
Side Story 39: Your First Task

Ein gave Kunou to his kids and they started playing Russian roulette. Because of course they do, Ein's kids were adrenaline maniacs that trained in the path of pain after all. Though they swapped out the bullet for a pretty mild one that just gave you a bit of a shock.

"You, play." Alexis spun the barrel on a 500 magnum and gave it to Musubi.

"Ahhhhh!" She shouted out and pulled the trigger as she pointed the revolver right on her temple. It's because they're using real bullets with themselves of course. Except with Kunou.

"Goddamn. Master, your kids are fucking crazy." Mordred understood what guns are. And she was absolutely shocked by their little game as they called it.

"Eh, it's still pretty mild. When they spar for real, they could easily take out major cities from stray shots." Ein shrugged and the servants were still quite flabbergasted.

"Your children are... What should I call them, master... Out of their damned minds." Scàthach commented as even as a warrior queen. She has never seen anyone play games like that for fun.

"Oh, it's fine. It will also teach Kunou how to be more brave. She'll kill her enemies in cold blood in no time. Isn't that right, little fox?" Ein cooed at Kunou and Yasaka's eyebrows twitched.

"Yasaka, as the Pokemom of our... Pantheon, you will guide our new custodians. They are heroes and gods from another dimension." Amaterasu gestured for them to introduce themselves and Yasaka was speechless.

"What in the world... They're the real deal? And this lady with the convoluted horns... Is a primordial goddess?" Yasaka massaged her temples at the mention of the new faction that took over.

They had divine beings aplenty, godslayers, heroes. It was a legendary line up that any of them would make all the factions wary with just a single one of them. Except, probably Shakespeare and Fran.

"Well, they're kind of different from what you know. Case and point." Ein pointed at Mordred and Artoria.

"Mo-chan here is not exactly a son, and her father is not exactly a dad. Pretty confusing I know, and Artoria was a futa once. Pretty fun times for her I guess." Ein shrugged, Yasaka and Amaterasu choked on their saliva and they stared at Artoria.

"Uhhh, why are they looking at me like that? What's a futa?" Artoria tilted her head in confusion and Morgan facepalmed.

"Uhhhh, Artoria-san... Do you perhaps have something dangling between your legs?" Yasaka asked apprehensively, imagining the blonde bombshell having a dick.

"What do you mean?" Artoria furrowed her brows and thought it was a culture thing in their world.

"Still have that thing Merlin gave you? Your Excalibur? I swear, that son of a bitch probably did it to make fun of you." Morgan replied and Artoria was still confused.

"Ahem, a mighty sword that was given to you in order to plunge into Guinevere's nice and moist stone." Shakespeare coughed and tried explaining it.

"A mighty what? Oh. OH..." Artoria had a sudden realization and her little Mo-chan was blushing like mad in the corner while Semiramis and Scàthach chuckled. Poking some fun at the self proclaimed rightful ruler of Camelot.

"I DO NOT! What in the world is wrong with you Morgan!?" Artoria singled out Morgan and huffed at her.

"What do you mean!? I'm not the one who brought it up! And Shakespeare explained it to you more clearly!" Morgan rebutted and they started quarreling while Mordred just hung her head low.

"Mom, what's a futa?" Kunou asked Yasaka and she paled. Panicking horribly as she looked at Amaterasu for some help, not expecting anyone there to give a decent answer.

"Good question, girl. You see, a futa is-" Scàthach was about to explain and Yasaka immediately covered her mouth. Glaring at the woman that had a meaningful look on her face.

"Scàthach-san! Wait, you're licking my palm!?" Yasaka frowned, but she did not waver and covered her mouth.

"Ahem, you're a big girl now. Kunou, how old are you?" Ein asked the fox girl and Yasaka panicked again.

"Un, I'm 11 dad. What's a futa?" She tilted her head and just stared at him with curiosity.

"Kunou, you see. It's a genre of Japanese literature that Amaterasu really likes over there. It is about a forbidden romance between two girls. They struggle in society because they are different, it gives you the flaws of society as a whole." Ein patted her head and Amaterasu was scandalized. Though she didn't deny that she reads it.

"Wow, Amaterasu-sama is wise indeed." Kunou smiled at the goddess and she sheepishly scratched her cheek. But Ein had a smirk on his face and she realized that she has been trapped.

