
Chapter 77 : Amulet

Duri's eyes opened, and he had a white wrap bandage over his head, body, and fists. He laid there in silence for a few seconds, he realized he was inside of a tent.

He remained motionless for a duration of 14 seconds, then he sat up quickly, saying, "Marshy!"

Duri looked left and right, and then looked down at himself.

"Where the hell.."

Duri stood up, and he walked out of the tent without hesitation.

He took one step outside of it, and he stopped in his tracks. What he saw in front of him shocked him a little bit.

There were over 10,000 people standing together, and there were tents all around the area. They were all in the woods; Duri spotted Tek, Jiyu, Nine, Espen, Shiryu, Kazuma, Voel, and Ren-Ren.

Nine looked at Duri, saying out loud, "Duri's awake!"

Kazuma exclaimed with a grin, "Duri!"

Everyone stopped chatting, and they turned to look at Duri.

Duri asked, "The fuck is going on, Nine?"

"This was the safe zone everyone in the cities were evacuated to during all the things that were happening. You were out for a few hours..we got worried. Especially Seven."

"Where is she?"

Tek answered, "She's tending to her parents now. They were injured. Seven was with you while you were knocked out for those few hours."

Voel stepped up, and started walking slowly to Duri, "Duri.."

Duri replied, "I've seen you before..at the exams. And you witnessed that red haired bitch take Marshy and the other Hosts. Speak up."

Voel sighed, "I..I'm sorry I just stood there and watched-."



"Don't apologize. If you would've stepped in, you would've been killed. If you would've stepped in, Marshy would've been upset..because she kept me from doing anything. And my dumbass listened to her."

"You're not a dumbass, Duri. You trusted Marshy, you did what you had to do."

"Whatever, old man. But..thank you. For not stepping in anyway. I owe you."

"You're welcome. Now listen, almost half of the people behind me..are from the clans. The sword clan, the axe clan, the shield clan, and the giants clan."

"Giants..? Real giants?"

"Real giants from the Giant Realm. This world is bigger than you know."

"Who are these other fucking clans?"

Voel moved out of the way, as four people walked forward.

Garda: (Male. Long yellow and black hair, yellow eyes, black line tattoos on his face. Leader of the sword clan, in which Hanako and Ren-Ren are a part of.)

Terra: (Female. Shaved hair with bright blue eyes and scratches on her face; And bones and fur for an outfit. Leader of the axe clan. The clan in which Voel and Xenon are a part of.)

Nashu: (Male. 12 years old. Orange hair in a small ponytail, white eyes, and always holds a juice box. Leader of the shield clan.)

Makuman: (Male. An old man with a bald head, grey eyes, black and white long twisted goatee, and a footprint tattooed on his neck. He was the leader of the giants in the Giant clan.)

Each clan was easy to tell apart from one another. They all went by their names; the sword clan has members that have soul weapons like swords they can draw from their bodies and power and use it to their advantage, which increases their power level. And the same thing went for the axe and shield clans. And as for the Giant clan, their power level increases when they show their true super tall and strong form. They can manipulate growing big or staying at normal human height.

Garda said to Duri, "You are suspicious of us, we know. But this is a matter of life and death, the fate of the world rests in our hands. Voel here tells us Kin was wanting to move her future kingdom on earth using the Hosts as fuel to make her kingdom more richer and powerful."

Duri responded, "I know that. So what are we waiting for? Let's go kick her ass!"

Terra put her hand on Duri's shoulder, "It's not that simple. No one in our clan's can realm jump."

Nashu leaped in, saying in a kid manner, "We've contacted EVERY clan member in the world for this."

Garda says, "If the seven strongest Hosts are fueling Kin's future kingdom, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Duri backed up, "How are we gonna get to the Diamond realm or whatever?"

Voel answered, "We are..working on that. I know you're anxious to go and fight, but-."

"They have Marshy! We're wasting time standing here-!"

