
Chapter 72 : Recruitment Boys..And Girl

Ren-Ren responds, "I always told others that I wanted to be a villain. But after tons of perfect thought by someone as perfect as me I given into my childhood reasons of becoming a villain. Money. Power. Fame. Exposing the false heroes, and most importantly, I want everyone to see that villains can be more than just the defeated ones they showed in the comics and manga and television and games and all that. The good guys are ALWAYS winning and it's annoying. Do you two commoners know how much attention I'll get if I win and accomplish my goals? A villain that actually wins? They wouldn't believe it. They wouldn't want to. Ever since I was a child, I admired villains because of their work ethic. Their dedication and hard work to do what they think is right shows that they are somewhat human on the inside, and they sometimes work harder than those that wanna be heroes. Some people call themselves heroes when they really aren't, ready to kill anyone that accidentally bumps into someone. Some so-called heroes would use their power and heroic image to do whatever they want and get praised for it. Some of them only save people just to look good. I've seen many so-called heroes here that had the power to stop trouble but they did nothing about it. That says a lot. Back to the villains drive, they do everything they can to make a change only to be defeated and humiliated at the end. I wanna be one of those villains that stands out and conquers everything, and I wanna expose the fake heroes while I'm at it."

The girl replied, "Cool. We wanna be villains too."


The boy nodded.

Ren-Ren asked, "How come?"

"Why she would we tell you?"

"UM because I just told you I wanted to be a villain."

"I'll pass. We're wasting time sitting here talking about our dreams."


The boy had wavy shoulder length hair, one orange eye, and one brown eye, and had a V tattooed on his neck, and red skin. His name was Yutahime.

The girl had yellow long hair in a ponytail, light red skin, and turquoise eyes. Her name was Zelle.

Zelle exclaimed, "Hope you can keep up, Renny!"

Ren-Ren answered, "That's not my name you imbecile."

"Please just call me villain."


Yutahime said to Ren-Ren, "You can call me villain too if you'd like."

"N-O. You both should be bowing down to me. Kin approached me first as soon as she got to earth."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"Yes it does. You're just mad because you weren't picked first!"

"No. She only picked you first because she can only sense power from a certain area she's targeting, and you were the strongest in that area she was sensing."

"You-you're lying!"

"I do not lie. Villains have no need to lie."

"Is this…really how I sound when I'm around everyone else?"

"Who is everyone else?"

Ren-Ren was talking about Duri and the others.

He said, "No one. Let's hurry and go. You're the one that was rushing me."

Yutahime says, "You're wasting time talking to me. We need to get out of here."


"Yelling at me will not get us anywhere. We need to do our mission. We're wasting time standing here tal-."

"Damn this!"

Ren-Ren snatched the paper out of Yutahimes hand and ran out of the barnyard house.

He was running in a field, looking over the 20 names that were written on them.

Ren-Ren asked, "Um, so are we really killing them if they refuse to join?"

Zelle was running beside him, answering, "Yes."

"Why do we have to kill them? Why don't we just beat them down to a pulp?"

"Haha! Renny, that's too passive! You're supposed to be a villain, you shouldn't be worried about our targets."

"I'm not worried about them. I'm just asking. And my name is not Renny-!"

Suddenly, Ren-Ren was kicked in the back by Yutahime, and Ren-Ren crashed into a pile of hay.

Ren-Ren asked, "What the hell is wrong with you?! Are you asking to die?!"

Yutahime said, "I did not like the way you snatched the paper away from me."

"Are you kidding me? Are you dumb, commoner?!"

"I do not like the word dumb. We are wasting time talk-!"

Ren-Ren blasted up to Yutahime with his katana out and placed the tip of the blade on his throat.

"No one kicks me."

Zelle squeezed in between the two of them, saying, "Oi..Oi..no need to fight each other. You two are friends."

Ren-Ren answered, "Friends?! Who said anything about being friends with this weird asshole?!"

