

"Are you sure about this?" A nervous Eli looked out into the Belmont natural moat, unable to remove his eyes from the swirling portal in the distance. As much as he wanted to by Delia's side when he fought, he knew enough to know that he'd be nothing but a burden. That was why he spent months of his time refining the herbs he grew and concocting pills for her, so that he could support her from afar.

Dyon patted his friend's shoulder. Surprisingly, despite having grown to 6'6, Eli seemed to have followed him in height again. In fact, Eli was three inches taller than him! That said, he was still the same scrawny boy, although his features had matured a bit.

"Of course. You don't even have to step out, just stay in my spatial ring and I'll make sure to protect you."
