
Chapter 11: The Return

It was a few days later that a tired and ragged rookie 12 minus two and their sensei's stood extremely nervous in front of the Hokage's desk. None of the ninja met the gaze of lady Tsunade as they stood before her to give their report. Tsunade didn't even have to be a legendary ninja to know something was wrong and was quickly losing her patience with the reluctance for anyone in front of her to tell her anything.

"Would anyone like to explain to me, why I have a ninja missing and somehow have the rest back early?" Tsunade asked with her voice calm with an undertone of pure threat. Her hands had perched together under her chin as she stared at the ninjas in front of her.

After several long quiet moments, Tsunade's patience ran out.

"Now!" She demanded harshly.

It was with that order Kakashi caved and explained everything that had occurred.

"So you're telling me, not only did you insult the head of the Osorubeki Clan. You discovered that Naruto is The Kōshoku no kage (Crimson shadow) but, is also married to the Benihime (Crimson/Blood Princess) who is also the Osorubeki clan head. Naruto has four children. Sasuke is being held prisoner for attacking civilians in a foreign country and Naruto and his wife are coming to see me?" Tsunade asked a little too calmly. At everyone's nod she sighed.

"I need my bloody sake." Tsunade said with an exhausted tone, while running a hand down her face. The room remained quite waiting for Tsunade to give an order or dismiss them. Tsunade took a deep breath chanting in her mind that she couldn't kill her ninja or leave Sasuke to die, no matter how much he deserved it. It wouldn't be worth the paperwork or the whining those pesky elders.

"All of you leave now and do not. I repeat do not speak to Naruto or his wife unless I say so. Report to me tomorrow for a new missive. Dismissed." Tsunade spoke in a no nonsense voice. Everyone left in silence. Shizune came through the door with a bottle of sake and a cup in hand not long after. Tsunade looked at her apprentice and long time friend in shock.

"I thought that you might need it, I heard everything through the door." Shizune spoke softly as she placed the items on the desk. As soon as the cup and jug touched the desk Tsunade poured the sake and within in seconds the cup was empty and Tsunade poured herself another.

"Naruto is an S-class Ninja." Said Tsunade in a dreary tone while looking into her sake cup.

"I know." Stated Shizune in a slightly sombre voice.

"He got married." Tsunade said the the same tone as before not looking up.

"I know."

"He has children now."

"I know."

"He's got four of the pests."

"So he has."

"He became the co-head of a ninja clan and village."

"Yes, he is Lady Tsunade."

"He's all grown up now and he hates us." Tsunade said in despair, placing her head on the desk.

"I wouldn't say that he hates us Lady Tsunade. He really only got angry after Sasuke insulted his wife twice, and nearly killed innocent civilians. Also he is coming to the village, he wouldn't do that if he hated us." Said Shizune attempting to comfort her long time friend and teacher.

"That's just it! Why is he coming here to the village?" Said Tsunade asked in a frustrated tone.

"Don't you want him to come back Lady Tsunade?"

"Of course I do Shizune, but that doesn't mean I understand why he's coming here?" Tsunade said running a frustrated hand through her hair.

"What do you mean Lady Tsunade?" Asked Shizune confusion in her tone and on her face.

"Naruto even if he is a co-clan or village head is still banished. He still technically can't come here without breaking his banishment order. However, we could have gone to his village and he wouldn't be taking such a large risk." Stated Tsunade.

"But didn't the council rescinded his banishment order?" Asked Shizune

"It doesn't work like that. Even if the council rescinds the order, it has to go through the proper channels and by the order of banishment Naruto is still banished, until he has been informed otherwise. The council added this stipulation in order to prevent him coming back if I found away to remove the order later. Because Naruto would have to be informed as a ninja of The Leaf. Which means I give the offical order to a ninja and have them find Naruto and bring him back, or he has to enter Leaf Village land for him to find out. The order prevents him from entering anywhere near Konohagakure. The first option would most likely have been interfered with by the council or Danzo at the time, to prevent his return. Not only that but he would have a better political advantage by us going to his village." Stated Tsunade her anger at the past actions of the council easily heard. Shizune nodded in understanding to her teacher's and long time friend explanation. Tsunade looked up from her sake cup, looking at her apprentice with sad, tired eyes.

"I missed my gaki so much Shizune. I don't want to see him as an enemy. I don't want to see the resentment or bitterness he is sure to have in his eyes for my current and his former village. Yet, I know I will. But, Shizune, do you think he missed me as well?" Asked Tsunade her voice small and her eyes looking lost. Shizune simply walked over and placed a comforting hand on her teacher's Shoulder in silence.

In Tsukigakure…

Sasuke sat in a small dark cell, having been placed there after being taken away by members of the Grim Clan. The cell was made of concrete, silver metal bars held the front of the cell. On the bars, door, walls and floor were seals that had been engraved. The seals suppress and absorb chakra, along with reinforcing the floor, walls and door of the cell. It made escape completely impossible from the inside or outside. The seals prevent digging or breaking and to enter the cell you have to have been added to the seal matrix and also know the unlocking code. Sasuke's cell was found in the dungeon, however, it was only the first floor. The dungeon in the Grim Clan's manor contained seven floors however only five had cells. For all intents and purposes, Sasuke's cell was actually one of the nicest. However, not only was Sasuke not aware of this, he really wasn't truely aware of anything. Sasuke was too busy stewing in his anger at Naruto, but also was held together only by his arrogance. He believed that the Leaf would get him out without punishment because they wouldn't want to displease the last Uchiha. The truth was that Sasuke did not realise is that, in his own self importance would cause his downfall…whenever that may be.

