
Side Story 25: Farming Is The Strongest

The kids were finally going to the dungeon and they were prepared to kick some monster ass. Laplace and Anahaat created stims that would heal them up for emergencies.

Shenlong made some pills that gave them stamina. Using eastern medicine as a base, she liked to buy Anahaat's spoils when she went to cultivator worlds.

"You guys ready!?" Ein smiled at the scene of his children preparing to kill anything that moved in the dungeon.

"Yes, chichi-ue. Kill anything that isn't human and has no intelligence, right?" Izumi checked her blade and was excited to cut down some monsters.

"Umu, if it has no intelligence. Kill it, if it does but attacks, kill it too. Humans included of course." Ein patted her head and she giggled.

"Hehe, okay chichi-ue, we'll kill lots of em!" Izumi cheered and the others nodded. "Ummm. Is that what you're supposed to say to your kids?" Loki was no stranger to telling her familia to protect themselves in the dungeon.

But the way the Ein's children happily nodded at the notion of murdering things was quite concerning. "Of course, Loki-san! Not killing enemies and chopping them to pieces is bad desuyo!" Haku nodded sagely and told her that you should always cut off their heads and limbs.

"Ahhh, okay. Your kids are cold blooded, Ein." Loki was shocked by their brutality. And they apparently thought it was only natural. 'These kids are killing machines, they're probably the kill first and ask questions later types.'

"Okay, go now. Shoo, you need to level up okay?" Ein patted their heads and packed them some lunch boxes. They were really happy and everybody started marching to the dungeon with the executives of the Loki familia.

"So? What's your plan now? How are you gonna take over Orario, huh?" Loki smiled smugly at him and thought of annoying him for a bit.

"I'm glad you asked, I just found my target. And it's right around here." Ein took out a map and pointed at a place.

"The divine bathhouse?" Loki looked at him confusedly and Ein smirked at her. "Yup, we're gonna have a nice little bath." He winked at her and he put Loki on his shoulder. Ein then jumped out of the sky corridor, making Loki scream bloody murder.


"Dun-geon~ We're gonna go in and bludgeon! Kill many monsters and harvest their crystals, take their lives for strength and sell them for nickles!" Aurum sang while they were on the way to the dungeon and her heavenly voice made anyone stop.

But her disturbing lyrics made the executives of the Loki familia uncomfortable. "Her singing is very nice, but." Riveria gave a wry smile.

"Yeah, these young ladies are scary. They're only level one, but their bloodlust is palpable. And they haven't even been to the dungeon yet." Gareth can feel their lust for murder prickling his skin.

"Let's just hope they won't get crazy inside of the dungeon." Finn's brows twitched and thought that this will be a troublesome job.

Meanwhile, Evilus. An organization that rose due to the defeat of the Zeus and Hera familia against the one eyed black dragon. Was actually planning something quite nefarious against the executives of the Loki familia.

They found that the three will be babysitting some level one adventures. As they have just registered in the guild and they could take advantage of that. Rid themselves of promising adventurers that could possibly reach level 6.

"Kekeke~ I think they'll like the monster parade that we will give them." One mob said as his subordinates went to the dungeon ahead of time and would lure strong monsters for the train.

A despicable act even in games. Bitch ass players would p.k. you using monsters by making a train of them with luring. Then they'll bail them all on you.

The trio of the Loki familia didn't know, but they'll be having a bad time today.


Ein appeared at the divine bathhouse and he went inside with Loki. "Who is your target anyways?" Loki had a perverted grin on her face as she thought that Ein would do something ridiculous in the bath.

"Just watch, but you might not like the person. Not because they're unlikeable, but you'll see." Ein grinned and started stripping.

Loki watched on as he took off his shirt, showing his ripped as hell body. Loki was no blushing virgin, but his charm and masculine form did things to her.

Loki felt something drip from her nose and she immediately wiped it off. "What are you doing, Loki? Strip." Ein instructed her with authority in his voice.

The goddess felt sheepish and thought that it wasn't a good exchange. His chest was bigger than hers and his butt too. Though they were pure muscle.