"He's not weird! He's my brother."

"Don't care."

"You like fighting your own friends?"


"Since we are all villains, we will eventually have to fight our earthly friends one day, you know that right?"

Ren-Ren didn't say anything. Instead, he thought to himself, 'I know that. I also know..I'll probably have to fight Duri again. That's one of my biggest issues.'

He backed away from Yutahime, and made his sword disappear.

"Fine. But don't touch me again or I WILL kill you."

Yutahime answered, "Okay. Sorry. Let's get out of here. We've wasted-."


The three of them dashed off, heading to the location of their first target.

They were in the city now, and Yutahime kept saying, "I really wanna do some villainous things right now like killing people mercilessly in front of their children or parents."

Zelle replied, "Ooo! Can I join?! I was thinking that we needed to go ahead and start building up our villain reputation more."

Ren-Ren says, "We are not randomly killing people. Are you two idiots? The Hosts will be on our ass in less than seconds because we're in the city. And there's people out there that I personally know that will massacre you two in seconds."

"Hooh? Like who? The people from the exam invasion that you used to hang out with?"


Yutahime mumbled, "I would love to fight them. Especially that Tekeshi guy."

"Oh please. I don't like Tek, but he'll solo you easily."

"I doubt that."

Yutahime looked to the left of him, and saw a family heading to the nearest power tournament.

"I can't wait to see Denzo win all of his fights again!"

"Me too. We literally only go because of him."

"Thought it would be nice to see him go up against his size."

Yutahime was behind them with his fists out, saying, "Know that I am a true villain."

Before he could do anything, Ren-Ren grabbed the back of his neck and held him upward.

Yutahime yelled, "Ahh! Let me go!"

Ren-Ren replied, "Why the hell are you attacking random people, peasant child?"

The family turned around, and the dad asked, "Wh-what's going on?"

Ren-Ren asked him, "What do you do for a livin?"

"I-I'm a graphic designer!"

"Get out of here, graphic designer man. Eventually I will rule over all graphic designers. Enjoy your time wisely, weakling."

"Okay! And thank you!"

The family continued to head to the tournament, and Ren-Ren dropped Yutahime.

Yutahime rubbed the back of his neck, asking, "Why did you do that? Who's side are you on? We're all villains together."

"I don't attack random people senselessly."

"Hanging out with those heroic friends of yours must've softened you up. Hang out with me and Zelle for a day, and you'll be just like us. True villains."

"No. We gotta get outta here."

'I hope this shit doesn't continue for the entire ride. If I have to babysit these commoners..I'm gonna be pissed. And not to mention that I don't personally want to kill our targets. And I don't want the others killing them. This is gonna be CRAZY. Stupid peasants all around me, I'm gonna vomit from all this atrocity.'

Zelle smiled, "Okay, let's go now! We're almost there"

The three of them ran through many alleyways to head to their destination. They all were following Ren-Ren, because Ren-Ren wanted to get them away from civilization.

But when they accidentally reached a populated area because of the hype of the nearby power tournaments, Yutahime and Zelle would spread out and try to cause terror towards random people any way they could. Such as trying to hurt them, pour buckets of water on them, give them wet willies, give them wedgies, or try to bump them into other people just to see them fight each other.

Ren-Ren panicked, "Shit!"

He would use his katana to teleport all over the place, stopping Yutahime and Zelle.

He held them up by the legs, and asked, "Can you two idiots stop?!"

Yutahime answered, "I only went to school to fight instead of learn. I love the action of being a villain."

Zelle exclaimed with a kiss face and heart shaped hand symbol, "We love the excitement and rush! We don't want that taken from us, ya know? Let us have our fun! We're on the same side, darling!"

Ren-Ren thinks, 'I hope Duri and those other peasant nerds don't see me like this. I'd be ashamed to even consider myself a true villain.'

