
Fall of the Hyuga Elders

Vergil moaned in his bed, as he felt a most pleasurable feeling in-between his legs, and had an idea of the source of it all.


The young female ice user came into his room last night, as the other girls were currently in separate beds with his slaves, and Yugito being too tired from their previous time with each other to do anything. Hinata wanted to be intimate with him of course, but she was still too nervous in doing something with him, and Vergil had told the still shy girl when she was ready for such a moment she would know.

As for Haku, after she came into his room, the young girl disrobed in front of him, and begged him to make love to her. As if it would be an apology on a physical level and in addition would be an expression of her love for the devil.

Vergil for his part hugged the now crying woman, as she embraced him, kissing his chest while he spoke soothing words, and told Haku that she didn't need to apologize for what she did. Kissing her jaw line, Vergil had asked Haku if this was what she (apologizing aside) wanted, and the woman had smiled at him before whispering a soft fragile "yes" to him.

So for that entire night, Vergil made love to Haku with all the passion that his body could possess, and made the young female ice user scream out in pleasure.

And now here they were, the next morning with Vergil waking up to the feeling of Haku pleasing his cock with her mouth, and bringing him to the brink of untold bliss.

"Haku-chan!" said Vergil, as he came into Haku's mouth, and heard the girl drink his cum down before he felt her body move slowly up his form.

"Good morning Vergil-sama," said Haku, as she kissed his shoulder, and wrapped her arms around his muscled body.

"And a very good morning to you Haku-chan. Though you don't have to say the 'sama' suffix, as 'kun' is much more affectionate, and I am not hire in rank then you either," said Vergil, as he wrapped his arms around Haku, and saw she was now grinding against his hips with her own.

"I know, but you will always be Vergil-sama to me, and even more after last night," said Haku, as she licked his muscled chest, and kissing his shoulder.

"Well...when you put it like that...," said Vergil, as he maneuvered his body, and Haku so he was on top before going to work on her body.

"Oh Vergil-sama!" said Haku, as she felt Vergil's right hand on her breast, and felt his now fully erect 18 inch cock entering her once more.

The two once again made love, not even caring that they were heard throughout the entire house, and giving the other female occupants of the Namikaze Estates wicked nosebleeds in the process.

(Hokage's Office-At the Moment)

"Are you sure you want to do this Hiashi-sama? The last time something of this caliber like this happened, it was with the Uchiha Clan, and that caused an entire bloodline limit clan being reduced to a handful," said Tsunade, as she went over this situation with the man for the last hour, and wanted to know if he really wanted to go through with this.

"I'm not asking for the entire clan to be destroyed Hokage-sama, but rather the cancerous part of it, and its only the Clan Elders. I've tried to be the family man my wife loved, but after she died, the influential power she wielded on it went back to them, and they hated the plans she had for changing things within the Hyuuga Clan for the better. I know I have played a part in my own children's suffering, but it was only meant to stop an even greater injustice that one of them would have to endure for the sake of the other, and I wish to make it up to them now," said Hiashi, as he had chosen the lesser of two evils, and hoped his two daughters understood this.

"You have already talked this over with Vergil, which means its quite clear you want him to perform the deed, and kill them all," said Tsunade, as she saw Hiashi nod, and knew that the man had promised full immunity for the boy after this was over.

"I do. I'm not old by any means, but even I don't possess the skills needed to take down all the Clan Elders, and should I fail the risk of my entire family would be punished for such a thing that would be considered a Clan Affair. By doing that, you would be unable to officially interfere, and do anything to stop it," said Hiashi, as he needed someone, who was young, strong, and had the skills to wipe out that cancerous section of his clan.

"Very well. I'll let him know immediately what it is you want him to do, but no one else can know about this until the smoke clears, and things are further explained to everyone since the Councils will stir up trouble," said Tsunade, as she knew they would claim the "demon" was interfering in clan business, and try to punish the silver haired youth for it.

"Understood Hokage-sama. I will leave to inform Vergil of these events via messenger bird," said Hiashi, as he set out to put his plan into action, and unify the clan into a single whole.

'Well that good. While he does that, I'm contacting Jiraiya to have him make a better, and more friendlier version of the Cage Bird Seal,' thought Tsunade, as she contacted Shizune outside to send an entire squad of female ANBU to find Jiraiya, and to bring him to her office preferably alive.

Conscious and still a man being optional.

