

Dyon raised his eyebrow as Flyleaf continued.

"The Eostre Singularity technique is a sort of trade off. On one hand, you gain portions of the abilities of a True Empath… but you trade away life force and the ability to ever produce a True Empath in your lineage."

"Then why do they continue to practice their Singularity Type Technique? And why did they begin to use it in the first place?"

Elder Flyleaf sighed, "The Eostre family is in many ways exactly like their manifestation the moon… always seeking the glory of the sun, and yet only able to reflect its light…

"Many years ago, before the elves even came to this universe, we were in great crisis. Our ruling clans, the Acacia, Mathilde and Florence families, were also experiencing inner turmoil. As a result, we experienced a True Empath drought…
