
Chapter 8: Sorry but Not Sorry

Lia froze, taken aback by Ryan’s response. What did he mean by, ‘share’?

“I am not your property, Ryan. I am not yours to give away,” she spat, angrily.

“For the next four years, Lia, you will be MY wife,” he argued as he stepped towards her.

“Your ‘fake wife!’” Lia corrected him.

Ryan shook his head. “Fake or real, you are MY wife. MINE!” he reiterated.

“You are such a spoiled brat! You want to have your cake and eat it too, huh? ‘I am not asking you to fall in love with me. This will all be a contractual agreement. We get married, I keep my company, and you keep your freedom…. I need a no-strings-attached wife to keep my company…’ your words, Ryan, verbatim! Or have you quickly forgotten? I am not ‘YOURS.’ It’s a contract marriage, Mr. Nash. I can see whomever I choose, as long as you get to keep your stupid company,” Lia declared.

“‘You will follow the set rules in the contract.’ Did you conveniently forget that part, Lia?” Ryan exclaimed.

“I read the contract. It said nothing about me belonging exclusively to you for the duration of the four-year fake marriage,” she countered.

“Consider this a verbal clause then. I will not share you, Lia, with any other man! End of discussion!” Ryan asserted, now standing directly in front of her.

“Or what?” Lia stood up, daring him. “Will you threaten me with prison again?”

Ryan swore as he grabbed her, and drew her roughly to himself. “You drive me mad, Lia.” He then took her lips in his and savored them hungrily.

Before Lia could comprehend what was happening, he let her go, and walked away. She slumped back on to the couch, knees weak and heart racing.

“Get dressed. We will go by your place to take your belongings. From there, we will head for my house, your new home. We need to get the wedding preparations under way.” He sounded winded, although he was trying to mask it.

Lia shook herself internally. What had just happened?

The drive to her apartment was done in somber silence. When they arrived, Lia led the way to her small apartment. Her place felt bare without her monitors. As she packed, Ryan moved around the small space she called home. She was certain that he was amazed that she called such a shoe box, home.

“Who are these people?” Lia turned around to find him holding a picture frame.

“My sister, brother-in-law, and nephew,” she told him before grabbing the picture, and throwing it with her other things into a suitcase.

“You will have to invite your family to the wedding,” Ryan announced. Lia stiffened.

“You do have family, right?” Ryan asked.

“Yeah,” Lia replied, nonchalantly.

“Honestly, I don’t think my parents will come. My sister and her family might come through,” Lia smiled, bitterly.

“Why?” Ryan enquired.

“I am sort of an outcast. In plain terms, my father disowned me. I haven’t spoken to my parents in about seven years,” Lia countered bitterly.

“Sorry, I might start sounding like a broken record, but why?” Ryan quizzed again.

Lia looked at him contemplating.

“Personal family issues.” She continued with her packing.

“Where do you stay?” She changed the subject.

The subject of the falling out with her parents was still as raw as though it happened yesterday. She did not want to talk about it.

She was grateful when Ryan seemed to realize her unwillingness to focus on that part of her life.

“Hyde Park,” he replied.

Lia sounded a mock wolf whistle in pure admiration. “You really are rich-rich, Mr. Nash.” They both laughed.

When they finally pulled up to the Nash residence, it was afternoon.

“Welcome, to my humble home,” Ryan announced.

Lia opened her eyes in amazement. “Humble? Which part? This is a mansion!”

The Nash mansion was an expansive property set on manicured grounds and gardens. Lia spied a tennis and basketball court on the east of the property. Set on top of a cliff, she could easily make out an in-ground infinity pool on the far end of the property.

Ryan came over, and opened the door for her when the car came to a halt. As they made their way to the main entrance, she could see people, standing on the terrace.

“Who are those people?” she whispered to Ryan.

“Your welcome party!” Ryan retorted.

Lia was nervous. Ryan seemed to notice as he took her hand in his, and gave it a little squeeze before leading her towards the waiting persons.

“These are all our helpers, baby. They will always be there to attend to your every need,” Ryan said.

They all bowed respectfully at them. Lia couldn’t help but feel like royalty.

“This is Grace She will be your personal assistant. So whatever you need, just call on her. This is Prudence. She is our chef and has been with us since I was a little baby. This is Rueben. He is the butler. This is--” Lia tugged at Ryan’s arm.

He leaned over to her, and she whispered, “‘Baby,’ can we do these intros in due time? Piling all these names on me at one go, is a bit too much.” She smiled at all the helpers.

Ryan nodded with understanding, and also smiled at them before leading her through the open entrance.

The entrance looked like the lobby of a five-star hotel. The ceiling was high, and a chandelier hung in the middle of it.

“Are those real crystals?” Lia asked amazed.

“Yes, they are,” a female voice replied from the one side of the double staircase, that encompassed the grand foyer.

“Mom!” Ryan piped at the older, elegant woman walking towards them.

“This must be Lia,” the woman deduced.

Lia watched the older woman, who wore a long shiny pink dress, seemingly glide gracefully towards them. Her dress pretty much screamed luxury. Bangles jangled on her wrists, and Lia did not need anyone to tell her that none of her jewellery was fake.

Mrs. Nash came to stand in front of them as she looked at Lia from head to toe.

Lia felt under-dressed for this moment. She was definitely out of her league, and Mrs. Nash’s scrutiny was causing any self assurity she had left to dissolve. This was not her world.

Ryan had been right those years ago. She did not fit into this particular sphere.

She did not know if she should bow, curtsey, or salute. In her confused state, she found herself attempting to do all three. This only caused her to trip on her own sneaker laces, and almost poked her own eyeball out.

She was grateful for Ryan’s strong hands that caught her before she hit the marble floor.

“Your highness. I mean Mrs. Nash…. your gracefulness!” Lia mumbled.

Suddenly, the other woman burst out laughing.

“She is adorable and stunning!” she announced to Ryan as she wrapped Lia, in a warm embrace.

“Welcome home, my daughter! Call me Debbie or Mom!”