(Konoha-Sometime Later)

Vergil sat on the Hokage Monument looking down at the people below, as they talked, laughed, and enjoyed life that they had created for themselves. It sickened him to see them so happy, as they were still arrogant in the belief that they were untouchable to anyone, and felt they were blessed by Kami in cheating death.

But as Vergil would soon make them realize, it wasn't a blessing from Kami that allowed them to live, but a curse granted by the Shinigami, and the instrument of such thing being that of a devil. Quite fitting really, as the people needed to know that they were not what they believed themselves to be, and needed be taught a valuable lesson in humility.

In do time of course.

Vergil remembered how this happened, as it was after his long love making session with Haku, he had showered, eaten breakfast, and read the message Hiashi had sent him via messenger bird. The news held within in it was of course quite grim, as was all the news regarding killing Clan Elders of a highly prestigious clan like the Hyuuga's were, and told him that not one of the old farts was to remain alive.

The mission was to be carried out at night when Hiashi would call an emergency meeting to discuss "special business" that would ensure the survival of the Hyuuga Clan. Every one of the Hyuuga Clan Elders would be there, as they would make sure that the "special business" would protect their interest within the Hyuuga Clan, and their power to keep the Branch family under their thumb.

However, before Vergil did that, there were several other matters that needed to be taken care of, and one of them was right behind him.

"Come on out Hatake. Its pointless to hide in the shadows," said Vergil, as he sensed the Son of the White Fang come out of his hiding spot, and looking at his former student with a grave look.

"Hey Naruto. I suppose someone of your skills would be able to identify me no matter how good of a job I hid my presence," said Kakashi, as he saw Vergil look back at him slightly with cold blue eyes, and made the Jounin nervous.

"You wouldn't know that of course, as you spent so much time with Sasuke, and teaching him everything you knew while leaving me to rot with a 'Special Jounin' that hated me," said Vergil, as he saw the guilty look in Kakashi's eyes, but it was nowhere near the look the half-devil wanted, and he wanted quite a bit from the man.

"Yeah. I'm really sorry Naruto. Had I known you were sensei's son I would...have...," said Kakashi, as he saw Vergil turn fully towards him, and the look on the young man's face filled the Jounin with dread.

"So it's because I'm your sensei's son that you are repenting to me? It shouldn't matter if I was his son or not Hatake! What should matter, is that you had a student, who wanted to learn, and you being his sensei should have taught him. Instead, you chose to teach a very spoiled, arrogant, power hungry Uchiha, and for what? A debt you felt needed to be paid? Pathetic! Of course, that is not worse part of your crimes, is it Hatake?" said Vergil, as he saw the Jounin look nervous, and begin to take a few steps back while he took a few steps forward.

"I-I don't know w-what y-you mean Naruto," said Kakashi, as he saw the steps Vergil was taking increasing, and closing the gap between them.

"Oh you don't? So there was another Leaf Shinobi I saw when I was just 6 years old, who decided to test his Chidori out on me, and see just how good my healing powers really were?" said Vergil, as he saw Hatake now becoming very frightened, and quite frankly in the half-devil's mind...he should be.

'How does he know that? That was supposed to be erased from his mind by Inoichi after Yugao's ANBU unit found him,' thought Kakashi, as he had been saved by the Councils when he did that, and told him not to do it again with a pay cut along with missions out in the field to let him relieve such painful memories of Kyuubi that way.

"Surprised? You shouldn't be. After all, what I remembers, the fox remembers, and even if the old man had my memory wiped of that event...do you really think the fox would not keep a backup of such a memory stored away for me to see at a later time? I even know that you even asked the old man to reconsider taking me into your team, saying that 'The Uchiha has more potential in his little pinky then I do in his whole demon body.' with the Sandaime making you choose between taking me on as a student, and giving up being a Shinobi all together. I was hiding in the vents above the old man, which allowed me to hear everything spoken, and I want to know right now if you remember what happened after he gave you that ultimatum?" said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi looking increasingly nervous, and the guilt now pouring out of his one eye.

Again...the guilt level wasn't there yet.

"I hesitated in my response because I believe that if I retired, I could possibly approach Sasuke, and teach him privately with my Sharingan," said Kakashi, as he saw Vergil nod his head, and his right hand forming into a fist.