As they kept going, heading to their destination, Ren-Ren had to keep stopping Yutahime and Zelle from terrorizing the public.

Yutahime said, "Stop harassing us. Let us have our fun. Put us down. Release us from your grasp."

Zelle added, "Actually, I love when you chase us, Renny. It INCREASES the excitement! Quick, put us down and let's play a quick game of hide and seek."


Countless times, he had done this over 10 times, and Ren-Ren was tired.

They finally reached their destination, they were in a park, and they saw a man dressed in a black trench coat, and he had circular glass and short greyish blonde hair. He was certainly mysterious.

Ren-Ren asked the man, "Are you Tenma-?"

The mysterious man replied, "You're here for Kin's purposes aren't you?"

"Um, yeah. How did you know that? Are you a demonic fortune teller or something?"

"No. I've seen what has happened with Brye. Kin raided his place of business and tried to recruit him. If I reject this offer, I suppose you kids would try and eliminate me, right?"

"Pretty much. But in my defense, I want to avoid all of that. Because I'm sensing the power coming from you, and it's strong."


Yutahime walked up to Tenma, the mysterious man, and grabbed him by the collar, and started shaking it, saying, "So what's your answer?! Answer me! We got other people to go see, we don't have a lot of time to waste!"

"Please back away from me."

Tenma touched Yutahime's chest, and Yutahime blasted backwards, landing in a nearby bush.

Zelle exclaimed, "Yutahime!"

She was about to attack Tenma, but Ren-Ren grabbed her arm, stopping her.

"Don't. You'd end up being blasted back like an idiot too just like your idiot brother. Stand down."


"Stand down!"

Yutahime stood up, saying, "Oh, NOW you've done it!"

Ren-Ren said to him, "No! Yutahime! Don't be stupid!"

"What kind of villain avoids violence?"

"I'm the type of villain who avoids unnecessary violence. Don't do anything stupid"

Tenma grinned to Ren-Ren, "Oh? So it seems you are the level headed one of the bunch. What is your name?"


"Mm. You're one of those kids that were involved in fighting off against Harvest in the exam invasion. I'm surprised you were able to last long enough in a fight with a Harvest Centurion."

"You know about Harvest?"

"Billions of people know about Harvest, it's everywhere in the media and Bloggerz. But back to business, for the sake of your intelligence, I will accept your offer of joining Kin."

"You will? Why?"

"I'll only accept it if you go get my cat that had just run away when you three arrived. Scaring him off."

"Say what now? You'll join Kin if we find your cat?"

"Yes. I had a cat once before, but I had lost that and could never find him. This new cat I got, is just something to fill the void in while I still search for my old cat. That cat has brought me through my recent divorce, satisfying my loneliness. If I join Kin, I believe she'll be able to give me the cat I once lost."

"You cannot be serious. Seriously?"

"Yes. This new cat isn't anything special, just something to fill the hollow desperation for my old cat."

Yutahime said, "We'll find that rat!"

He started clicking his teeth and tongue, walking around yelling, "Here, kitty kitty! Little stupid rat piece of shit! I'll kill you if you don't show yourself!"

Ren-Ren said, "You'll probably scare it away even more!"

"Cats don't understand human language."

"They understand hostility, stuuuupid."

Zelle exclaimed while pointing to the right, "Oooh! I'll go this way and search!"

Zelle ran off, saying, "C'mere pretty kitten! I have dog treats!"

Ren-Ren scoffed at her, "Cats don't eat dog treats!"

Zelle replied, "Don't be silly, cats eat anything! I have chocolate in my pocket too!"


"Why?! They have nine lives!"


Ren-Ren was left standing there in front of Tenma, and then he pulled his katana out.

Ren-Ren teleported away, and Tenma grinned, getting up and walking away.

He thought, 'Hmph. They'll never find her.'

In that split second, Ren-seen teleported in front of Tenma, standing his hand through his coat.