"Damn, master... You are one cruel man, imagine what little Kunou would think of her once she realizes what that is." Semiramis nodded in satisfaction at Ein's genius tactics. Effectively putting Amaterasu under his thumb, socially, politically, and emotionally.

"What can I say? I'm a pro, now go along now and play with your sisters." Ein shooed away the fox girl and Amaterasu glared at him.

"Ardi-san... I used to think that I was saved by a kind and magnanimous god. You think he's the demon king instead?" Aria whispered at her companion and Ardi gave a wry smile.

"Oh, he's the demon king alright. He even seduced my beloved sister! Massaging her bare body that's been all lubed up with oil. Making her moan from the pleasure of carnal desires. He's a bad man." Meteria gave a sly smirk at Alfia and her twin glared at her.

"Okay, okay. Enough of this though, as the new leader of the Knick Knack Paddy Whack. I'll give you guys your first ever mission! Except you, Surtr. Go and cause Ragnarok in some place or something." Ein announced with enthusiasm and Surtr perked up at his words, noticing that there was a Norse pantheon there.

"He will absolutely not! Ein-sama, you can't just make Surtr-san bring Ragnarok at the Norse gods!" Yasaka immediately spoiled their parade and Jeanne nodded in agreement.

"Alright, fine... Surtr, you heard the Pokemom and our mascot. You can't burn down Asgard, for now that is." Ein chuckled and Yasaka feels like she would have a heart attack.

"Well, what can I do?" Surtr got downtrodden as he was quite limited to destruction and carnage.

"Hey, big guy. I heard that there's a pretty interesting place that needs a proper Krumping." Scàthach smirked at Surtr and gave him a map.

It was the underworld of Greece. "Ahhh, Hades is an asshole here. Kill him if you want to, it doesn't matter. Though the Greek pantheon will probably collapse. But as if anyone wants them to be alive in the first place." Ein shrugged, making Chiron, Atalanta, and Achilles cringe at his words.

"Did he just really said to burn down Olympus to the ground?" Achilles asked the other two with concern.

"He did, yes he did." Chiron closed his eyes and thought that the Greek pantheon will have a really bad time. Or any of the factions that their new master has an inkling of displeasure with.

His family was for the lack of a better word, very fond of murder. And they weren't afraid to do it for the whole world to see. And Alfia knew that really well, executing the Evilus members in broad daylight at the central plaza.

"Ohh, and Karna. You're gonna love this, one of your relatives is a big douchebag here too. You kind of know him as Indra. He wears shades indoors for fuck's sake." Ein called out to Karna and he perked up. He was Arjuna's father after all.

"Anyways, your first mission will be... To go to school!" Ein took out some uniforms and they were shocked out of their minds.

"What!? School? But why though?" Amaterasu sobered up first and couldn't understand his intentions.

"Well, not necessarily everyone. But poor Jeanne here is illiterate. She doesn't have friends too, such a poor girl. And as our mascot, she needs some love." Ein nodded sagely and Jeanne blushed an atomic red.

"It... It's not my fault I am illiterate! I was busy liberating France!" Jeanne pouted at him and got really embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Jeanne. You've led a hard life, we'll be your friends." Scàthach patted her on the back. Respecting her as a good person and a great strategist that liberated Orleans.

"Umu, we will be your friends Jeanne. You are a great person." Artoria nodded at her respectfully and thought that she would be a great knight under her.

"Hmmm, how about you wear your formal dress Artoria. You are one of the people that will be taking care of them." Ein snapped his fingers and she was in her formal attire that is not her armor now. (pic)

"Nice. You, Morgan, Quetzalcoatl, Fran, and Scàthach will pass as western girls that look mature. Atalanta, Jeanne, Ishtar, Melusine, Mordred, and Astolfo will do just fine. Siegfried and Chiron will be a PE teacher and Shakespeare will teach literature. Karna, Gilgamesh, and Achilles will go as well." Ein gave them their tasks while Surtr mapped out the pantheons that are ripe for some burning.

"Master, please don't tell me that I'll be in a class with this bratty goddess?" Gilgamesh pointed at Ishtar and the petite woman was offended.

"What do you mean bratty goddess you limp dick!? You probably denied my proposal because of your friend of yours. Too bad, he really liked that divine harlot and he had the greatest post nut clarity of all time! So he can't stuff you." Ishtar huffed and smirked, Gilgamesh gasped.