"That's right. I was watching you. I couldn't believe you would think so lowly of me for just having the Kyuubi inside of my body. That you would throw away your Shinobi career instead of training me with the other two bakas on Team 7. Of course, you had to change your mind when the Sandaime mention that your little Sharingan would also be removed before you retired, and forced your hand to support his decision," said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi closing his eye, and trying to block out the memory.

"Naruto stop this. I'm sorry I abandoned you for Sasuke. I was...I was...," said Kakashi, as he felt pain from within his very being, and it hurt more then anything he could imagine.

"My name isn't Naruto you baka! Don't call me that anymore. Uzumaki Naruto died and was reborn into Namikaze Vergil who now stands before you. A being, a devil, who will not submit to the ways of the arrogant, and the sinful humans that stain the honor of their race, and they will be punished for what they have done to this world. For they are the true monsters and demons that plague us and need to be put down like the filth they are. Just...like...you!" said Vergil, as he saw Kakashi crying out of both his eyes, and collapse to his knees wailing out like a little baby before going into fetal position like one.

"Oh Kami! Minato. Rin. Obito. Father. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," said Kakashi, as he kept on crying while the guilt consumed his very being, and was left all alone now with Vergil leaving him to drown this.

'Drown in your guilt Hatake. Drown in it until you die and face your peers before they send you to Hell,' thought Vergil, as he let the man moan out in sorrow, and destroy his spirit like the Jounin tried to do to him.

(Konoha's Hospital-Sometime Later)

The once great Sandaime Hokage lay in his hospital bed, with tubes entering his body, and feeling weaker then he had ever been in his life. Vergil's words had haunted him since he had been placed in the bed and the guilt for being so weak when the boy had needed him the most was eating him up inside.

It couldn't get any worse.

"Hello old man," said Vergil, as he walked into the room, and saw the once great "God of Shinobi" reduced to this.

"V-Vergil," said Hiruzen, as he saw the half-devil enter the room with fluid grace, and that damn sword in his left hand.

"Surprised to see me? No? I guess its not really a surprise since one must always check up on certain investments such as yourself," said Vergil, as he walked over to the front of the man's bed, and looked at the retired Kage while studying him like this was the first time seeing him being old.

"Vergil, I know I wronged you when I denied you the love, and the protection that should have been yours. I am sorry for that," said the retired Sandaime, as he saw the half-devil looking at the machines supporting his body.

"I'm sure you are sorry for a number of things old man, but that doesn't mean anything if the person that you wronged chooses not to forgive you for them," said Vergil, as he put a hand on the plastic cord of his breathing system attached to his face to help the old man breathe.

"What are you going to do?" said Sandaime, as he saw Vergil look down at him, and felt those cold blue eyes looking at him like that of a scorned God.

"As I told you Sarutobi, you are an investment, my investment to be more exact, and after some time to think about you being my property I had come to the realization that you are in fact a poor investment...to have alive. Your Grandson no longer wishes to idolize you, the strength you had in your prime physically, mentally, and spiritually is all dried up into what I see before me. I don't want you to be my investment anymore Sarutobi nor do I want to have you as my property due to such...low value. So the only...real solution to this problem is to put you out of your misery," said Vergil, as he squeezed the oxygen tubes connected to the old man's face, and watched the once great Sandaime struggle to breath.

"V-Vergil don't! S-Stop!" said the retired Sandaime, as he grabbed the hand squeezing the tube, and was failing to break the demonic grip the boy had on it.

"No old man. I won't stop. I can't stop. I'm going to kill every single one of my enemies, who have wrong me from past to present, and there is not a force on Kami's green earth that is going to stand in my way!" said Vergil, as leaned down to whisper those words to the old Kage, and saw the man was slowly dying at his hands until at last...death claimed him.

The once great Sandaime Hokage was dead. His spirit left his body not in a bang...but in a small whimper.

A silent whimper.

With his task complete, Vergil left the room long before the doctors, and the nurses came into the room to save the dead old man.

(Konoha Streets)

Vergil found himself walking among the village populous, the people not looking at him out of fear of looking directly into his cold eyes that only showed warmth to those most precious to him, and eyed the blade that could slay any life he wished to take. Many still thought he was a monster, a freak of nature, and believed that such monsters deserved to be trained to be obedient pets to do their bidding.

These people could all burn in Hell for all Vergil cared.

"Hey loser," said Sasuke, as he appeared in front of Vergil's line of sight, and looking ready for a fight.

Speaking of people who could burn in Hell for all he cared...

