

After the news of 'The Masked Wife Stealer' shook the martial world, information about the war of the 4th quadrant began to slowly trickle out. It would only be a couple of weeks before the campaign ended, so it only made sense that the news was just coming out now despite the battle for Purple Flame Tower occurring more than two months prior.

When the world first learned that God Sacharro hadn't shown up personally, they were both disappointed and slightly disgusted. After all, he was practically saying that his underlings were enough to help a sect of the 4th quadrant out of their plight. What man would mess with the livelihood of his wife? Especially his first wife?

Clearly, God Sacharro felt that his action wasn't needed, and shockingly, he was proven right.

News of the Demon Generals spread like wildfire as their feats became public knowledge.