"You did not just call me gay!" Gilgamesh and Ishtar then started quarreling. But everybody ignored them of course.

"Ahem, so everyone. Please do be advised, we will just relax for a bit before we go and reveal that the Shinto pantheon is now under new management. Besides, you guys have led pretty exciting lives already, dial it down a bit." Ein shrugged and the servants thought that he was right.

"Ahhh, an old witch like me is going to be a student. I have trained warriors, but they weren't really academics. Setanta wasn't a smart one too." Scàthach reminisced and smiled. Thinking that she could get used to this besides just guarding the land of shadows.

"You're sending them to school..." Yasaka and Amaterasu gave him a deadpan stare. He then raised a brow. "What? These guys are pretty anti-social. They don't know how to live like a normal person except probably Chiron and Shakespeare." Ein shrugged and the two had a sudden realization.

"Uhhhh, now that I think about it. You're right... It would be a good idea to let them learn how to be more, normal." Amaterasu and Yasaka imagined how much trouble they'll cause. Feeling a migraine coming as they knew that Ein will just let them deal with the fallout.

"Yosh, let's go to Kuoh! You'll be attending school there. Why? Because weird shit will be happening soon, and that place is the center of it all kekeke~" Ein made them wear their uniforms and he will be the one to enroll them.


"Sona, do you see this?" A girl with long black hair showed a petite girl some papers. (pic)

"I just did, Tsubaki. And this is quite the name if I do say so myself." Sona fixed her glasses and squinted her eyes at the data sheet of the new teachers and students that will enter their school. (pic)

"You think they're part of the supernatural?" Tsubaki asked her king and Sona sighed. "They obviously are, Tsubaki. This will be a huge mess, the Pendragons are arriving... Here at our territory in which devils take care of." Sona massaged her temples and wondered why they were going to Kuoh in the first place.

"Is this a ploy of the church? But they're not the only ones who are a cause for concern. This Morgan looks like them, probably a relative. Jeanne d'Arc too. What the hell is this." Sona thought that they were quite the enthusiasts for individuals connected to the church.

They mistakenly thought of the saber faces as relatives, Morgan was. But Jeanne wasn't and they didn't know that Morgan is more devil than them with a massive inclination to pride.

A magic circle suddenly appeared and it was the circle of the Leviathan clan. Sona immediately frowned and Tsubaki prepared herself.

A burst of light blinded them and Serafall started posing for her supposed magical girl transformation. Holding a wand that was just a normal toy, blinking with pink light.

"Sona-tan! How is my little baby sister doing!?" Serafall immediately lunged on Sona as she was a bit of a siscon. Just like a certain redhead.

"Nee-sama! Get off of me!" Sona blushed heavily and was going to die of embarrassment. "Good morning, Leviathan-sama." Tsubaki bowed and Serafall pouted at Sona's queen.

"Tsu-chan, you should call me super duper magical Levi-tan!" Serafall puffed her cheeks and pointed her wand at her.

Tsubaki ignored her little bit. "Leviathan-sama, this is perfect timing. Do you perhaps know these individuals?" Tsubaki pointed at the stack of papers on Sona's desk.

Serafall noticed their weird state and she took a look at the papers. She then had a smirk on her face. Scaring the shit out of Sona and Tsubaki. They never saw her like that before.

"Hoh. I guess they're making their move eh. Roygun-chan needs to see this." Serafall immediately photocopied the papers and sent them somewhere.

"Roygun Belphegor? The champion of the rating games? Why though, are they somehow connected to her?" Sona and Tsubaki were surprised. Roygun was a bigwig in devil society that nobody can ignore.

"You can say that. Anyways So-tan, prepare yourselves~ honey, you've got a big storm coming." Serafall warned them and she suddenly disappeared with a teleportation circle.

"Uhhh, Sona. I don't like where this is going." Tsubaki got the shivers and Sona was brooding heavily. "My sister never acted like that before Tsubaki. I'm really nervous too, investigate them as much as possible." Sona ordered.

"Already on it." Tsubaki was contacting people and sending out familiars already. "Tell Rias to prepare as well, I don't think they'll cause trouble, because if they would. Then nee-sama would definitely not accept them here. But her warning was still a bit suspicious." Sona instructed and Tsubaki contacted the other high class devil that reigns over Kuoh.