"Don't worry about it, you've got a nice tushy on you. And if you keep on being a good girl, I might increase the size of your chest." Ein smirked at her and Loki thought that allying herself with him was the best decision of her life.

She immediately stripped of her clothes and squinted her eyes at him. "Hey, why aren't you taking your pants off?"

"Well, I was getting to it. But you were too hasty." Ein then took off everything and stood in front of Loki. She just reached the top of his chest and it was right in front of her for viewing.

"Nice." Loki poked his rock hard abs. "I can grate cheese with how hard these are... Hey! Why aren't you hard? You must think I look like a kid with my figure." Loki was a bit disheartened as she felt really horny when she saw his form. But he was soft as they would go, looking like a limp trunk of an elephant.

"What? You want me to be hard? Of course I'm not, I am an enlightened one. Besides, that's gonna be important for our next destination." Ein slapped her cheeks so she can't think of useless things.

They then entered the bathhouse. The women's side of course, he needed to wait here to see the goddess he was looking for.

The goddesses gasped as Ein walked through the bathhouse with his towel on his shoulders. Swaggering through the women without a care in the world.

"Sup, ladies. You looking mighty fine today, excuse me." Ein smiled at them and started washing his body. He then entered the bath with Loki and they waited for his target.

"Hey, this bathhouse isn't half bad. Maybe I should go here with Elysia and the others sometimes." Ein sighed in satisfaction at the pretty sweet bath.

He then smiled and waved at the goddesses that stared at him. Making Loki extremely upset. "Why aren't they beating you up? Not that I think they can, but I see some of them even checking you out!" Loki was frustrated and Ein snorted at her.

"That's because I'm beautiful, Loki. Besides, I can also do this if things comes to shove." Ein transformed himself into a woman and posed, her tits bouncing as Loki almost fainted from anger and arousal.

He then finished the show and turned back. "W-what did you do? Y-you... You traitor! You were an enemy all along!" Loki hit him on the chest with fury as she remembered his bountiful melons earlier.

"Heh, what did I told you Loki? I am beautiful, ahhhh~ I'm such a sinful person, men and women love me." Ein sighed and shook his head while Loki puffed her cheeks and glared at him.

"Ara~ Loki? And a gentleman?" A voluptuous woman with honey colored hair walked up to them and was a bit surprised that Ein was there. (pic)

"Ahh, how rude of me. I am Demeter, can I know who you are? God-san?" Demeter smiled and was a bit curious who he was as there wasn't a god like him in heaven. And has the balls to just stroll inside the divine bathhouse like that.

"Hmm, nice to meet you Demeter. I'm Einheri, call me Ein. Me and Loki were just enjoying the bath for a bit. It's pretty nice too, I also like the view." Ein looked around and winked at the goddesses.

"Loki, Ein over here sure is something." Demeter gave a wry smile and took off her towel, making her massive melons jiggle as she smirked, having a teasing side to her.

"How about this one though? You like it?" Demeter tried flustering him, but Ein just nodded. "Umu, pretty nice tits Demeter. Though mine are more perky and elastic. But I really like the soft look on yours too, can I touch it?" Ein shamelessly asked and Demeter was stunned and confused.

"He's saying the truth, this guy has better tits than you Demeter." Loki added and just confused her even more. But the sleepy looking goddess nodded and Ein grabbed her tits.

"Hmm, they are real nice and soft, I'll give it a 9/10. They just lack a bit more perkiness and elasticity and it would be perfect." Ein groped Demeter skillfully and the goddess moaned.

"Gunununu! Then how about mine? Is it so pitiful that you didn't even rate them!?" Loki shouted out in anguish and she teared up.

"No? How about I rate them then? Your chest is flat, but there's still something there. They're nice and soft to the touch, your nipples are very sensitive too. I'll say, a 7/10." Ein rated with a nod and Loki blushed.

"Huh? Why a 7 though?" Loki was secretly happy, but she wasn't convinced. "They're like little buds that has just sprouted, it's nice and sensitive. They give off this immoral feeling that makes me want to tease it, overall a good set of breasts." Ein shrugged and Loki looked at her chest with a small smile.