Tenma gasped and jumped back, but Ren-Ren had a white and green cat by the tail, dangling it.

Tenma asked, "How did you..know? I made sure to keep her hidden the entire time we were talking."

Ren-Ren answered, "You may have hid the cat well in your coat, but you were walking away while your left hand was arched upward and not your right. When I teleported, I teleported behind a tree just to see what you'd do if we left you alone."

"Haha. Haha..HAHAHAH! It was foolish of me to try and test you."

"Why test us?"

"Just wanted to see what Kin's colleagues are made of. You got me sold."

"Yokai. Now it's onto the next target."

Ren-Ren started leaving, but Tenma asked him, "Aren't you going to gather your allies?"

"Oh right. I forgot about those idiots. They definitely cannot be left alone."

"Good choice."

(10 minutes later)

Ren-Ren, Yutahime, and Zelle were in front of any apartment duplex house, looking at the large door in front of them.

Ren-Ren was looking at the paper, saying, "This is the place. Don't do anything stupid."

Zelle sighed, "Aww. I'm still mad because that man tested us. How annoying!"

Yutahime responded, "He made a fool of me in front of my villain colleagues. That shall never happen again."

Ren-Ren started walking up to the door, and he was about to knock.

Yutahime and Zelle dashed past Ren-Ren and kicked the door open, yelling, "Fuck knocks! We're barging in!"

Yutahime said, "We're literally barging in. We do not lie."

Ren-Ren ran in after them, saying, "I said don't do anything stupid!"

Ren-Ren slid inside the living room, and their next target was sitting on a couch, a middle aged man with short black and red hair with yellow streaks in it, and he had brown eyes. His name was Aki. And he was surrounded by sodas, snacks, and pizza. And he was playing video games and screaming at the people online, "Oi! You're so ass! Get off my team! Yeah..yeah I'm talking to you! GET OUUUTT! GETTT OUTTTT! Fine I'll just leave then, see how well you do without me since I was carrying this time the entire time. Kid..kid! Kid you're literally going NEGATIVE! You're KD is 0.28! Just delete the game and give your mother a kiss for me."

Aki slammed his controller on the couch, saying, "Such bullll! "

He turned around, and saw Ren-Ren and the gang.

Aki asked, "Well, nice of you kids to just barge in. I seriously hate cursing, sorry about that. You..you look familiar. Oh! You're that brat from the exam invasion-."

Ren-Ren replies, "IF I HEAR THAT ONE MORE TIME I'M GONNA SCREAM. Look, we're here so we can recruit you. You're familiar with Kin, aren't you?"

"Kin? Of course I am! She was the one who always tried to get me to curse all the time. She tried to persuade me to say such false and perverse language! What about her?"

Zelle whispered to Yutahime, "Ya know, he's real chill and unfazed about someone breaking into his..home?"

Aki was staring at Zelle with a malicious slight smile, and it planted fear in Zelle's heart.

Zelle said, "Um, Ren-Ren.."

Ren-Ren said to Aki, "Oi, look at me. Kin wants you to join her. You apparently were associated with that woman before. And she considers you an old friend. And if you don't accept the offer, we'd be forced to..end you. And if you beat us, Kin will just come after you."

Aki scratched the back of his neck, "Aww, I don't wanna fight anyone. I like fighting in the game more. Although it is true that I used to be friends with Kin before the Reborn war. And it is true that I cannot beat her in a battle. Actually, I'm kinda honored to be scouted by her."

Yutahime said to Aki, "Don't feel special. We have hundreds of people being recruited."

"Aww, that hurt my feelings. I don't like when people hurt my feelings."

Ren-Ren felt a sinister aura coming from Aki, and Ren-Ren said, "Look, we're not here to fight you, commoner. We just want your answer."

"Hmmm, let me think about it. I'll get back to you in 2-3 business seconds. Beep beep beep, times up. I'm flattered really, but I don't wanna,"

"But you know what Kin will do."