Vergil stopped just a few feet in front of the cocky looking Uchiha, as he saw Sasuke was acting quite arrogant for a boy, who got his ass handed to him a few days ago, and felt like the world owed him everything. What Sasuke deserved in Vergil's mind was Yamato shoved up his ass and out his skull to be roasted in an open fire to be give to demons to eat.

But that was just Vergil's opinion.

"What do you want Uchiha?" said Vergil, as he sensed others of various Shinobi levels just waiting in the distance, itching to attack him, and would do so once he (deduced) attacked the teme.

"Your power, your women, and that sword you have in your left hand. Give them to me now and kneel before your betters in front of everyone here," said Sasuke, as he wanted Vergil to try something, and knew when he did all that he demanded of the half-devil would be his by right of laws of Konoha when punishing a clan that attacked another.

"I have a better idea. How about you go to a gay bar and pick up a rough trick named Jim for the night? If not, then commit seppuku, and leave me alone," said Vergil, as he now walked around the "Last Uchiha", who was looking less then pleased, and had activated his prized Sharingan.

"I command you to give me everything you have from your clan right now!" said Sasuke, as he used the hypnotic powers of his Sharingan, and tried to make Vergil submit to him that way.

"You are fool Uchiha. You can no more influence me, then you can command the sun to rise, and to set in the sky," said Vergil, as he looked back, and just stared at the shocked boy with a smirk on his face.

"Damn you!" said Sasuke, as he took out a kunai, and recklessly charged Vergil with the intent of make him submit in his own way.

"No Uchiha Sasuke. I damn you," said Vergil, as he unsheathed Yamato, and moved with lightning fast speed before appearing behind the surprised boy.

The next instant, Sasuke cried out in pain, as a horizontal scar appeared on the Uchiha's face where his line of sight was, and mere moments later his eyeballs exploded. Vergil then sheathed his blade, as he walked off with everyone now coming to the Uchiha's aid, and forgetting about the boy's attacker.

Something that Vergil didn't mind since there would be a meeting about this soon enough with the Councils to debate about his..."punishment".

(Hokage Tower-2 Hours Later)

"What this monster did is unspeakable! I demand justice for the Uchiha Clan!" said the Haruno Council member, as he was telling his daughter to be by Sasuke's side to win him over, and convince him to marry his daughter.

"This...monster as you called me Haruno Councilman, was provoked, and attacked by your oh so precious Uchiha from the very beginning. Also, Yugao picked up the various Shinobi, who were also conspiring with Sasuke to attack me if I had drawn my blade first by his feeble words, and merely defended myself when he drew a weapon against me," said Vergil, as he sat in the chair before them, and Tsunade looking at him with the same unreadable eyes he was giving them.

"Lies! Uchiha Sasuke would never stoop so low, as to do something such as that, and I demand that reparation be made to the boy for what this demon did!" said Koharu, as she glared at the boy, and hated his family from the beginning in wanting to change things in the Leaf that would make her obsolete.

"Devil actually, but that's irrelevant at this point, and what is relevant at this point is that Uchiha Sasuke attacked first. I defended myself, as simple as that, and if you continue to push this you will find that according to Konoha's own laws regarding clan affairs then I am in right. Should you do anything that goes against those laws, then you will have no choice, but to forfeit your once respectful positions, and leave my fate in the hands of people appointed by the Hokage herself," said Vergil, as he went over everything about clans, and what happened when such things happened with other parts of the Leaf's government interfering in clan affairs.

At this moment, the two Councils froze, and the Clan Heads hid the smirks that wanted to appear on their faces knowing that Vergil had them by the balls.

"I think we can agree on something that will make everyone happy. Uchiha Sasuke will be punished by being confined to Konoha's hospital where he will be healed by me, and go under a full psyche evaluation to determine when he can return to active duty. As for Namikaze Vergil, I see no reason to punish him for defending himself, and is free to go provided that he understands not to make this a habit," said Tsunade, as she gave Vergil a look telling him not to do it again, and the half-devil just smirked before nodding.

"I have no problem with that," said Vergil, as he left after bowing to the Hokage, and kept the smirk on his face when he saw the two Councils glaring at him.

"Hokage-sama, you must reconsider this decision. If the demon is becoming a nuisance and now believes he can do whatever he wants. It must be put on some kind of leash!" said Homura, as he saw the Hokage glaring at her "advisors", and wasn't going to let them push her around like the did her sensei.

