
Chapter 4 — Realising How She Lived.

It's funny.

Funny indeed...

My current body is in a state of panic while my thoughts are overflowing with curiosity after the eerie vibe this body was giving off.

How can I be so carefree? My changes of mood are even strange to myself. In my opinion, seeing how panicked Marianne's body is, this all came down to a matter of cooperation. The way I see it is like this: I am not only one person, but two, given how she still feels active in this body. At times when someone is in a panic, it's good to have someone who doesn't, so the panic doesn't escalate further.

Simple, right?

In this case, I am the cold and rational but also carefree one who takes the reins in an emergency.

'It's okay Marianne. We are going together! Everything will be ju~st fine.'

I told my body, holding the thin wrist. Inside, I smiled to convey my support and reassure Marianne. Apparently, it worked. The body stopped shivering, and the chills decreased.

I nodded my head to the maid who was waiting for my reply.

The maid didn't guide me through the castle this time. Although, she did walk a few steps behind me.

The one showing me the way was Marianne. 'I see... this must be a frequent occurrence.'

I mean... anyone can tell that much. Marianne's body didn't even hesitate in her steps, she was completely convinced where she was summoned to.

'Agh... Marianne just what is it?'

As we got closer to our destination I felt how the body gradually tensed.

'... I can tell I won't leave this room smiling...' — I sighed inside.

I was standing in front of a door similar to the one in my bedroom. At least, I didn't have to go down the stairs again. The destination was on the same floor as my bedroom, but on the other side, completely opposite to mine. The maid knocked on the door and informed Paul I had arrived. I swallowed with a mix of nervousness and anticipation, although my mouth was completely dry. 'Nothing to be done now... let's see what awaits for us, sweetheart.'

No reply was heard from inside for a few seconds. Instead of an answer, the door opened slowly, giving an eerie feeling, and Paul showed his face from the edge of the door. His face... Showing a gentle smile drawn on his lips.

'Hah! He's definitely faking that smile...'

"Marianne! I was waiting! Come inside, my little sister." — He opened the door, wide and with a gracious movement of his hand, he gestured me to go in.

"We just ate, so don't bother with the tea. I'll call you if we need anything. Now get lost." He said to the maid as he turned his back to her waving his hand coldly without even giving her a glance. The smile he showed me was erased from his face as if it had never been there.

Two-faced b**tard... As expected from the Villainess's older brother.

I can imagine where this is going. Fuu... I don't like this. I don't like physical pain.

Closing my eyes... I forbade letting myself recall the past. I needed to stay calm.

The door closed.

Standing in the middle of the room, I was standing straight without moving. Only my eyes moved, slowly scanning the room. This was his bedroom, similar to mine, but with manly vibes.


His gaze was certainly on me. Suddenly, I heard steps approaching me slowly.

'Woow... the suspense... I can touch it.'

I was looking down with my eyes, with a perfect posture. Then, a pair of leather shoes appeared from the edge of my sight closing in from my left side, and stopped right in front, facing me.

"Why did you do that?"


'Well...Care to tell me what I did?' — I thought.

I raised my eyes to look at him. Taller than me, the guy was looking down at me. Cold eyes locked on mine. He wasn't smiling. In fact... I could see veins protruding in his forehead while his brows clenched together in a frown.

'Don't frown so much boy... you'll get wrinkles...'

Contrary to my carefree thoughts, my body stiffened. My extremities went numb, but I was still standing. The same body was trying to hide the fear and panic it was under.

'Sweety... I will take it for you, whatever it is to come, I'll take it.'

I had experience. I somehow knew what all of this was about.

My carefree mood disappeared. This is no longer a normal situation. I have to go through it.

Now, my cold head must keep working to avoid the worst situation. So I made a sharp warning.



'Stop acting up.'

'Your body is in my possession now. Don't get in the way.' — I said inside with "THAT" face.

And... it worked. I could feel that I had more power over the body. Not total control, but it's enough for now.

Right... "THAT" face works wonders. Even though I only showed it once to one person...The surrounding people who were only witnesses... I feel bad for them, really... just how scary is it?

I guess that someone who usually only shows a smile... once they are mad, it becomes scary...

Even though I felt bad for saying harsh things to this girl, I found it necessary. I am the oldest one, after all.

'Now don't you try to stop me, Marianne. I won't let it slide.'

Ah... Heh. I could feel my dark side coming out. To stop myself from making her scared of me too, I blurted out a carefree line.

'Keep cool girl~!'


Ah... right. No time to lose focus...

Paul was still staring down at me. His eyes are no joke.

"I'll repeat it once. Why did you do that?"

My face didn't move, so no expression was possible yet.

'Body language it is then'.

I tilted my head, almost nothing, but enough to be perceived.

"Ha." — He laughed incredulous at what he saw.

I don't even know how it became like this.

In an instant, I was being dragged through the floor. With one hand, the bast*rd got me by the hair and dragged me roughly, making me bump into some of the furniture. I felt my scalp heating up with pain. It probably took only ten seconds to get to the room we were headed. My body only reacted enough to hold my head with one hand. I emitted no sounds. No expression.

Nothing. At. All.

He threw me inside his bathroom. I fell on my side, but without a second to compose myself, I felt a strong kick on my stomach.

"You must have forgotten your place, Marianne."

I looked at him. He seems angry. But, now, he is truly smiling. Angry but having fun. Proper of a Psycho.

He lifted me by the hair and took me to the bathtub. It was bright inside the bathroom. The sun shined and I noticed the light reflection on the bathtub filled with water. I opened my eyes wide. Suddenly, memories crossed my mind in a flash.

Not my memories... but Marianne's.