"Oh I know. But what if I just..run to the seven strongest Hosts to protect me?"


"What do I gain from joining Kin?"

"Kin promised to give us anything we want."

"That's hard to believe. I would love to see it for myself."

"Well what the hell do you want?!"

"What everyone else wants. Money, cars, houses, wives. That's what I want. Can Kin give that to me?"

"You said you know me, right? You've seen me. You've seen me fight bad guys at the exams, seen me fight for my life beside heroes who saved the day or whatever. You see that I'm on Kin's side now because I want to be a true villain!"

"..Maybe you're just uNHinGEd kid. Gotta do better than that to persuade me. You have 10 seconds to think of something. And if you don't come up with anything, I will kill you and your two friends. The clock is ticking."

Ren-Ren clenched his fists and looked down at the floor.

'Shit! Shit! Shit! Think..think..'

Ren-Ren had a few seconds left, and then he looked at Aki's game console.

"How good are you at that game?"

Aki smirked, looking at the game, "Very good. Slaughter king champion is what you're looking at. In the flesh, baby! What about it?"

"I have that same game. I challenge you to a 1v1. And if I beat you in the game, you have to hear Kin out. Just hear her out face to face."

Zelle mouthed to Ren-Ren, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"

Aki says to Ren-Ren, "Deal. And what if I win?"

Ren-Ren replied, "You can take us out. Plain and simple."

"Ohh, big gambler. Okay, I'm game. But…to raise the stakes higher, your two friends will 2 v 1 me. You will sit back and watch, because you may be better than both of them. I like a little tension."

Yutahime scoffed, "What?! No!"

Zelle agreed, "I haven't touched a game in years!"

Ren-Ren said to them, "Shut up! Don't doubt yourselves now, after talking all that heavy stuff about yourselves earlier! Where's that energy at now? Wusses! Weaklings!"


"MY NAME IS REN-REN. Aki, they accept your challenge."

Aki smiled, "Excellent! Hop on the couch and grab the sticks!"

Yutahime and Zelle looked at each other, and they went to sit on the couch, grabbing the controllers that were handed to them.

Aki wasted no time starting the match, saying, "Just to give you a heads up, as soon as I win and the game is over, I will be slicing all three of your heads off."

Yutahime replied, "S-shut up! You don't scare us."

"I'm not trying to. Good luck."

The game started and it was getting heated on the screen with a bunch of shooting happening.

Ren-Ren thought, 'Yutahime seems like he knows what he's doing in the game, but Zelle is shooting in the air and laying down over and over…did I fuck up?'

As they continued to play the game, there was a young adult standing behind Ren-Ren. He had red headphones on, he had yellow eyes, and white wavy hair with black dye on the tips of them. His name was Ven, and he was Aki's son.

Ven said, "Um..bro..this isn't cool at all."

Ren-Ren turned around to him, "Heh? Who are you? And why are you staring at me like a weirdo?"

Aki said, "Oh, everyone meet my adult baby son, Ven."

Ven asked, "Dad! Why are considering stupid deals bro? Totally not cool."

"Son, can you please stop talking in narly guy slang please?"

"Dad, I shall take this boy down! I can't let them recruit you!"

"I'm in the middle of a very intense but one-sided wager. Do not disturb me."

Ren-Ren asked Ven, "Uh, what is the matter with you? No one is taking your dad away, he agreed to the wager."

"No! I will not let him be under the eye of Kin! Kin is insane! And you're in the way right now. I can't let you take my dad!"

"Right.. so you just wanna fight?"

Ven's eyes turned all white and he turned the girly pop music on his headphones all the way up.

Ven said, "No one is taking my dad anywhere."

"You said that a million times."

Ven zipped up to Ren-Ren, and bashed him in the face with both fists, Ren-Ren immediately spit out blood, and he crashed through the wall.

