
Chapter 10: Academy Days Episode X

[Unknown Regions, Illum]

The ramp of the Crucible lowering my clanmates and I were struck with frigid winds and extremely low temperatures from the planet Illum itself.

Though we were all kept relatively safe dressed in our heavy winter gear and clothing.

Which had been provided to us by Plo Koon and Komari.

Both of whom were dressed in their winter gear as well.

When the ramp completely lowered master Plo Koon started to walk down it and took the lead. "Follow me younglings, and stay together." He spoke.

Hearing Plo Koon's words we followed down the ramp after him.

Komari bringing up our rear.

As the freezing winds of the planet hit us we walked across the snow-covered ground.

Fifteen minutes after leaving the Crucible we came to find ourselves standing in front of some massive ice cliff's.

"It's a dead end." Marcellus shouted over the raging winds.

"That is where you are wrong young Marcellus." Plo Koon spoke. He then raised his right hand in the direction of the ice cliffs. "Younglings, follow my lead. Reach out your hands and focus the Force as I do. For it is only together that we may open the path forward." He spoke.

Though I am pretty sure that is a lie.

Since in the Clone Wars television series Master Yoda was already waiting inside in the entrance chamber to the caves when Ahsoka brought that group of younglings for their own Gathering.

So either Jedi masters can open the entrance to the caves by themselves, or there are other entrances to this place I am not aware of.

My money is on both, but that is neither here or there right now. 

I just simply need to follow master Plo-Koon's instructions.

Raising my left hand in the direction of the ice cliffs I focused and called upon the Force. My clanmates doing the same.

A few seconds after we did so I felt something. I could feel the gateway to the caves starting to open for us.

Then a few seconds after I did I saw a section of the ice cliffs start to recede into the ground. Until eventually it was completely gone, revealing a hidden door.

The moment we saw this Plo Koon started walking forward again ,and all of us behind him followed.

Entering into the crystal caves of Illum.


After passing through the doorway we found ourselves in an ancient chamber. Filled with robed statues holding swords in their grasp. Which don't look like lightsabers, but the image does imply they are Jedi doing so.

Which makes them even more beautiful.

"Woah, this place is amazing." Marcellus mused.

"Yes, it is." Kento added.

"I am glad this place has peaked your interest younglings, but please do not forget why you are here." Plo Koon spoke.

Stopping in the center of the chamber he turned to face us. When he did we gave him our full attention.

"I commend you are for making it here. Since you are it means you have displayed the skills necessary to undertake this trial. But completing it will be an entirely different story. For during the Gathering you will be tested in ways you not thought possible. You will face trials you have never encountered before. You will be tested. Yet if you can overcome all of this, then you shall be able to obtain your khyber crystal, which will allow you to construct your very own lightsaber. The constant companion and ally of a Jedi." Plo Koon explained.

He then swiftly unclipped his own lightsaber from his waist and activated it. "Now, let us begin." The Kel Dor Jedi spoke.

Plo Koon then used the Force to manipulate the giant crystal hanging above us, and soon a beam of sunlight was focused on the iced over entrance to the caves in front of us.

It was quickly melted.

When the entrance was completely free of ice Plo Koon looked at us once more. "You have until the entrances freezes over again to obtain your khyber crystals. Once you do return to this place. Less you become trapped inside of the caves for one rotation."

"One rotation. That doesn't sound so bad." Aayla spoke.

"Actually guys the sun only rises on Illum every nineteen days so..." I said.

"Youngling Sunrider speaks the truth. So that means younglings you better hurry." Plo Koon said. Deactivating his lightsaber and re-clipping it to his waist.

The moment he did so my clanmates and I headed for the entrance to the caves and entered them.

Me wondering what challenges awaited us.


Once inside of the caves we stopped.

"So, what do we do now? How do we find the crystals?" Serra nervously asked.

"We let the Force guide us." I said.

"But what if the Force doesn't guide you to your own crystal before the entrance freezes over?" Kento said.

"That is also why we are going to be searching on foot. Now come on, we're wasting time." I said. Taking the lead by walking in front.

Marcellus coming up behind me.

Then the others soon followed suit.

Picking the first tunnel I spotted I led my clanmates down it. Heading deeper into the caves.

We continued walking for about five minutes, before reaching a cavern with multiple pathways.

"Oh, which way now?" Serra asked.

"Like Van said, we should let the Force be our guide." Nahdar spoke. He then picked a path and started walking down it.

So the others followed suit.

Even me.

Turning to the farthest path on the right I felt my senses telling me to go down it. So I started walking in its direction. Then as soon as I reached it and entered it I started hearing a low buzzing in my ears.

"Yep, I'm definitely not the right track." I mused.

Either that or I'm going a bit crazy.

But I'm sure its the former and not the latter.

I hope.

Continuing down my selected path the buzzing in my ears kept increasing and increasing, until finally it was so loud I lost any doubt the Force was not guiding me down the right path. So with confident strides I worked to reach of the path faster.

I have no idea how much time passed, but I eventually got to the end of the road.

Though when I did so I didn't find my khyber crystal.

Instead I found a dead end.

A crystal wall.

"What?" I questioned.

Looking around as I did so to see if I could spot my khyber crystal. But when I didn't see it I started asking myself why the Force led me down this path if not to obtain my crystal?

'What did I miss?' I asked myself. Since I know the caves of Illum gives tests to those that want to obtain a khyber crystal from it.

"Did I fail my test?" I questioned.

"No, you did not."

"Agh!" I shouted.

Since I am alone and yet a female voice just answered my question.

"Whose there?!" I shouted. My eyes darting around the room to see if I could spot anyone. Yet I didn't. I am totally alone.

'Okay, maybe I am going crazy after all.' I thought.

Then before I could think anymore I suddenly noticed a female figure staring at me from inside the crystal wall. Yet again I am alone in this room.

Turning my gaze towards the woman in the crystal wall I began studying her, while slowly back up towards the way I came. In case I needed to run like Hell. Since while I knew I would see some freaky Force shit because I am a Jedi I didn't expect to see it this soon.

"There's no need to be afraid Van." The female image in the wall spoke to me. Using my name.

"Sure, whatever you say." I mused. My gaze still studying the female figure in the crystal wall as I did.

Getting a closer look I suddenly felt a small familiarity when looking at her. Like I have seen her somewhere before. Upon realizing this I stopped backing up and really focused on woman.

A few minutes after I did so an image popped into my mind. The moment it did so I became shocked.

"You. You are Nomi Sunrider, aren't you?" I asked the female image.

Upon hearing my words she put a soft smile on her face. "Why yes Van, I am. Now what do you say you stop backing away from your many times great grandmother and let's talk." Nomi said.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

Still completely coming to terms with the fact I am about to converse with my ancestor and one of the greatest Jedi of all time.
