

The receptionist didn't seem to know what to do with herself anymore.

If Ri was in the top 100, that would already be hard enough to accept. But her rank? It just didn't make any sense. And for her to reach that rank after just a single campaign?... It was unprecedented.

Stories of this past campaign had been spreading like wild fire. In fact, the receptionist even knew the name of the young man, or what his name should be – Dyon Sacharro. But, his name wasn't on the list! Only Ri's was!

'There were so many stories about him though… Were they exaggerated?...'

Dyon didn't seem to mind the receptionist's scrutiny of him. Only a few people knew what name he campaigned under and only Ri knew what he had done to earn the rank he sat at now.

With a smile, Dyon brought Ri into the elevator, ignoring the stares as the black doors closed and they began moving slowly upward.
