
Chapter 115: 1st Herrscher

The honkai energy at the center of Berlin started to reach a critical level and the nice winter morning was disrupted. By a massive explosion like a nuclear bomb that destroyed everything in the city.

Vill-v's Adamantine fortress protected the populace only. And the whole city was in shambles, though there were no casualties. Except old people and those with cardiovascular problems having a heart attack.

Kallen and Sakura arrived at the scene and they saw a young boy in the center of a crater. Releasing honkai energy in waves as he gets a handle of himself. (pic here)

Kallen prepared and equipped her gauntlets, a pair of crimson gauntlets that boosts her strength two times every time she wants, until her body can't handle it anymore. And every time she hits someone, the gauntlets add an additional 1 million kilograms to her combo. A weapon that fits her wild fighting style.

"Humans, this world shall bow down to the might of a god! I will let this world taste my power!" The boy shouted with a sinister grin on his face.

Kallen cracked her knuckles and neck, loosening up her joints. Starting to jump nimbly like a boxer. "Aww you poor thing, didn't your mother taught you to have a hobby?" Kallen sassed him.

Sakura shook her head and sighed. "He's humanity's number 1 enemy right now Kallen. Why are you insulting him?" She thought that Kallen was getting ridiculous like Ein.

"Silence! I will kill every last human in this world! You shall be squashed like the bug you are human!" The herrscher got pissed and Kallen smirked. "You know, if you were in a competition for delusional kids. You'll be number 1 surely."

"You dare make a mockery of me!?" The herrscher willed guns and cannons, blasting everything on Kallen's direction. But she just jumped and dodged the slow projectiles like it wasn't even moving in the 1st place.

"Easy kid, how about I get you some ice cream huh? Come on, let's go." Kallen clapped and took out a cone of ice cream.

"Don't dodge worm!" He fumed and Kallen started to shadow box, then she egged him on by gesturing. "Come on, let's go."

The boy created tons more of weapons and fired it all at Kallen. She then blocked it all with a single finger, stopping all of the ammunition like they were toy bullets.

"Sakura... Is this kid really the number 1 enemy of humanity? I mean... Yeah he's a threat to normal people, but he's sooo weak." Kallen laughed and Sakura nodded.

"I told you, he will be too handicapped due to the time he spawned in." Sakura sat on some flat rubble and took out some tea. Deciding to watch as she clearly wasn't needed. "Nuwa could beat him easily, and she isn't even a combatant in the 1st place. Good thing Mobius or Kalpas weren't deployed here. Or he'll have a very bad time." She thought of Kalpas ripping him limb from limb or Mobius experimenting on the kid.

Kallen sighed and took off her gauntlets as it was overkill. Instead sipping on some milktea that Ein gave as her stock and chewed on some boba pearls. "What now kid? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined." She also took out a skewer, eating while waiting for his next move.

The herrscher frowned and decided to tap into other powers that were from other herrschers. Namely, gravity as the ground cracked and gave from the immense weight it experienced. But to his shock and frustration, even Kallen's food was unaffected.

She yawned and looked at her watch. "I can do this all day. Come on, do something." Kallen took out another skewer and ate it quickly. "How does Ein do it? Everything he cooks is so good!"

"You are not human are you?" He narrowed his eyes at the hooded figure and started thinking of escape. Kallen then played some music and cerberus' theme started.

"You got nothin' and nothin's got you

I can see your fear it surrounds you

Built with strife and insight but it's not enough

I'll defeat and discreet your every move.

Instinctual, just take your life,

One step, one breath, you're under my knife,

Killing slow is the way I conquer,

The torture test can't wait no longer,

With your first step you will burn,

Can't control the hate you have learned,

Killing slow is the way I conquer,

Until you know the meaning of suffer,

Step twice you invite and welcome death,

Pay homage to me with your last breath,

Say goodbye to a life that you once knew,

Along with every being that was before you!"

Kallen stepped up to him and he started sweating. "I don't know, I'm not even sure myself." She then disappeared from his sight and he instinctively used void shields from the 2nd herrscher with all his might as it isn't perfect like the 2nd.

He then felt an overwhelming force hit him from the side and flew through the ruins of Berlin like a bouncy ball. He coughed up blood and started to stand up, healing his broken ribs as his shield warped from Kallen's hit and it grazed his side.

"You know what, this is child abuse. So let me do this for now." Kallen took out the dart to incapacitate him and threw it on his ass.

The herrscher suddenly felt searing pain and screamed bloody murder. Like a part of him was being erased as his herrscher core started getting coated with Adamantine and got cut off from the imaginary space. Deleting his herrscher persona effectively.

He kneeled down and panted heavily, sweating buckets as his whole body trembled. The boy then looked around at all the ruins and spoke. "Wh-who am I? And what happened here?" He asked no one in particular and Sakura recorded what happened.

"So they will lose their herrscher persona huh? But his original one got lost as well. You have my condolences kid." Sakura prayed for his soul and quickly contacted Ein for further instructions.

"Give him to Schicksal, the NA branch. We have no need for herrschers and they will treat him better." He thought that this is a good present for the science team there and they can use him as an assistant.

The 2 saluted. "Aye aye sir!" they then delivered the boy to the NA branch's doorstep. They will immediately know he was a herrscher from the honkai energy in him, even if the core was separated from the imaginary space. But now that the persona was gone, Ein could release it once again and make him a potential ally of humanity.

