!"

"Can't you wait for two hours?"Marco asked coldly.

"I was already more than two hours in the bed plus yours thirty minutes, I'm drenched in blood, "Sienna whined to him nervously. She had that horrible feeling that everything is going down her legs...

"You can stop the theatre now, you are safe with me," Marco replied coldly again.

"How dare you...you will be a red eagle if you do not let me wash..." she raged."You just took me and I could not even wash myself...now is everything going down my legs already."

Sienna was getting really upset. After she screamed, Ziran threw her hard on Marco's back, as the eagle changed up and streamed out of the window with both of them...

Marco was a bit surprised with her..she was always so sweet to him and suddenly she was way too grumpy. He could feel her nervous frantic energy. She felt like a little volcano of bottled-up moods ready to explode. "This was what Sarcos was talking about.." he thought a bit puzzled. "Ok, the order was to do what she wanted..." Marco thought and decided to follow the wise words of the Scorpion King."How does he deal with her in this state?"Marco was appreciating Sarcos even more...

"Ok, I will find you a bath if you can't wait..."Marco sighed and stared to look out under him for a spot with clean water to land...

Down in the Snake Castle... S was standing in surprise at first. He put the jug with medicine on the table and then he started searching the room for some clues but only an eagle feather was under the window.

"What happened? Did she trick me? Or did they take her to Sand City?" he was thinking aloud. S looked out of the window, but Sienna was long gone. The feeling of rage and loss was circulating in his body as poison."I need to get her back..." he stared out of the window longingly.

Meanwhile, in the dark underground corridor, Sharchan was still walking in the snowy dream. He stared at his father when he was gone suddenly. Then he saw the snow is changing into darkness and he is falling down. He opened his eyes and saw a black dark corridor. His body felt wet and freezing cold. He tried to move but something soft was next to him. He squash it into the opposite wall, to make some space, but the soft thing pushed back!

"Hey, be careful son, it is me!"He heard his father's voice."Try to change to your human form, we can't get out of here like this."Sharmut ordered him.

Sharchan concentrated all his energy and changed. His human body felt sore."What happened?" he asked a bit dizzily.

His father stood next to him and stretched his own sore body."You were right. Someone dragged us out. Is your queen here already then ?"Sharmut asked thinking.

"My queen! Oh, Sienna is here! "Sharchan called and run up the stairs taking the heavy doors with him in a crazy rage. It was not anger but a tense mountain of worry and longing. Sharchan saw Sienna's scent as a red line lingering in the corridors, so he ran straight to the room she stayed in. He stared as the bright red scent line went out of the window. Sharchan pick up the eagle feather from the floor and smiled bitterly. "Marco!"

"Brother?" the manly voice sounded from behind.

Sharchan turned around abruptly and saw a familiar face of himself... well, his brother actually...

S stood behind the door and watched the enraged Snake King as he entered the room.

"Sharchan, did you level up?" he grinned at him."How did you get out?"

"Not sure, I just found myself in the corridor. "Sharchan stared at him thinking.

"Lord Ziran must double cross me then. I was thinking he wants just the best for his queen."S smiled remorsefully.

"So you were playing the king?"Sharchan looked at him curiously.

"Yes, I just wanted to protect your queen from that cage. She is very nice and sweet. And she loves you a lot."S nodded. He felt very calm somehow...

"He was really pretending to be me..."Sharchan thought staring at him..."So how was it? "Sharchan asked him a bit bitterly. He was thinking about what to do with his treacherous brother.

"Sweet, entertaining, exciting and very difficult actually," S noted nonchalantly.

"Difficult? Really?"Sharchan looked surprised at him.

"Well your queen is beautiful, clever, kind and sweet, and so alluring, but on her days she is so bossy, unpredictable and demanding suddenly! Do you really do everything she says?... She took your ring by the way. You promised her way too much brother...At least you have that servant Ziran, who always cooks for her and does all the work. I was thinking my hands will fell off when I tried to cook! I burned everything...And then she almost bleeds to death. Rem sent me some cold doctor to cook medicine, then she screamed in pain and till I got to her she was gone."He pointed at the opened window.

Sharchan looked at his puzzled brother and wanted to laugh, his rage disappeared."Surely Sienna found out straight away and made him work hard." he thought.

"You did well, brother," Sharchan said."I know that doctor, he took her away fast because it was an emergency. He is going to save her life and she will be well again. Thank you for taking care of her... And now, come have a glass of wine with me and tell me what exactly happened." Sharchan wanted to warm up his frozen body and strong wine seemed like a good idea to him.

"So no duel to death for this?"S lifted his eyebrow surprised.

"No, "Sharchan shook his head."All is well. At least you see how hard is it to be a king. But tell me, why you did give me a poisonous sachet before?" he bit his lips.

"Poisonous? I got it from father."S noted surprised."Unintentionally then, yes." he nodded.

"Hmmm, aha, let's go ."Sharchan smiled bitterly again and went with S to sit in the library. They had a special favourite hide out there from the time they were boys...

S told Sharchan how their father tricked him because he freed the mother.

"So you tricked the father too?"Sharchan chuckled."At least you are fair brother." he nodded...

"I can't believe my son did this to me!"Sharmut stood at the door suddenly with a cheeky smile."I'm your own father!"

"I have two parents."S said firmly."I swear to protect the mother the same as Sharchan. You can protect yourself father, or you are too old already?" he glanced at him.

"Sshh, naughty son, you are capable and that is good."Sharmut nodded."No hard feelings, we are all snakes, you fooled me well. "he shook his head appreciatingly."It was me, I gave you the poison for your brother because he is annoying and I wanted you to become the king."Sharmut glanced at Sharchan coldly. He was proud of him, loved him as his son, but hated him at the same time! Sharchan was unbearable to him because they were too alike...rude overbearing and bossy...!!!

"So who is the most sneaky here, father? Have some wine with us."Sharchan grinned.

"Sure.."Sharmut sat next to them. The three snakes held gold goblets of strong red wine.

"To family!" Sharmut chuckled as he lifted the golden goblet with wine.

"To my sneakiest brother!"Sharchan chuckled.

"To our beautiful queen Sienna!"S lifted his goblet.

"So tell me everything about my queen..."Sharchan looked at his brother curiously.

S started to talk from the beginning about what happened. Sharchan was laughing so hard at S's story. Only he understood what made-up stuff Sienna told his brother and found it hilarious!

"I still want to meet your queen!"Sharmut looked at Sharchan. He felt upset he did not see her yet.

"Yes, bring her back. I will help you to take care of her."S noted."But send Ziran away. I do not like traitors." he grinned coldly.

"Don't look in the mirror brother..."Sharchan chuckled.

"I can just look at you instead..."S grinned."But seriously, I will kill him on sight..."

"Sure, I do not like that tiger eighter."Sharchan nodded."But the queen likes him, so don't!"

"Really? But your queen said you are the best of friends...?"S looked surprised.

"She doesn't know everything ..." Sharchan smiled and stood up.

"I will go bring her again father. You will surely love her," Sharchan smiled and went out.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.xxx

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