

"Yea, yea. Keep your cheesy one liners to yourself kid. Do I look like an impressionable teenage girl to you? In the end, if you can't figure out how that technique works, all of this is for naught anyway."

Dyon's mind thought back to the Elvin Tome and the first technique it had inscribed in it. The technique itself was named [Inner World: Sanctuary], but the name itself didn't sound anything like an energy cultivation technique…

'Grand Teacher… Do you wanna?'

"No. I don't 'wanna'. Learn by yourself."

'Can't you give me a few clues? Why do you say that this is the best energy cultivation technique in existence?'

The old man sighed. "You know so little… This technique isn't the best because it's the fastest or the most efficient. It's the best because it's the most practical and the most flexible."

Dyon say in confusion for a while. 'Why?'

"You've already learned about the importance of wills, and especially religious wills, no?"