He then sensed a group of women that had bootleg stigmatas, wearing the uniform of Schicksal valkyries. "Hmm? They're fighting Ganesha. But they'll surely die." He sighed and flew to the area.

He saw the group and they were struggling to fend off Ganesha. "We need back up! When will captain Brigantia come here!?" They were only dodging and some of them had injuries already.

"I don't know! We need to stop it as much as possible until she comes!" Their sub leader bravely fought, but her weapons don't do jack and it was only a matter of time before they die.

"Better give them a hand then." He went down and took off Ganesha's legs. (pic if I didn't show it's appearance yet.)

The valkyries got shocked and they looked at him warily. "Well, what are you waiting for? Do your jobs, I even made it easier for you guys." He chided them and the sub leader immediately gained her wits. Focusing fire on its head as they whittle it down and kill it. As Ganesha's most dangerous and unpredictable attack was it rolling around like sonic.

The valkyries started to sit down when the beast lost the pink glow. They were exhausted and the sub leader meekly went up to him. "Thank you sir! We would've surely died if it wasn't for you." She sighed in relief when she looked at her comrades that just had injuries that were easy enough to fix.

"It's fine." He waved his hand nonchalantly and was about to leave when their captain suddenly arrived with abyss flower on hand. "Where's the emperor class!?" She was fashionably late again and saw Ganesha was taken care of already.

"Captain! Mr. Aesir helped us with the honkai beast, just a little more and we would've been wiped out due to exhaustion." Her subordinate said happily, relieved that they get to live another day.

Reanna looked at Ein and felt complicated. He was enemy number 1 in her mind because of him stealing her 1st kiss and violating her mouth. But she also felt immense gratitude for saving her squad mates that were not trained enough and equipped to deal with the threat.

She has seen a lot of her comrades die due to inexperience and she feared that her current one would be done in too. She bit her lip and bowed down to him. "Thank you sir. It was most appreciated." She was then told of what happened and thought he even gave them experience of beating an emperor class, even though handicapped.

"You're thankful? How about some payment then?" He smirked and Reanna had a bad feeling.

He appeared behind her back and gave her a hickey at lightning speed. And it was special as it will last for a whole week, whatever you try to do to get rid of it.

"Kyaa! What in the world!" She felt a short stinging pain on her neck and didn't know what happened, so she looked at her subordinate and asked.

"Uhh, captain. How should I say this, are you and Mr. Aesir in a relationship? He marked your neck." She gave a mirror to Reanna excitedly and thought her captain was in a love affair.

Reanna frowned when she saw it and tried taking it off with her Soulium body. But of course, that didn't work. She even tried using abyss flower.

"Toodles everyone, have a nice day." Ein then disappeared like the wind and Reanna fumed. "Einheri Aesir... Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!" She shouted in frustration and everyone asked her what her relationship was with him. Gossiping extensively, giving her a migraine.


The base in NA blared their alarms as their sensors got bombarded with tons of honkai energy that was coming from the 1st herrscher.

"This is not good! Tesla, Nancy! We have an accumulation of honkai energy nearby that is enough to be classified as a herrscher!" Einstein read some of Finn's deciphered texts and learned of herrschers. God like beings that control the very fabric of reality with their powers.

They immediately scouted the area and saw a young boy that was just standing around. Waiting for something or someone.

He was told by Kallen and Sakura to stay there and he will be picked up by some people, without remembering anything of himself. He just decided to wait there.

"Weird, he's a herrscher? He isn't doing anything, just waiting there. Should we engage?" Tesla looked at Nancy for orders and Nancy shook her head.

"He looks lost, we should deploy a drone and talk to him. Then we'll take him in to the base." Tesla nodded at her words and they deployed a drone.

They learned that he was an amnesiac and his personality didn't match herrschers at all. He was just a normal boy that didn't remember anything. "Let's take him in, I don't know. But he seems to be a special case I think." Emma pitied the boy and wanted to take him inside the base to let him rest, as his clothes were ragged because Kallen smacked him all over Berlin.

"Emma-nee's right. Herrschers are ego maniacs and wants to kill anything in sight. He just looks like a normal guy." Schrodinger gave her opinion and they decided to take him in.

Einstein was the one that came up to him and smiled. "What's your name boy? You look lost." She probed and the boy shook his head. "I don't know. But the angels that took me here told me that the loli science brigade would help me?" He said innocently.

Lieserl cringed and thought this was the machinations of Ein. She sighed and rubbed her temples, waving her hands above her head to signal that the coast was clear. "Angels? What do you mean by that anyway?" She was curious on who they were.

"They were a black and white angel, we were in some ruins and we magically got here in an instant." The boy stated and it surprised Einstein greatly. 'The white and black angel are Ein-nii's agents!? This is insane, they've been operational for centuries already.'

She thought of Ein's deepening mysteries and got a headache. Every time they found out something about him, his background got even more suspicious.

"Okay then, let's clean you up and get you a set of new clothes. Come on, let's go. We won't hurt you, we are the ones that the angels told you about." She smiled wryly and thought of the loli scientist brigade.

He nodded and they walked to the base. While Schicksal frantically looked for the herrscher in Berlin.


Thanks for reading guys, I'm running out of time. Again... So it is quite short, but I don't have much patients now, so I might be able to write longer. Ciao.
