
Years of Frustration

As Dyon spent time in his Imperial Harem, the cogs he had set into motion were firing off as the 5pm curfew approached.

There was no doubt the implanted Spies were getting nervous. For the entire day, the Angel Clan military had been making odd movements, even preforming an impromptu census in the early morning. When that had happened, they had immediately wanted to leave, however that was when they found out that there was a lock down on the clan.

Some of these traitors were quite prominent officials, and tried to throw their weight around, but all they found was a staunch opposition. Needless to say, those that insisted were added to a black list to be further monitored.

Luckily, these officials were smart enough to not use violence. If not, considering they were some of the most powerful people in the clan, how could the patrol soldiers stop them?