But as soon as he crashed through the wall, the entire living room flipped upside down, and Ren-Ren came out through another wall in the living room, flying straight towards Ven.

Ren-Ren thinks, 'I crashed through the wall, I came through another wall and landed back in the living room, and the living room is upside down? What kind of commoner trickery is this?'

Even though the living room was upside down, everything was still in its place, and Yutahime and Zelle were still going against Aki in the shooting game.

Zelle said, "Isn't this violating the rules of the wager?"

Aki replied, "We didn't set any rules. Their fighting behind us, it will affect your playing style, but not mine. The stakes are getting higher and higher."

Ven had two metal gauntlet gloves on his fists, and he punched Ren-Ren in the stomach twice with them.

Ren-Ren coughed up more blood, but he grabbed Ven's glove, jumped over him, and super kicked him with a twist to the back of his head.

Ven flew sideways and crashed through the wall, and he came through another wall in the living room, rolling in the middle of the floor.

The living room was sideways now, which made it difficult for Yutahime and Zelle to play against Aki.

Ren-Ren and Ven were trading punches and kicks left to right, jumping all over the walls and objects of the room to dodge each other's attacks,

Ven's pop music was blasting in his headphones, making his eyes whiter and brighter.

Ren-Ren jumped to the left, as Ven was throwing punches to him, smashing holes in the wall.

Ren-Ren did a flip off the wall, but Ven punched the back of his head, slamming him into the floor, going through it. Once Ren-Ren completely went through the floor, he fell through the ceiling of the living room, and the living room turned another direction again.

Ren-Ren rolled on the floor, but the objects around him started to merge with his body, weighing him down.

Ren-Ren scoffed, "What is this?! More trickery?! Stuuupid! Fight me like a man! Peasant! Commoner!"

Ven was running to Ren-Ren, saying, "I am fighting you like a man, dude!"

Lamps and parts of the wall were trapping Ren-Ren down, and Ven doubled bashed him in the face with his gauntlet fists again, and Ren-Ren went through the wall, coming out on the other side, lashing in the living room.

The living room changed angles again, leaning downward diagonally.

Ren-Ren was moving away from the wall, but the wall stuck to his arms and back, making him stuck inside.

He grunted and grunted, asking loudly, "What kind of power is this?!"

Ven replied, "I have the ability to control the room around me and make objects weigh down and attach themselves with my enemies. Cool, right bro?"

"Stop calling me bro!"

Ven was punching Ren-Ren in the face over and over, saying, "Dude, violence really isn't necessary. But I'm only kicking your can because I don't want my dad near Kin again. She's bad news."

Ven kept punching away, making Ren-Ren bloodier and bloodier.

Parts of Ren-Ren's skin were getting red, and he opened his eyes all the way, screaming, "Get off me!"

The sound wave from that scream hurt Ven's ears, and Ren broke out of the wall's grasp. Ren-Ren punched Ven in the face with his right and left fists over and over again, knocking blood everywhere, and then he grabbed Ven's face, and smashed the back of his head into the floor, creating a loud thud.

Ren-Ren still had his hand gripped on Ven's face, and they both went crashing through the floor.

The both of them were crashing in and out through multiple walls in the living room, and the living room was constantly turning.

Zelle said, "I think I'm gonna be sick! So much…turning!"

Yutahime replied, "Don't throw up on me! I have to focus on this game! And could you please help me out?!"

"I'm sooooo sorry I suck at video games!"

"Me too!"

Ren-Ren was still holding Ven by the face with his right hand, and Ven was punching Ren-Ren in the stomach and chest.

"Let me go, dude! And you better not hurt my headphones that were custom signed by my favorite pop star!"

Ren-Ren answered, "Stop calling me dude! It's annoying coming from you!"

Ren-Ren punched Ven in the stomach over 10 times with his left fist, and then he got down low and swept his legs up with his right leg, and kicked Ven in the side of the head, destroying his headphones.