"Wait a minute, Loki. What did you mean he has a better chest than me?" Demeter squinted her eyes and she needed answers.

"Ahhh, I don't normally do this. But let me show you." Ein transformed again and stood up, their chests clashed and Demeter had to admit, they were a perfect set of boobs. Soft, but a bit firm. Perky and it pushes off external stimuli with perfect elasticity.

"Ugh, I have lost..." Demeter sat down and was more confused than defeated. "Heh, now you know. This guy is ridiculous, this one." Loki chuckled.

And with their loud conversation, they got noticed by one particular goddess that had brown hair. Blushing heavily when she noticed that a man was inside the divine bathhouse.

"Hey! You can't be here, this is the goddess side of the divine bathhouse!" The woman shouted out and pointed at Ein. (pic)

"Astraea, don't be such a spoilsport. It's just a bath." Loki waved her concerns off nonchalantly, but the brunette would give them a piece of her mind. Especially because she was a virgin goddess, though not as famous as the ones like Artemis.

"That's not the point, Loki. He can't be here, this is the female bath." Astraea squinted her eyes at Ein and pressured him to leave.

"Hmmm, says who? You? I am a great ambassador of gender equality. If you can bathe here, then I can too. Because we're all equal, if you want. You can take a bath at the other side." Ein shrugged and groped Demeter again.

"Ein~ you bad guy, you can't do that in public." Demeter chided him and Loki rolled her eyes with their flirting.

Astraea gaped like a fish and has never seen someone so shameless before. "T-that's nonsense! Get out of here right now, men aren't welcome here!" Astraea blushed as she saw Ein put his arm on the shoulders of his companions.

"But nobody is telling me that besides you? Why should I? And the proof is right at my side." Ein smirked at Astraea and she fumed.

The brunette then tried pulling him out of the water to drag him out, but she saw his schlong and stared at it for a few seconds before she screamed.

"Alright, alright. Geez, you're too uptight about this." Ein transformed once again and just returned to his spot. Loki then sat on Ein's lap and motorboated his breasts with the back of her head

"Ahhh, you should do this more often Ein, guhehehe~" Loki laughed like a perverted uncle and took a handful of Ein's hair, smelling the sweet smell wafting of it like it was a drug.

"Happy now, Astraea? I'm Ein by the way, nice to meet you." Ein chuckled at her shocked expression that was gaping like a fish.

"W-what is happening? Am I hallucinating?" Astraea looked at Demeter for answers as Loki was too busy taking advantage of Ein's transformation. She didn't care if Ein's boobs were bigger than hers because Ein doesn't count as a woman, technically.

Demeter shrugged and just gave an awkward smile, just as baffled as Astraea on how Ein could do that willy nilly.

"So, I introduced myself. Aren't you quite rude, not introducing yourself? I might know your name, but you haven't greeted me formally yet." Ein raised a brow and Astraea quickly did so.

"Ah, I'm Astraea the goddess of justice. Wait a minute, why am I introducing myself? You! Why are you even here?" Astraea squinted her eyes at him and Ein sighed.

"Isn't that obvious, woman? This is a bathhouse, what do you do here? That is to take a bath of course." Ein rolled her eyes and Astraea got embarrassed.

"He... She's right you know? And he wasn't bothering anyone earlier, you just went up to us and caused a ruckus." Demeter teased Astraea and she blushed.

"That's right! Thanks though, because of you. I can enjoy these babies right here." Loki groped Ein like she was a boy hitting puberty.

"You suck at groping breasts Loki. Stop it." Ein pulled her cheeks and Astraea didn't know what to do.

"Anyways, just calm down and sit beside Demeter. You're causing a ruckus here, this is a place of relaxation." Ein squinted his eyes at her and she couldn't help but agree.

"Hey, Demeter. I didn't quite get what kind of goddess you are." Ein hummed and Loki opened her eyes a bit. Thinking that he was such an evil man.

"Ahh, I'm a goddess of fertility and harvest. I actually control most of the produce that arrives here in Orario. We're an agricultural familia." Demeter puffed her chest in pride at their work.

