

Elwing's lip twitched at Dyon's words, but, he still calmed himself. If this was the game Dyon wanted to play, he could play.

At first, he had come thinking this would be a simple affair. In fact, he hadn't even hidden his animosity, to the point of blatantly insulting Little Black. But, Dyon's demeanor had made him realize something.

'This Dyon isn't so simple…'

With that, Elwing's entire demeanor changed. His arrogance went up in a puff of smoke and his smile became decidedly less fake.

Noticing this, Akash's and Dyon's eyes narrowed, both thinking the same thing: 'I guess he's a prince after all.'

A small smile played on Dyon's lips. 'Let's play then. I wonder what it is you think you have on me.'

"Since it seems as though everyone else has already presented their gifts," Elwing's eyes swept over Ri's necklace, "I, of course, have no issue with going now."