"They have my son! They have..Xenon. You don't think I'm anxious too? You think the world revolves around you? This situation involves ALL of us. Everyone was affected, not just you. Don't be prideful. Yes..I know your mother was taken. She saved the entire world. We WILL get her back. And we're getting my son and the other Hosts back! While people with the ability to reconstruct destroyed things are in the cities rebuilding it..you think we wanna sit here and do nothing?"

"Shut up..It's not pride, asshole. It's a matter of wanting to save my mother. I admit..it was prideful of me to forget everyone else's situation, putting mine first. But you know the hell I mean. I could've done more throughout the battle

Duri looks down, thinking, 'Why..do I doubt myself now? Why the hell do I feel worthless? Because I wasn't strong enough without my Titan powers? Things could've went differently.'

Garda exclaimed, "And we shall get Hanako back! She is a member of us…we can't let Kin take advantage of her."

Voel informed Duri, "And we have Jiyu's parents creating the gear we need to storm the Diamond realm with efficiency. We will be ready for war. In the meantime, some of the clan members will be training you and your friends. We tried to talk them out of joining the fight..but they didn't listen. They said..it's not what Duri would do. So if you keep feeling down, listen to your friends."

Duri gasped silently, looking at Kazuma, Jiyu, Espen, Nine, Shiryu, Ren-Ren, and Tek.

Duri said, "You guys.."

Nine mentioned, "I'm not gonna sit back and do nothing when I have the power to do something. And I know damn well you would be the first to jump in the fight, Duri."


Tek said, "You're an asshole, Duri. And everyone out here are fools for thinking we would sit this one out. But..you've shown true strength to me plenty of times, Duri. Never have I seen a fool like you, a fool that would go the extra mile just to get something done. I'm not calling you my friend, but I'll call you my rival and work in progress."

Duri comments, "Are you on drugs? Tek wouldn't say that. He's all emo and shit."

"I'm not emo."

"You are."

Kazuma dashed up to Duri, putting his arm around him, "And you already know how I am, Duri! If you fight, I fight! Friend!"

Kazuma gave Duri a bro hug from the side, and Duri just stood there with a straight face.

Duri's right eye twitched, and he put his hand on Kazuma's face, pushing him back a little bit, "You got your hug, now baaaaack it up."

Jiyu smiled, "Because of you and the others Duri, I'm..sorta kinda okay with being around people. I'm not really keen on jumping into a big w-war like you, but I don't wanna look like a loose end. I want to contribute. You showed me what it feels like to f-fight for something important."

Espen says, "Yes. I feel the same way. I wanna kick ass because of you, Duri. You're rubbing off on me and I really don't like it, but it feels good."

Shiryu said with a thumbs up, "Hopefully I get strong enough..to copy your cool powers someday…you're cool too. I didn't know…giants were real."

Ren-Ren stepped forward, and Duri asked him, "Ren-Ren..!"

"I know I know. You saw me with that commoner of a woman. I can explain A LOT-."

Duri started walking up to Ren-Ren, and Ren-Ren looked nervous.

Duri punched Ren-Ren across the face, grabbed him by the throat, and pulled him close.

Duri said, "Who's side are you on?"

Everyone looked concerned and nervous for the both of them.

Ren-Ren answered, "On the side with the commoners of course! I admit taking Kin's side was stupid like most humans on earth. But, I didn't kill anyone for her. I swear it. I'm done trying to be a villain, and it's mostly because I've hung out with you peasants for a while, seeing how weirdly good you all are, seeing how you guys fight for the goodness of this wretched world."


Duri let Ren-Ren go, continuing, "You're an idiot. But good thing you're back with us. Don't pull that treacherous shit again."

"Duh. You're lucky I'm not."


"So that's it? You just..accept me back into the group again?"

"I know the real you, Ren-Ren. You're not a bad person. That shit doesn't suit you. Next time you need us, just call us. You know we're always ready to kick ass."

Ren-Ren was flustered at the fact that Duri had assured him that he and the others had his back whenever he needed it. He was mostly flustered because he knew he had genuine friends now.

