
I'll See You...

But, [Reverb] took this even a step further! It allowed Dyon to store not only the power of Dyon's strikes, but a portion of his opponent's striking power as well! For every strike Drathal threw out in retaliation, Dyon's supreme grade spear spirit had the ability to covert 10% of it into its own power, as a result, Dyon's striking power gained a portion of Drathal's every time their blades crossed. This combined with Dyon's layering strength and Drathal was already beaten and bloodied.

The worst part for Drathal was that none of this touched the abilities of Dyon's flames.

Dyon's white flames had a purifying ability that dissipated the qi Drathal tried to accumulate, cutting his strength by at least 20%. At the same time, Dyon's black flames were so menacing that every time their weapons collided, it felt as though a nuclear bomb was being set off. It was as though it wanted to destroy everything in its path… yet these two flames were coexisting!