"Hmm? A message from Tsubaki?" A redhead that was taking a shower was pleasantly surprised. The student council members didn't really contact her much. (pic)

"New students?" The redhead finished her shower first and dressed up. Sitting on a couch inside their dark club room that they repurposed as their base of operations.

"Ara~ Rias, what's got you thinking?" A girl that looks just like Shuri, just with a different eye color stared at her master who had a thoughtful look. Her massive melons bouncing.

"Akeno, Tsubaki sent me something. It was about students?" Rias didn't quite know why, so she decided to look at the files with her queen.

"Hmmm, that is quite unusual. Maybe they are part of the supernatural? Let us evaluate them then." Akeno looked from behind her and squished her massive milkers at Rias' head.

"Akeno, don't use my head as a resting place for your heavy tits please." Rias sighed and Akeno chuckled. "Ara~ but you really like them. And you always squish yours on my face, that isn't fair now is it?" Akeno smirked at her and Rias coughed with a small blush on her face.

"Anyways, let's take a look. Maybe Sona thinks I can have some peerage members from them? Riser's been trying to expedite our wedding, slimy bastard." Rias furrowed her brows and was upset.

"Don't worry, Rias. We won't let that fiery chicken get a hold of you. Now, let's take a look at them. I might get a cute kouhai." Akeno patted her on the back and they started viewing the files.

But they immediately frowned when they saw the first name that came up, as well as the ones that followed. "Jeanne d'Arc, Pendragons too. What in the world is this?" Rias immediately thought they were trouble.

"Ara... This isn't good, the Pendragon family are holy sword wielders. I don't think we can win if we fought them... And there's even two of them. Not to mention the others that are obviously a part of their group." Akeno lost her smile and got really serious.

"Let's wait and see for now, Serafall-sama won't let them get here in the first place if they are trouble." Rias concluded and Akeno nodded.


Ein and the group prepared to go to school, but he had something to take care of first. And currently, he was with three other people who are quite awkward right now. Rightfully so.

"Mo-chan, Morgan, Artoria. Do tell me how you feel with each other." Ein fixed his glasses while holding a notepad. Wearing a stylish suit, the girls were lying down on a couch of their own.

"Please do go first, Morgan. I can sense that you have a lot of teenage angst." Ein pointed at Morgan and she frowned a bit at his words. But she couldn't retort.

"I... I was created by the world to save Britain... I have tried again and again, but I've experienced countless betrayals." Morgan's voice was clear, but it trembled a bit upon remembering her early life.

"And I had a thought, why not just rule Britain by myself with as a tyrant. Kill all who opposes me, never experience betrayal again. But the world created another fairy due to my supposed failure, Artoria." Morgan gritted her teeth.

"I then got the memories of my proper human history. The Morgan Le Fay that was a model of vice. And I then resolved myself to put Britain under my thumb. Defeating all the fairy clans and made fairy Britain." Morgan sighed and thought that her kingdom lasted far longer than Artoria's dingy Camelot.

"Hmmm, and you do know that this Artoria over here isn't at fault?" Ein asked with a raised brow and Morgan gritted her teeth. She knew, but emotions weren't that simple.

"It's all Merlin and Uther's fault, and your hatred mostly comes from your proper human history counterpart. Humans are foolish, Morgan. They cling to a sense of hope like leeches. And Merlin's little prophecy pointed to Artoria." Ein sighed and rubbed his temples.

"This wouldn't really would have happened if they just raised you guys together and created a bond. Talk to the both of you or let Morgan be a part of the ruling of Britain as a prime minister or secretary of state. But prophecies hurr durr." Ein rolled his eyes and Morgan chuckled.

"Now, Artoria. How about you tell some things that you went through because of this little expectation on you so Morgan will understand things." Ein gestured for Artoria to speak and she took a deep breath.

"I... From my childhood, I was raised to be a knight, a warrior, a king. They built me to be the perfect king of Britain. But I was a woman, I hid my gender for as long as I could remember. And I was no woman nor man even. I was led to believe that I am to be king." Artoria frowned a bit and now that she was Ein's knight that had a lot more leeway. She thought it was a pretty bland life.

"Merlin told me that when I pull out Caliburn from the stone. I will cease to be human." Artoria closed her eyes and remembered that she thought it was fine. It was all for Britain.