"Heh? That's nice, I'm quite new here in Orario so you might not know us. But we're the owners of the sky corridor." Ein dropped a bomb on them, Demeter and Astraea gasped at his words.

"You own that giant tower that just appeared from nowhere?" Demeter couldn't help but think that they must be mysterious gods that are very powerful.

"Umu, hey. I've got an idea, you and your familia outsource your land to farm in right? It can't fit in Orario after all, so how about I give you an offer?" Ein smirked and Loki thought Demeter was done for.

"That's right, but what are you offering though?" Demeter was intrigued as they were apparently the owner of the sky corridor.

"Hmmm, did you know? Our sky corridor can emulate different environments and stuff?" Ein smiled and Demeter listened intently.

"So you can create different kinds of farmlands or places to plant crops?" Demeter was hooked and Ein nodded.

"Yeah, can you imagine what you can do? You can have every single possible place to plant things. From mountainous regions, tropical, cold tundras. Anything, all in the walls of Orario." Ein finished his explanation and Loki pinched his leg for being such a devil.

"Hoh? Then what would you want in return for us being able to use those?" Demeter wanted it badly, but she still needs to know what are the costs. She doesn't run the largest agricultural familia for nothing.

"Oh, nothing much. How about 50/50 on the profits? You'll be having prime real estate, you won't have any trouble whatsoever with the environment, diseases, and pests." Ein asked for a ridiculous amount that made Loki and Astraea almost choke on their saliva.

"Hmm, that is true. That's a steal actually." Demeter was amiable to the deal and it made the other two shocked.

"Deal then, it will be much better for my familia. They will Able to farm safely and in better conditions. We just want to do that without any troubles after all." Demeter and Ein shook hands, creating a huge deal that would affect the economy and produce that enters Orario just like that.

'Damn, this guy works quick. He even slipped it in so naturally, he's hella scary. I can imagine him cutting off all support on a familia and driving them out without even lifting a single finger.' Loki mused and remembered once again that Ein doesn't play around.

"Great, then we'll settle the contract later. Go to the sky corridor, we can even give your familia their own area to live in so they won't need to commute every day." Ein smiled at Demeter and was satisfied.

But he won't stop there, Anahaat and Laplace would also engineer crops that are genetically different, they would be stronger, tastier, more nutritious. Basically better than everything they can make and have full control of the produce of Orario.

"Farming is the strongest after all, everyone needs to eat. Even the gods that came down here from heaven." Ein smirked and imagined Loki begging him for some food.

Loki shivered and smiled innocently at Ein, like a harmless pet that doesn't want to get punished.

"That's right~ I already told everyone, but they think that might makes right. But when we stop supporting Orario, the city will fall in a few months." Demeter said with a smile, making Astraea and Loki look at her weirdly. Thinking that Demeter might not be that too magnanimous as they thought.

"Let's go, Loki. Nice doing business with you, Demeter. I'll see you later, oh by the way." Ein looked at Astraea and she gulped.

"Nice to meet you too, Astraea. Keep on doing a good job okay? My familia are just level 1 after all, I heard you've been trying to make Orario more peaceful." Ein planted a seed and smiled at the women. He then left with Loki.

"He's too mysterious, are you sure you want to accept his deal with you Demeter? He might be planning something. Your familia is really important to Orario." Astraea was still suspicious of him.

"Eh, don't worry too much Astraea. You think he needs to go through all this to destroy Orario or something? I'm sorry for my words, but are you an idiot? The guardian of their gates is already insurmountable. And with a tower that huge, who knows what other things lurk inside of it." Demeter smiled sweetly at Astraea and the brunette blushed in embarrassment.

"Y-yeah, you're right. But I don't know, it just feels like he'll take away something important from me, I can feel it." Astraea frowned and Demeter chuckled.

"Like what? Your precious place right here?" Demeter stroked her body and pointed at her groin. "Imagining his big cucumber entering here?" Demeter laughed and Astraea almost overheated upon remembering his junk.


Thanks for reading, and a cliff too. The kids will be roped up with Evilus for sure. Anyways, the ball has started rolling. Ciao.