"Whatever I do regarding Vergil, is entirely done at my discretion, and I will remind you Homura-san that the boy is now the Clan Head of the Namikaze Clan. Like the Uchiha, he gets leeway too, and unlike the Uchiha I expect Vergil to stay loyal to the village even though he has every right to burn it down," said Tsunade, as she saw the two Councils, and Danzo snarling at this since they felt that the boy should be put under their thumb.

Not breaking theirs.

'I will make the boy submit to me and then I'll use him on you Tsunade. Don't think for one single minute I'll let you keep your position as Hokage. That title is mine!' thought Danzo, as he had one of his hands wrapped around his cane, and had to be careful in planning his take over of the Leaf.

(Hyuuga Clan Compound-That Night)

The Clan Elders walked into the meeting room one by one, as they always did when it was time for a meeting to discuss the Hyuuga Clan's future, and a way to increase their influence on others. It was a sick power trip they had discovered and loved from the moment they were seduced by it. To influence others to do their will, to make rules that would support them over other, more "commoner based", and poorer people then them was like a drug they got hooked on. They had started out with the Cage Bird Seal, as they made it first sound like a means to protect the Byakugan, and keep it within the clan, and make them the "Guardians" of the Hyuuga Clan.

Of course, they got volunteers right away from clan members, who thought this act would bring them honor, and glory to their side of the family. To be the shield of the Hyuuga Clan and defender of their bloodline limit. What they got however, was a life of slavery, humiliation, and a life of misery all wrapped up in one single seal on their foreheads that activated to cause them pain should they do anything to displease the Main House. Of course, the Cage Bird Seal got disapproval from everyone outside of the clan, who did not share their beliefs that such people should be marked into (unofficial) slavery, and work their bodies to dust for those who have power like they did.

Which was why they used the loophole of it being a Clan Affair to keep the Hokage and anyone else in Konoha's power base away from it.

Finally, after they entered the Council room of the clan compound, Hiashi came in last with a smile on his face, and behind him was (to their shock) Namikaze Vergil. After the silver half-devil entered, he shut the door, and then put a seal on it with his chakra so only he could remove it.

"Hiashi-sama, what is the meaning of this?! This demonic abomination has no right to be at this meeting," said Hiashi's Father, who had long since been a strong supporter of the Cage Bird Seal, and didn't even care his youngest of his twin sons had been branded with it.

"Actually my Father, I brought Vergil-sama here because he is the source of the Hyuuga Clan's changes that are going to be made, and a new more efficient seal will be made for all the Hyuuga Clan members so we all protect the family bloodline," said Hiashi, as he saw the Clan Elders looking at him like had lost his mind, and was speaking blasphemy.

"What changes? There will be no changes to the Hyuuga, as they is no need for them, and I refuse to live in a world where there are such changes!" said Hiashi's Father, who was now glaring at his son, and then at Vergil while the other Clan Elders nodding his head in agreement.

"I thought you might follow that belief, which is the reason why Vergil-sama is here, and to grant your very wish in leaving this world rather then see the Hyuuga Clan change into a fully united family," said Hiashi, as he saw them all go pale with fright, and called for the guards outside to save them.

Nothing happened.

"The Branch family will no longer serve tyrants like you. They know what is going to happen and want their children to be free from the future of enslavement that you would bring to them," said Vergil, as he unsheathed Yamato, and attacked with deadly sword swinging precision.

The Clan Elders were dead within minutes with Hiashi ending the life of his own Father, who was trying to escape, and had to get by his own son. A son, who lost his brother at the hands of his Father's idea of sacrificing the younger (by mere seconds) of the two just so the bloodline wouldn't be lost to Kumo, and to follow traditions that should have been removed long ago.

"It's finally over," said Hiashi, as he saw Vergil slay the last of the Clan Elders, and then sheathe his sword to before walking towards him.

"Yes. Though before you start celebrating, I must depart before my presence is detected fully in your home, and rumors begin to spread about my involvement," said Vergil, as the Branch family member involved in this "changing of the guard" were all sworn to silence, and with the promise of their families being among the first to have their seals removed in order for a new non-enslaving seal was made for everyone in the Hyuuga Clan.

"Then I will let you take your leave," said Hiashi, as he moved so Vergil could get to the door, and remove the seal before making his way silently out of the Hyuuga Compound.

Now the only problem now was...who was going to clean this mess up?