"And how did that end up?" Ein went straight into her deepest regret and desire. But it was necessary to get her out of her funk of trying to bring back Camelot.

"It was fine at first. The people lived a good life, and they called me a wise king. But all good things come to an end at one point... One of my knights of the roundtable left, saying that I do not understand my people." Artoria recalled and that was when things went to shit.

"I see, do you hear and understand this Morgan? She took up the throne as a sacrifice. A twisted sense of duty that Merlin and your stupid ass dad gave her. And the both of you, tell me. What made you love Britain." Ein asked the sisters and they went quiet.

"See, you do not even know for sure. Why? Because as children, you got used to the status quo. Thinking that you must love your country unconditionally and be its rightful ruler. In Morgan's case, it was the fault of the world itself. So please do understand that she had a harder time." Ein explained and Artoria nodded.

"You have no individuality. No life of your own, no true purpose that you yourselves set out to achieve because of your own desire. How could you? You were fed the idea of being like that for your whole life. Artoria almost had one, but Merlin ruined it all." Ein sighed and would definitely have a word or two with him later.

They both frowned and digested his words. They both then shared a helpless chuckle. Thinking that they really didn't have their own goals that they thought up for themselves.

"And here comes Mo-chan, she got caught up in the crossfire. A girl that had dreams of her own. She was your exact opposite. Though she had a bad influence on her from you both so it all came to shit as well." Ein patted Mordred on the head and felt quite bad for the girl.

"She idolized Artoria as a great king, she thought you were wise. But because of your ideals and terrible upbringing. You didn't understand that. Dismissing her dreams and desire. Mordred would've become a splendid king. Not because she thought it was her job and right. But because she wanted to be one and would do everything to be a good ruler."

Mordred gritted her teeth and got teary eyed. Ironic she thought, that someone at the apex told her the words she craved from her father.

"And Morgan, you have the memories of her real mother. So you're technically her mom. And Artoria's your baby daddy. But apologize, you know what you did." Ein laughed making Morgan pale, as he wouldn't let her live that down.

"Sorry, Mordred. I did not hate you. My sister's plotting and her control over you would just led Camelot to ruin." Artoria looked at Mordred and her daughter nodded at her with teary eyes.

"Huh, it's so dusty in here. My eyes are watering." Mordred wiped her eyes and Artoria gave a warm smile.

"Ugh, fine. Mordred, you did good in killing Artoria." Morgan rolled her eyes and Ein spanked her cheeks.

"What did I tell you?" Ein raised his hand one more time and Morgan blushed an atomic red, because she got shamed in front of Artoria and Mordred.

"Sorry Mordred, it was the fault of that foolish version of mine that led to Camelot's downfall, as well as you and Artoria's death." Morgan apologized but she didn't look at them in the eye from embarrassment.

"Okay, we made progress. Shit, you guys have a pretty crazy background too. Morgan is Artoria's sister and she is also your baby daddy. The fuck was wrong with you, Morgan?" Ein sighed and Morgan huffed.

"That version of me in proper human history is a damned fool. Lecherous and selfish, please do not liken me to her." Morgan pouted at him and Ein patted her head.

"Yeah, yeah. But you gotta get along with them, alright? Or I'll pull your pants down in front of everyone and slap those cheeks until my hands make a clear mark on them, got it?" Ein squinted his eyes at her and she nodded immediately.

He then gave them some milkshakes so they could get some sugar in them. Therapy was hard after all.


The entourage then travelled to Kuoh with a private jet. So the servants could experience a plane for the first time.

"Ooohhh, this is pretty impressive. Humans have certainly evolved quite nicely in the modern era huh?" Quetzalcoatl looked out of the window and was curious how humans made a hunk of metal fly.

"Pretty neat, right? Humans all over the world use them to get everywhere." Ein patted her on the head and she pouted at him for treating her like a kid.

"This could bring in a lot of soldiers quite quickly, wouldn't it?" Artoria talked with Scàthach and they got quite close.

"Father, this thing would've made us conquer the world!" Mordred excitedly talked to her father and they started having a small bond. Baby steps for now, but it was a start.

"You'd need a lot of resources for that Mordred, maybe you should read economics first before you ask Artoria to be a king." Morgan teased her and Mordred glared at her mother.

"Ugh, this would've been nice instead of that ship. Things will be much more bearable. And we would've been away from Jason much sooner." Atalanta groaned from remembering their journey.

