
Chapitre 29

Chapter 29


Sneaky, sneaky.

Slowly moving through the dream realm, I approached the prey I had been tracking for a bit. Slowly rising up through the floor, I spread my wings as I slowly snuck closer before pouncing!

Luna ducked to the side and tackled me in turn with a laugh.

We rolled across the not-floor and I warped not-reality around us, shifting relative size to make it easier to pin her down.

Luna countered and melted away into a cloud of smoke. I quickly followed her, entangling us as we twisted across the not-air and into one of the silver portals.

Rolling across the ground, I turned into a timber wolf and charged. Luna grinned and switched into a little rabbit, bolting into the brambles quickly growing beneath one of the apple trees.

Shrinking down to the size of a rabbit, I charged into the brambles as they kept growing larger than any tree.

Diving into a rabbit hole, Luna escaped the dream and I followed behind and into the next one, turning back into a pony before looking around.

Where was she?

I was in a mansion in Canterlot. I knew this place, it belonged to Fancy Pants, the dream belonged to Fleur.

My hooves sounded soft against the marble floor as I slowly moved along the hallway. Where was she?

I could feel she was close by.

An old pony pounced me out of one of the paintings, swinging his spear.

Not Luna.

I didn't bother ducking, I just made a hole in the floor so he fell through instead of reaching me.


Diving into the next painting, I found myself back in the space between dreams only to see the top of a tail disappear into nothing.

She had switched Planes.

But which one? Feeling for her distinct solidness in the ever shifting realm of dreams, I started to move slowly through the different planes of dreams until I came to a stop in the griffon one.


But where?

I slowly looked around and started forward. Luna on the other hand slipped up next to me and nosed at my ear, slipping her wing across my back,

"Well done, My Page."

"Still got away," I said and turned my head to kiss her, "You are slippery, My Sky."

Luna grinned into the kiss before resting her horn against mine, "I do have a bit more experience. But you are learning quickly."

I winked and switched our sizes, putting my wing around her and pulling her close, my nose against hers, "Just not that sure how useful it is in here."

"Never know," she said and smiled up at me, "But it's more about you practicing in a natural way… and you do like playing tag."

"Mmm. Like the reward when I win more…"

That got a giggle from her. Something I'm fairly sure very few other ponies have heard from the princess of the night.

"Too bad you didn't win this time then," she teased and leaned against me, "How are things in Griffona?"

I nosed at her horn, "Waiting for an answer from the king on the proposal. Don't expect a yes, but he's likely going to at least agree to see if it can be done. Should be on the way home soon."

Luna nodded and smiled up at me, "Getting along with the griffons?"

"Yep. Was actually observing some cultural events yesterday."

Luna raised her eyebrows and looked at me until I clarified,

"…There was a hunt. It was interesting to observer."

"Not sure I should ask any more questions about that," Luna admitted, "I know enough about griffons so know where that's going. Having fun at least?"

"I am," I admitted and hugged her a bit closer, "Not as much as Sunset is though. She has a whole new set of guards to harass as she explores the city."

That got a laugh from Luna and she nodded, "That does sound like Sunset Shimmer. Remind me to invite her to dinner with us when you two get back."


"She's still your best friend, I wish to get to know her better."

I nodded and ran my wing along her back, "Sounds good. Now though… if I didn't win, then it means that you did…"

"I did, didn't I…"
