
Grown Up

Dyon shook his head. He came here for a purpose and he had gotten swept away in a whirlwind of mystery. When the time was right, his master would tell him the truth. 

"It's about time to pay that Kitsune Clan a visit. I hope you like fox meat." Dyon laughed as the cauldron hopped in his hand, almost as though to say it was his favorite. 

'Hm, after learning so many weapon techniques, it seems my Weapon's Master Will might break into the intent realm soon…' 


"Can you do it?" Dyon asked, looking toward Fox. 

It was quite ironic, he was just speaking of eating fox meat when he realized he would need Fox's help. 

Fox, of course, wasn't an actual fox. He was a Heaven's Child with the ability to duplicate inanimate objects as long as he was provided with adequate energy or an adequate sacrifice. 

Fox frowned as he looked at the mask in Dyon's hand. He innately felt that no amount of energy in the world could replicate this mask. 