"Hmph, as if that was bad enough. Me and my men went to Troy with just a dingy little boat." Achilles rolled his eyes at Atalanta and she couldn't imagine sailing in a small boat with stupid boys.

"Master, isn't this a waste of electricity? We could just walk there." Fran asked Ein with a cute head tilt and Ein patted her head, feeding her some divine lightning through her lightning rod.

"Ohhhh~ we're flying without wings?" The quiet Tiamat had sparkling eyes and everybody froze. They always freeze up when they hear her monotone voice.

"Yes, Tia. Pretty cool right? You don't even feel the wind." Ein gave her a milkshake and she sightseed while drinking her beverage like a little kid.

"Damn, master is quite crazy isn't he? He's definitely treating Tiamat like a country bumpkin." Gilgamesh whispered and Ishtar was shaking in her seat. Thinking that Tiamat would kill her if she even squeaks.

"Yosh, we're arriving." Ein started handing out some shades. "Already? Hmmm, this is quite the invention. Modern humans are geniuses." Siegfried noticed that they travelled quite a distance. A distance that would take months by foot or carriage.

"Indeed, they certainly have unique things here like this jet." Karna was glad that humans have advanced quite well.

They then put on their shades and everyone started disembarking and they were like celebrities. The people around just staring and whispering.

The entourage then went inside a chinook. And they will be landing in the middle of Kuoh high in their helicopter like a boss.

After a few minutes, they quickly arrived at the school and the students were quite shocked of course.

They landed at the middle of a field in the large school and everybody noticed that they were wearing the school uniform.

Ein and co. went to the student council room as he knew that they were the real group that controls the school. Walking down the halls leisurely like they were having a stroll at the park.

Ein then kicked down the door of the student council room. Making the devils inside stare at him weirdly. Seeing a two meter tall man just swagger himself in there.

"Hey, you. This the student council?" Ein took off his shades and asked a blonde guy. "Uhhh. Yes?" He didn't quite know how to react and he just answered without thinking.

"Okay, kid. Here's 20 bucks, buy yourself a good treat." Ein handed him some money and patted him on the back. Ein then looked for someone that was similar to Serafall. He locked on to his target and he sat down on a couch. Rita and Ragna then appeared, brewing some tea for afternoon tea time.

"Hmmm, you Serafall's sister?" Ein looked at Sona as he drank some tea. The bespectacled girl went wide eyed and the blonde guy was confused on why they reacted like that.

"Who are you? Why do you know my sister?" Sona squinted her eyes at him and gestured for Tsubaki to immediately call for Rias and her peerage.

"Haven't Serafall told you? I'm just a regular guy that wants to enroll some people in this school." Ein shrugged and a magic circle of the Bael clan shone. Rias and her peerage immediately teleporting with weapons in hand.

"Sona! We're... Here?" Rias was about to start blasting, but they saw that the supposed troublemakers were just sitting down while drinking some tea.

"Hey, master. These guys look like they want some trouble, can I take care of them?" Mordred asked Ein and she gave a fearless smirk at the devils. Her hand getting itchy to hold Clarent.

"Maybe later, Mo-chan. They look confused, I didn't expect Serafall to not inform them. But it does check out with her personality." Ein shrugged and Alexis pulled on his sleeve.

"Dad, Mo-chan is right. We got to beat them up! That guy over there is even holding a sword!" Alexis pointed at a lanky pretty boy that has a sword in hand.

He immediately dematerialized his sacred gear and got nervous. As Ein's kids were giving off a pretty heavy aura.

Ein pinched her cheeks to make her calm down. "Sorry, they're a little bit frustrated from losing earlier. Anyways they're new students, take care of them alright?" Ein disappeared and there was an awkward silence.

Anahaat that was pretty disinterested then noticed a Loli with white hair and cat ears. Her eyes turned into slits immediately and she gave a grin, scaring the shit out of the catgirl.

"Hey you, yes you. Come here." Anahaat pointed at the Loli neko and she couldn't help but obey. And before Rias could stop her, the girl was already in front of the tall and imposing Anahaat.

"What's your name." Anahaat stared right at her eyes and asked. "S-Shirone desu." The girl was so scared that she answered with her real name.

"Hmmm, a good name. You're mine now." Anahaat put her on lap and she started caressing her cat ears while she gave her some cookies and a milkshake. Learning from the best of course.

