

Dyon's eyes sharpened, 'You think it's that easy to use me, hm? I don't know why you've set up this farce, but I promise you that playing with me won't be easy.'

Dyon knew that even though these were his enemies, he would have to work with them if any of them wanted to leave alive. That meant he'd need to find the first opportunity possible to wash them over with celestial will and remove the demonic qi.


The doors closed behind them. They found themselves in a room that looked more like a control center. There was an array formation and a clear place of deposit for energy stones.

'This… the tower is a device? Can it move?...'

"As you can see, this entire tower is actually the legacy I've chosen to leave behind. It's a Supreme Treasure surpassing Spiritual treasures. As my successor, you'd be able to use your blood to form a contract with it once I officially pass on.