Ren-Ren bowed slightly, "You got it. Wait, why am I bowing to a commoner?"

Ren-Ren stood up straight, stepping to the right a little bit."

Terra of the axe clan pointed at Duri with a glowing red and gold axe in her hand, saying, "Duri. I could sense that you felt worthless awhile ago, now you are back to normal. That is what we needed. You are the strongest one out of all of us, our trump card. When the time comes for us to save our kind, will you lead?"

"….Heh? Lead? Yeah I'm not a leader..I've never led an army before."

"There shall be a first for everything."


Voel said to everyone now, "We are hoping to start the assault in the morning. We need everyone to get enough rest and get enough food. There will be training going on, and while that is happening, we will work on making a way to get to the Diamond realm. Dismissed."

In a medical tent nearby, there were over 70 people laying down on mats as people with small healing powers worked on them, patching them up and all.

Seven was standing up over her unconscious parents with her arms folded, thinking, 'There was no way I was gonna let you guys die. I feel bad..after all the times I've yelled at you two for making me feel like I was being watched every five seconds. But you were just protecting me. I returned the favor, you two are alive, but I just want you two to wake up. I'm about to go to war, and I kinda need your goofiness to keep my spirits up. And thank you..for accepting Duri as well. Is Duri even awake? I should go check on him again..'

Inside of Duri's tent, he sat by himself, picking the grass under him. Sitting with him were Tek, Kazuma, Ren-Ren, Jiyu, and Nine.

Espen and Shiryu were eating with some other people outside, because Shiryu couldn't help talking to random people and asking them questions, and Espen just followed him around.

In the tent, Kazuma says, "Maaaan, I hope they find a way to get to the Diamond realm soon."

Nine replied, "I'm just ready to curbstomp heads into the ground."

Tek said, "…"

Jiyu went, "How do you think the Diamond realm operates?"

Duri answered, "From what I've heard, Marshy and the others will be turned into diamond figures, which would power Kin's kingdom."


Tek implies, "And if she brings that kingdom into earth, she'll technically be ruling over the world with the power she has. Which is why I agree that we should be moving in to attack as soon as possible."

Nine responded, "It's funny."

"What is?"

"No one around knows how to realm jump?"

"Do you?"

"No. But people usually would say something like, 'Realm transfer' and then say what realm they wanted to go to."

Duri remembered something. Duri remembered that Band had said that, which was when Duri had arrived on Earth for the first time.

Duri stated, "I remember something like that too. When I first got to Earth. All we need is someone who has that power, and then we're good to fucking go."

A piece of Duri's bandage that was on his head was sliding off, and Nine said, "Hold up."

Nine zipped behind Duri, wrapping the bandage around his head again.

Duri asked her, "I could've did that myself."

Nine responded, "But you didn't. Hold still."

"Don't treat me like a baby."

"You act like it sometimes. When Marshy is away, I have to take her place."

Jiyu says, "I think Nine still thinks about you in your baby form, Duri. Haha.."

Nine blushed, "Mannn Duri was so adorable. Ever since then, I've vowed to make Duri my little brother."

Duri rolled his eyes, "No."


Tek was reading his small black book, saying, "Ren-Ren..have you ever met these sword clan people?"

Ren-Ren responded, "Yeah when I was little. Sometimes I would act like I never knew them, because I thought keeping them a secret would protect them. If someone had known I cared about those commoner clan peasants, then they would've been targeted. And I've PISSED off a lot of people. The clan had saved me from my parents."

Kazuma asked, "What happened?"

"Hmph. I guess I could spare a few words and knowledge of history with thy weaklings. Years ago, the four clans were at war with each other. All searching for something called the Armor of god. It was armor that was forged from the Arcane realm and had made its way to earth. That armor chose its own host, whoever wore it would be granted over a million abilities and extreme toughness and enlightenment. All the clans wanted it, and my parents wanted it badly just to give it to me so I could be protected from the other clans. But they killed a lot of people to grab hold of it. Even killing children in other clans. But, my katana first emerged then, and my sword destroyed the Armor of god when my parents tried to force the armor on me when it clearly didn't choose me to be its host. My parents got mad at me, and started causing havoc everywhere, killing more people. And next thing ya know, we had to put them down before anyone else got massacred. My parents were pretty damn strong, it took almost everyone to take them down. And that is why all the clans are friendly to each other now. Especially since Harvest and Zabel have made their appearances, it brought them closer together."