"K-Koneko?" Rias sighed in relief, but now she was confused as hell. "Eh, don't worry about her. The master's daughter really likes cute things." Atalanta shrugged and she started blushing, remembering Ein petting her.

The devils then went into a staring match with them. "So... We just gonna look at each other the whole day or what?" Achilles snorted.


Ein roamed around Kuoh for a bit and was just having a stroll. Relaxing at a bench at a park, thinking of what to do next.

But Murphy was a real cunt and a nun's hairdress landed right on his face. "Ahhhh! Sorry, please forgive my clumsiness." Ein heard a girl speak in Italian and he raised a brow.

"Damn, Asia? Isn't she a bit too early to come here in Kuoh?" Ein raised a brow and looked at the blonde girl that tripped, exposing her white panties to him. (pic)

"Hey, you alright?" Ein helped her up and the girl gave a wry smile at him. "You speak English? Great! I haven't heard a single person here speak English!" The nun was a bit too excited and forgot that she tripped.

"Yeah, people here aren't good with it. So, whatcha doing here sister?" Ein smiled at her and thought of not handing her to the fallen angels. Such a sweet girl doesn't need more trauma.

"Ahhh, I... I'm actually kind of lost, I just got designated to the church here." She fidgeted and Ein patted her head. "You know what, I know just the place." Ein gave Jeanne a message, and he thought they will have a really good friendship.

He then got the affirmation from Jeanne so he let her go pick her up while they had some bubble tea in the park.

"Master, she the one?" Jeanne appeared and she looked at Asia. Sizing her up and nodding in satisfaction. The girl has no malice nor sins in her heart. Such a pure follower of god that is probably more pious than her, a literal saint.

She got excommunicated from the church from healing a devil with her sacred gear. And Ein knew that she would do it all over again even if she learned that the scheming scumbag was a devil.

"Diodora Astaroth huh? He's a relative of Ajuka right? Jeanne, I want you. Artoria, and Mordred to pay someone a visit later in the underworld. He's gonna need a little talk with the inquisition." Ein told Jeanne in French and Asia tilted her head.

"Come on now, we will get you to your lodgings Asia. I am Jeanne d'Arc. A pious servant of god." She tapped her feet on the ground and created a holy field. Light filled the area and Asia prayed immediately. Devils that aren't in the Satan class would be absolved immediately by Jeanne's holy aura. She received some perks as a living saint that got a new patron god after all.

"Ohhh, are you a saintess?" Asia looked at her with reverence and Jeanne gave a wry smile. Pouting at Ein that told her to basically bamboozle her. She wasn't really lying, but they're kidnapping her still.

"Yes, now follow my lead." Jeanne and Asia waved goodbye to Ein and they went back to Kuoh High.

A magic circle of Leviathan appeared when they left, as Jeanne's holy aura and field was a little bit too much.

"Your little companion is a bit scary, ain't she? Her holy aura and light are even stronger than Michael's." Serafall mused and she gave a warm smile at him.

"Of course, who do you think I am? I need some regular companions for my really normal self." Ein shrugged and gave a smirk at her.

Serafall then slowly walked up to him and put her arms around his waist. Sniffing him as she rubbed her face on his shirt.

"You've been away for far too long. We won the war... And we've never been better, especially because I am considered a real Leviathan. The Satans have tons of authority. I doubt that would be the case without your little gift for me." Serafall looked up at him and gave a wide smile.

"Hmmm, I already told you. I'm quite the busy man. And you guys are long lived anyways. You got what? A couple of more millennia under your belt? You're still pretty young if you ask me." Ein shrugged and patted her head.

"Tche, you bad man. You're intentionally doing this aren't you. You know what I mean." Serafall puffed her cheeks and Ein raised a brow.

"I can't read minds if I don't want to, so you gotta tell me what you want to say." Ein smirked at her and Serafall pinched him.

"I missed you, you just disappeared on us and you didn't even let me say thanks or goodbye. Venelana-san and Grayfia wants to say thanks too by the way." Serafall squinted her eyes at him.

"Well, we've got all the time in the world don't we? Now how about you tell me what happened next when I left." Ein smiled at her and they sat down at a nearby bench to reminisce.


Thanks for reading everyone. Somebody that wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition will have a rude awakening. Anyways, ciao.
