
wedding day

The day of the wedding. 

"We are here to fix yourself, Mirabella!" 

Viola announced it when I finally opened the door. Her hands were raised above, as the two others were standing at their side. They are also smiling at me, bringing all the things that they are using to fix my hair, nails, and even my face. 

"You ready?!" Viola added as she was in a hurry to enter the door.

I step sideward so I can let her in and just to be sure that they would not hit me because of her acting hyper. As if she was excited about the wedding, well, I am too, but with a mixture of nervousness and even scared. I did not let them see it. 

The three other helpers entered with their kits, and I was in a hurry to close the door. Then, I sat on the chair designated for me to sit so I could face the mirror. When it is done, I finally see myself being fresh as I am done taking a bath. 