Duri, Tek, Nine, Jiyu, and Kazuma said at the same time, "Damn.."

Jiyu asked Ren-Ren, "Do you remember seeing Hanako or Xenon when you were younger?"

"No, not at all. But without a doubt, I believe we could win this war. The clans work together to get stronger, mostly just in case Reborn comes back. Or Zabel comes."

Duri said, "Speaking of that..how many of them are in total?"

"Over 50,000 clan members all together within the groups."

Tek implied, "Even still, maybe that isn't even enough."

Nine was fixing up Duri's other bandages on his body, saying, "Even if it isn't enough, even if we're outnumbered, we have a Titan and the Spirit of Wrath on our side."

Duri gasped, and immediately stood up.

Kazuma asked, "What's wrong?"


Tek asked this time, "What is wrong, fool?"

Duri answered, "Ryu! That dude who has the Spirit of Destruction in him! I was supposed to take him to Ranbu whenever I saw Ranbu again.."

Jiyu asked, "Who's Ranbu?"

"The Time Titan. And yes I've met all the lead Titans, it's a long story. They basically kidnapped me."

Tek said, "Ryu is here. My chains brought me to him. I was careful. You're welcome."

"Uh, thanks I guess? But uh, I'm gonna go take a leak."

Duri started walking out, and Nine was about to follow him, saying, "I'm coming with you. You might need someone to watch you."

Tek and Jiyu grabbed Nine, sitting her back down.

Nine wailed, "Whyyy?"

Tek said to her, "You're awfully ecstatic for someone who's about to fight in a real war."

"Well I'm not doing it to show off. Staying like this helps me."

"Good to know."

"What about that book of yours? How many times have you read it? Does it calm you down?"

"I've read it over 200,000,000 times. Probably even more. It calms me, yes. But to help keep my berserk state intact."

Kazuma says, "I'm a little nervous, honestly. I've got a different feeling from the exams. Back then, I was scared. This time I'm just nervous. Really really nervous. Do you all..feel the same? Like, this is a big scale war we're talking about."

Tek answered, "We'll win. So I'm fine."

Jiyu replied to Kazuma, "I t-think we'll be fine. And plus, we have my parents making things we might need."

Ren-Ren stated, "We're a good group, whereas I am superior. All in all, I want to take down Kin. Gotta beat Duri to it though."

Duri was walking through the trees, but he walked past the largest tent in the area. He overheard the voices of Voel, Garda, Nashu, and Makumen.

They all were standing in the tent together, talking about what they had recently figured out.

Terra explained, "A man by the name of Ash lives a few miles out. About three hours away. He can realm jump."

Voel asked, "How did this come up?"

"Someone within the group of civilians knew someone apparently."

"Ugh. You went and interrogated the civilians?"

"You're damn right I did. He had just woken up too. I questioned every single person in the infirmaries. It took a while too. They kept looking scared and backing away from me, but they eventually talked. I got really close to their faces when I interrogated them. And they gave us an exact location, we're gonna go get Ash. Realm jumpers aren't rare, someone is bound to know one."

Makumen asked, "Question is..who will go? Since some of us must stay to watch over these civilians along with the regular Hosts that were not taken by Kin."

Nashu raised his hand with a smile, "Me! Me! Me!"

Voel replied to Nashu, "No. I'll-."

Duri was standing behind everyone, "Let me go."

They all turned to him, Voel asked, "YOU want to go?"

"It's what I just said, didn't I?"

"Indeed you did. But I don't know.."

"I won't kill the guy if he doesn't help."

"That's not the issue."

"Then what is?"

