

With a flash, Dyon's body disappeared from its position behind Femi and appeared Ri and Madeleine, a smile gracing his features. He didn't seem anything like the man he had been just a few moments ago. Instead he was caring, warm and even a bit worried.

It was at this point the crowd began to overlook Dyon's cheater label, to a certain extent. Whether he cheated or not, he had just made a very good case for why he should be in the top ten regardless. And, as they all knew, the top ten was a single tier unto its own. The disparity between ten and one wasn't so large as heaven and earth… Or so they thought.

Femi Geb's lip twitched. Unbeknownst to him, Dyon's words had him frozen in place for a split second too long. But, he quickly recovered. He didn't know what it was about Dyon that seemed to constantly suppress everyone around him, but what he did know was that he had no intentions of losing. And since this Dyon had insisted on provoking him, his allies would suffer too.
