
Drunken tavern fight.

Rakan smiled at her and didn't say anything. Xayah then turned towards Lanius, who was not drinking anything. "Ain't drinking s-some...thing?" she asked Lanius.

"Nah, I only drink on special occasions. The Verhea aren't that fond of alcohol." the young man replied.

"H-how...come?" she continued. "Didn't...you guys...s-stay in a cold...area of Ionia?"

"My tribe is...was cold resistant. Although we did eat warm stuff, we didn't really need any beverages other than the basic to warm ourselves. The only alcoholic drink we had was quite strong." Lanius finished his soup.

"The Lhotlan don't have any alcohol either." Rakan explained as Xayah had hiccups again.

"You tho, seem to handle it well tho." Akali stated.

Rakan chuckled. "Forty years of experience. Plus, I go by an old saying." he said.

"Which is?" the Rogue Assassin wanted to know.

"A madman saw a drunk pass by and stepped aside." Rakan grabbed the bottle that they poured the wine from and moved it away from Xayah.

"Hey...I wanted m-more!" she said and reached for it. Some guys at a nearby table, who looked towards her way laughed. Xayah turned towards them and glared daggers at them.

"What's so funny?" she asked with a clear voice.

"Lil' vastaya can't handle a drink?" one of them asked.

"What I can do...is...none of your business." she said.

"Don't be sassy girl. Besides, you can't do anything at the moment." the same guy said.

Rakan looked at him straight in the eyes and said nothing. The guy and his mates, looked all looked like pirates, chuckled. As he went to take a bite from a citrus, one of Xayah's feather daggers got pinned on it, spraying him with citrus juice. The feather then retracted back to the lhotlan's hand.

"Ugh...I missed...I guess I really am drunk." Xayah muttered wi

The pirate got up from the table and made his way towards her. "You want trouble?" he yelled. The tavern went silent as everyone turned their heads towards the two tables.

Xayah and Rakan went to get up, but Sett placed his hand in front of them as he got up himself. The Beast-Man stood in front of the pirate. He was at least a head taller and a little more muscular than him.

"Return to your table fella." he said.

"Step aside kid, or I'll do you exactly the way I did your mom yesterday." the pirate said. His friends laughed.

Sett's pupils became two thin like slits as he clenched his jaw. "I can take an insult about myself just fine..." he clenched his fist. Lanius saw a thin yellow aura surround his fist and sighed.

"...But insulting my mother...is not a thing I'll allow!" Sett drove his fist into the man's jaw with an uppercut, sending him crashing into his table. His friends darted up and rushed towards Sett.

Kayn and Lanius got up to assist him and soon pandemonium ensued in the tavern, as all the costumers fought with someone.




Rakan looked at the three ladies and shrugged. "Be right back, ladies!" he shouted as he brushed his fingers against his hair and joined the rest of the three others in the brawl.

Xayah soon followed, using only punches and kicks. Rakan came to her side and the two fought together. Ahri turned towards Akali "Aren't you going to join?" she asked the Rogue Assassin.

"Nah, the boys got this." Akali waved her hand and took a sip from her cup. She then leaned to the side, avoiding a bowl that flew towards the back of her head.

Ahri was amazed. "Noice."

Akali chuckled. "Aside from speed and agility, Assassin training enhanced my hearing as well." she said with a smile and turned around to watch the fight. Ahri also turned around and observed the others. As she moved one to the other, she could distinguish each guys fighting style.

Sett picked up a guy and was currently ready to throw him on another guy. Sett employed brute strength.

Kayn quickly slammed his fist into the temple of the guy that insulted Sett's mother as he was about to hit Xayah. Xayah then spun around and swiped the guys legs. Rakan drop-kicked another guy as Lanius brought him towards the Charmer with a kick, and slammed his fist into another ones jaw.

While Kayn, Xayah and Rakan used agile and swift movement, Lanius seemed to be using both swift movements and strength to fight.

Suddenly a gunshot echoed in the tavern, followed by a deep male voice. The fighting ceased and everyone simultaneously turned towards the source. It was a middle aged white bearded man.

"Wut 'n the bloody wurld is goin' on 'n here?" he yelled.

"Just a small argument for a woman." one said.

"An fir a bloody woman, th' ol tavern fights as if its a turf war?" the captain continued. "Where's that woman?" he demanded.

Xayah stumbled towards him and stopped in front of him, followed by Rakan, who rubbed his knuckles. "A-Aye aye, captain..." she said and leaned against Rakan.

The captain looked at her from top to bottom. He then turned towards those present in the tavern with a dumbfounded look on his face. "For a vastayan woman? The whol' bloody tavern gits disturbed fir a bloody vastayan woman...and a drunk one as well!" he asked in disbelief.

"Nay, the mother of a friend of hers was also Insulted." another said.

"The one that started it, Step furwar'!" the captain demanded.

Sett stepped forward, followed by the rest of the team.

"Git goin'. Yer free to come back, just lev fir now." The captain said.

"How much do we owe you?" Lanius wanted to know.

"Nothin', just git out of me tavern fir this nigh'." the captain replied.

They walked out of the tavern and into the streets of Bilgewater. Music began to play again from the inside,with order seemingly being restored.




[Recommended ost as you read the following:Viego's music box]

Deep in the Shadow Isles, stands a big temple. It was once was built by those that inhabited the Blessed Isles. Now it stands empty, the temples corridors are filled with dust and cobwebs. The waters that once cured all diseases and wounds are dry...and at the edge of it, right in front of the rooms entrance, a forgotten longsword is stuck on the stone, burried by its tip.

"This blade...it once belonged to the young king of Camarov. The young king married a woman that loved him with her heart...and he considered her as all...he had. Bad men then tried to kill this king...and his love saved him...but died as she tried. The young king was ruined...and locked himself in his castle with her body, weeping and trying to save her. In an effort to save the kingdom by falling into anarchy...his advisors told him of this land...of a water that saves all....and the young king waged war to bring his queen back from death in despair. The young king fought his way to this very place...and submerged his queen into the waters...and the queen came back...but it was not truly her. Angered by what he did, the..."Queen"...grabbed the young king's blade...and plunged it into his heart...then broke into pieces. The young king's heart broke...he was truly ruined now...And with him, so we were. The young king became like her...and sought to bring her back this time. He was...no longer Viego, the King of Camarov...but Viego, The Ruined King...the one....WHO RUINED US ALL!"

For the recommended song, check the comments.

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