Garda said, "If Duri wants to take this mission, then he can. It's just a pick up assignment. Duri, if you wanna take someone with you-."

Duri interrupted, "Nah. I'm good. Gimme a location and a map."

Voel asked Duri, "Are you sure about this?"

Duri answered, "I'm sure. Thanks anyway. Oh, and if Seven asks, don't tell her where I went."

"I guess, haha. Okay."

Nashu grabbed Duri's leg, "Please take me with you!"

Duri answered, "Don't know you. I'm going alone."

"Aww man."

"Be a good little brat and defend these people, can you do that?"

"Sigh. Of course I can! I'm the leader of the shield clan!"

"Alright then."

(2 and a half hours later)

Duri was wearing a black backpack, which basically had snacks and water in it for the long trip.

Duri was standing in the woods still, but he was in front of a log cabin.

Sitting on the couch inside of the cabin, was a heavy set man with short brown and grey hair with grayish brown eyes. His name was Ash, and he had a white puppy laying down on a blanket on the floor. The puppies name was Rocket.

On the walls of his house, we're a bunch of newspaper articles about conspiracies, blog posts about conspiracies, conspiracies about the Titans and the Hosts and the Judges and Reborn and Zabel, and a bunch of other things relating to conspiracies.

He was eating snacks, stuffing them in his mouth, saying, "Is this the end? The end of the world? Earthquakes! Tornadoes! War! Reborn! Zabel! Tsunamis! Will we make it, Rocket? Come up here, Rocket. I need comfort."

Rocket got up from the floor, and leaped into Ash's lap. Ash started to pet him, continuing, "I need to go back and get my amulet..but it's that one thing stopping me.."

Duri immediately kicked the door open, bursting the door off of it's hinges, making it crash against the wall.

Ash jumped over the couch worried, asking, "Who are you?! And why are you breaking in here?"

Duri answered, "Calm down, fatty. I have a question for you."

"N-now that was rude!"

"Don't care. Answer my question: can you realm jump? Yes or no."


"Lives are at stake. And this world is at stake. The Hosts were taken to the Diamond realm and I'm going to go get them. They have my mother."

"Oh..so you're not here to..clip me?"

"Clip you? No. I need your help."

"Oi..I know you."

"Doesn't everyone nowadays?"

"Good point. You're pretty well known all over the world."

"I know. Now, teleport us to the Diamond realm?"

"You're going alone?"

"Yes. I don't want anyone else getting involved or killed in front of me. This isn't a game. Kin is really damn strong. She has Titan powers, she is on par with my mother Host Marshy."

"And you believe you're the only one who can stop her?"

"…I know I have to do this. I don't wanna wait any longer. I don't wanna until morning to fight, I wanna go now. So let's fucking go."

"K-kid, it's not that simple! I have to go get my amulet that allows me to realm jump, but it's on an island nearby."


"Went there for a vacation, and it wasn't pretty. It's hard to explain. Someone of your caliber could help me get it back."

"Lead the way-."

Suddenly, the puppy, Rocket, was now a 13 foot tall grown dog with venomous teeth and foam drooling out the mouth with a muscular body.

Ash yelled, "Rocket, no!"

Rocket tackled Duri out of the cabin, destroying the wall in pieces.

Ash exclaimed, "No! Rocket get back here! Dammit! He only attacks people who he thinks are hostile! He's my guard dog! He'll calm down eventually! And he's a mythic animal too! Just a heads up!"

Rocket was chomping at Duri through the woods, Duri kept a straight face as he dodged Rocket, marking Rocket bite trees in half.

Rocket was slamming his wagging tail around hard, destroying the ground around them.

Duri did a backflip, sliding backwards a few feet.

Ash screamed, "Don't kill my dog, please!"

Duri responded, "You better tell it to leave me alone or I'm gonna kill it, fatty!"

"That's rude! And he must've sensed your intense bloodlust!"

"No shit!"

Rocket chomped at Duri again, but Duri leaned to the right dodging, making a shadow staff form, and slammed it sideways in Rocket's mouth, keeping his mouth locked open.