Meanwhile above the dungeon, the Osorubeki Clan was holding a meeting. The room was large and similar to the previous room in everything but there was less seats and a long rectangular table in the centre. This was the council room, where all of the advisers met with the commander. However, unlike normal shoji doors on both sides of the room were opened wide for the rest of the clan to gather. Naruto sat on the right hand edge of the platform leaning on the white wall. The council was gathered around the table and the Clan was seated or standing around. Naruto looked up towards the normal entry door, his sapphire blue eyes automatically indicating to everyone else to settle. Just as Ruka ended the room in a graceful flourish. Her steps quite and measured, holding the eyes of everyone, including her husband, until she reached the platform and sat with her legs folded beneath her. Her back was straight, the tips of her toes touched the floor and her posture screamed serious to the clan. Usually Ruka sat with grace, elegance and comfort—unlike today. Her eyes scanned the room, looking at all the faces before beginning her speech.

"As most are aware, we currently have a visitor sitting in our dungeons that have not been used in many years." Her voice was soft, it held clarity and held the attention of everyone in the room.

"This guest is one Sasuke Uchiha from Konoha. He broke not only one of our sacred laws by attacking our civilians on a celebrated day of peace but insulted my person multiple times." Her words sent mummers throughout the room many angry at such crimes, others were shocked that someone would be so foolish. However, to those that were closest to Naruto were angry over who was residing in the dungeons rather than why. The councils eyes did not leave Ruka's face nor did Naruto's. "He will be staying until an appropriate punishment can be agreed upon with both myself and the Hokage Lady Tsunade. This means myself and a few others of my choosing will be traveling to Konoha, as soon as word is herd back from Lady Tsunade. You are not to touch or talk to the prisoner. There will be no arguments over this. I gathered to inform you, not debate the matter. Until I return, I leave the clan in the hands of the council and Yugari. Dismissed." Ruka did not change her voice or posture the entire time she spoke. She continued steadily ignoring the mutters and curses sent towards Sasuke Uchiha, as well as everyone's reluctance to her leaving the village. The clan still listened to every word and would obey her commands, no one, no matter how much they wanted to, would harm the Uchiha nor would they argue. The second their leader had the word dismiss leave her lips, everyone did as she asked. However unlike how she entered the room her body relaxed and a small smile placed on her lips. It was also that moment, as the rooms cleared out, that everyone came to the same unanimous decision, indecent from their leader. If Konoha dared to harm their commander or her husband in any way, the Osorubeki (Grim) Clan will rain down on them like hell itself had wanted it'd destruction.

As everyone left Ruka let a breath of relief past her blood red lips. She was glad neither the clan or council had argued. There were only two people remaining in the room, Ruka, herself and Naruto. Naruto's deep sapphire blue eyes had not left her form since before she even entered the room. Within seconds Ruka slumped and folded her legs so that the curled around her towards the left, leaning on her hip. There were a few seconds of silence before Naruto's soothing voice sounded.

"How many do you intend to come with us?" As he spoke Naruto moved to sit next to his wife. Ruka rested her head on his shoulder.

"Three not including the kids." She replied, almost instantly. As Naruto wrapped and arm around her. "I want you to come as The Kōshoku no kage (Crimson shadow) and masked." She continued, while Naruto raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "I have no doubt gossip has already spread, but I believe that denial will still be held over fact. Plus since Osorubeki don't do co-heads but more leader and righthand held at equal footing, I can have you as my offical guard and have the others watch the kids, who need to experience another village that is different to our or a civilian one." Ruka explained to Naruto as he shifted her so that she was seated across his lap, in order to run his fingers through her hair without letting go. "Plus intimidation factor." Ruka said smiling, causing Naruto to laugh warmly. His eyes alight with humour and his mouth set in a gentle, affectionate smile.

"So who are we dragging along?" Naruto asked Ruka amusedly.

"Kubinashi and Kejōrō to watch the kids up close and Saizō to watch from a distance." Ruka replied without a moment of thought. Naruto nodded.

"Good choice. They will protect the children fiercely." Stated Naruto, trusting all of them without doubt.

Both Naruto and Ruka knew that the talk with Lady Tsunade will either make or break Konoha. Ruka and Naruto both knew that the Leaf would want Naruto to fight for them but, Ruka decided to leave that choice up to Naruto. They had hyphenated their names for a reason. To show that they were equals in everything, clan, power, force and choice. They were two halves of a whole, Ruka was the calm flow of a stream, while Naruto was the forceful rapids that could occur. Ruka calmed and tamed Naruto's rapid nature and Naruto helped to shake up the constant calm of Ruka. They shared two clans, one name and one heart. And may Kami have mercy on anyone that tried to take that away, because Naruto, Ruka and the Osorubeki Clan will not.