Duri grabbed the middle of the staff, yanked it downward which also yanked Rocket's giant head down, and Duri rammed his knee up Rocket's chin, making Rocket fly back, crashing through multiple trees, and slamming right in front of Ash's house. Rocket was turning back to normal as a little puppy again.

Duri was walking up there, saying, "Ash. You need to keep your dog on a leash."

Ash picked up Rocket, petting him.

Rocket said to Duri, "He's still in training! It's easier training him out in the woods so the government doesn't grab hold of him and do tests on him!"

"Right..take me to the island."


(Back at the civilian camp in the woods with the clans)

Seven walked into Duri's tent, seeing Kazuma, Tek, Nine, Jiyu, Ren-Ren, Shiryu, and Espen, and they were all eating.

Seven asked them, "Have you guys seen Duri?"

Nine replied, "No, we have not seen your boyfriend."

Kazuma exclaimed, "He said he had to use the bathroom! 2 hours ago.."

Seven went, "I looked everywhere for him. Even the clan leaders won't tell me."

Espen said, "He'll turn back up soon enough. He always does."

Ren-Ren agreed, "Espen has a point."

Shiryu randomly comments, "I want a graham cracker.. some more please. Duri is..okay…Seven.."

"Okay..Shiryu. Thanks guys."

Seven left the tent, thinking, 'Duri wouldn't leave without telling me first, right? I was hoping to see him when he woke the hell up, but I guess not.'

(Shai Shin island)

The island was pretty big, about 80,000 feet long and 20,000 feet wide. There were many colorful flowers there, and the grass and fields were super green, and it smelled nice.

Duri, Ash, and puppy Rocket stood on a rock across from the island.

Duri asked Ash, "You have an amulet that allows you to realm jump? And it's over there? Where did you even get it from?"

"I got lucky in my first tournament win."

"You? Won a tournament? Impossible."

"I did. Looks can be deceiving I know. But I gave up fighting now. The only thing I want to do is travel all the realms in existence. That's all I ever wanted to do. To collect DATA. T-there's a secret to each realm that I myself shall unfold and expose."

"Expose to who?"

"I..haven't figured that out yet."

"Okay. So that island over there is cursed you say?"

"Yes! If anyone touches it..It comes alive.."


Duri picked up Rocket the puppy, and threw him at the island, making him fall on it.

Ash screeched with his jaw dropped, "A-Ack! Rocket! Duri, how could you?!"

The ground started to shake, and the water around them began to vibrate.

Duri thinks, 'I sense a high power level here..this is definitely no ordinary island.'

Ash exclaimed, "Here it comes!"

Duri grinned, "Remind me of your experience with this island again?"

"I literally took one step on this island for my vacation. Vacation filled with conspiracy hunting! And then..this happened. I was lucky to get away from it!"

Out of nowhere, a green hand made from grass and flowers came from the ground in the island, and it almost slammed on Rocket the puppy.

Ash screeched, "Rocket!"

Instantly, Duri dashed in and grabbed Rocket, saving him.

Duri turned around to Ash, and saw that a hand was about to crush Ash.

Duri made a shadow hand form, and the hand grabbed Ash, pulling him to him.

Duri exclaimed, "Move your ass, fatty!"

Ash responded, "Once again, rude!"

Duri, Ash, and Rocket were fully on the island now.

Duri covered Ash in a clear shadow ball.

Ash could roll around in it, and when he moved, the ball moved with him.

Duri said, "That should protect you for a little bit. Me and your ferocious dog will take whatever the hell is attacking us down!"

Rocket started to transform into his 15 foot monstrous self, and Ash asked, "What am I supposed to do?"

Duri responded, "You won't fight, so just sit tight in there!"

The ground began to rumble some more, and Ash started running in his ball, running up the mountains of the shaking island.

"AhHHHHHHH" He yelled.

The island literally began to stand up, and it was a super duper tall woman figure covered in grass and flowers with long grass hair. She was the entire island.

She looked at Duri and Rocket, and exclaimed angrily, "WHO…WOKE ME UP?! I just want..to be left alone!"

The island woman had multiple arms and fists, slamming most of them near Duri and Rocket.

Rocket started running to the left, and Duri leaped forward. Duri had incoming grassy fists coming at him, Duri was dodging them in mid air, changing his position while soaring and flipping.

Duri made a shadow wrap appear, and he wrapped it around one of the island woman's arms, swinging around it a few times, then flipping him into the air. Duri was above the island woman, looking down at her as he was twisting around and around while the island woman arms and fists dashed past him.

Another fist came, and Duri punched it with his shadow arm, causing a loud thud, shattering the arm into grassy pieces.

Ash was running around in the clear shadow ball still, looking over everything, trying to avoid the shadow arms and fists too.

Ash said, "This..this is great! I'm getting so much detail! But I'm so scared!!!!"

Rocket was running through the island, running along the arms that were coming at him.

Duri was dashing through the air off of the island woman's head, saying to Rocket, "Catch, boy!"

Ash yelled to Rocket, "Rocket! Bind island monster!"

Rocket barked, and Duri threw a shadow wrap at Rocket.

Rocket leaped through the air to catch it, and he caught it with his mouth. Rocket started to run around the arms and fists of the island woman, trying them together.

Duri was destroying the arms with his shadow punches and kicks, even making some of his shadow snakes form to bind some of the arms.

The island woman asked, "Why..do you keep moving so much?! Don't you see I wanna be left alone?!"

Duri was standing on the head of the island woman, responding, "Sounds lonely as hell. Why do you wanna be alone?"

"Maybe I just want to?!"

"There's gotta be a reason! What's your name?"

Rocket was still running around while tying the arms up with Duri's shadow wrap.

The island woman answered, "My name is Milly. Terrible name isn't it? Now if you'll just excuse me and leave me alone! No one wants to be around an island monster!"

Milly tried to touch Duri, but Duri jumped over it, and went into his full shadow form, floating in front of Milly.

Duri formed a shadow sword, and pointed it at Milly, saying, "You should know, I'm a Titan. A hybrid one. I could kill you. All I gotta do is blow this island up."

"Why are you here, Titan boy?"

"An amulet. An amulet that allows people to realm jump. We need that."

"….You're going somewhere to not be lonely? Must be nice living like that! I'm always lonely! I can't even use this amulet because of my form! I have to be human to use it! I wanna travel..but I'm an island! I love earth, but I wanna go to other places too!"

"That fatty over there wants the same thing."

Ash replied, "R-Rude again!"

Milly asked, "H-He wants to travel too? Does he wanna be friends?"

Duri said to Ash, "This island lady wants to be friends!"

"I can hear her clearly!" Ash replied.

Duri said to Milly, "Ash will be your friend. And you guys can travel together."


Ash answered, "Yes!"

Duri said to Milly, "Now hand over the amulet."

Milly raised her grassy hand, and opened it up, handing Duri a golden compass piece that had white and gold moving clouds in the middle of it.

Duri says, "Once I'm done with this amulet, I'll give it back to you guys and you guys can be friends or something. Oi, Ash!"

Ash looked at Duri, and answered, "What is it?"

"Show me how to work this thing.."

(Night time)

(The camp)

All the civilians, Hosts, clan members, and clan leaders were all asleep in tents, even Duri's friends were asleep as well. Seven was the only one awake, leaning up against a tree.

'Why..isn't he here?'

Duri was standing outside of the camp, floating in the air, and he was creating a large shadow dome over the area, trapping everyone inside just so they wouldn't get out.

Seven instantly noticed it, and she jumped up to her feet, looking up in the air, but Duri wasn't there.

He was flying away with the amulet, saying, "Definitely not in the mood to watch any of you perish in front of me. Especially my acquaintances. I got this. I'll handle this. I'm a Titan, they can't beat me in that form. I'm sorry."

Duri held the amulet to his heart, and said, "Realm transfer: Diamond Realm!"
