
Beginning of the End

After using the majority of my mana by infusing it into the plants, I retreated up to my own little Zen Garden which was situated halfway up the mountain. There was no easy path up here, so it was a clear indicator that I wanted to be left alone. Instead of meditating, I changed into my Dusa form and stretched out on a rock with my tail dipping into the small pool of water that circled the area.

I laid down for hours, watching the sky and letting my mind drift. Despite knowing that it was my dragon side that made me more temperamental, spending time like this could mellow me out far faster than nearly any other activity while also making it easier to control for a time. It was obvious that we were stuck with Gabriel and Josephine, so starting fights would only make things harder... even if I wanted to do so, badly.

"Are you going to sulk up here all evening?" Katye asked, appearing nearby several hours after sunset.

"I'm not sulking; I'm relaxing," I replied while playing with some water. "Besides, I can still smell them."

Katye sighed and walked over to me, saying, "We just got you back Rebecca... are you really going to go back to shutting us out because of Josephine's arrival?"

I shifted out of my Dusa form and stood up. "I'm not trying to shut you out; I really am trying to relax and get myself under control. You're obviously taking it a step further than just making a place for them in Wonkru, since they are still here. Dumb as it sounds, the longer I spend as a dragon, the easier it is to control that side of me I've learned... How else did you think I managed a year without you, Raven, or Echo?" I chuckled lightly at the end.

"I just assumed that you and Diyoza got closer than either of you were willing to admit," Katye retorted with a smirk.

"I already have the three of you; I don't think adding a fourth would help... Besides, if I did cross that line, it would just end with me trying to convince her to go up to the station since it was the only place that I thought was safe, which would have gone over like a lead balloon."

"And then you would also have to answer to Raven and I about what the two of you had been up to," she teased with a chuckle. She closed the distance between us and placed a hand on my chest while the other rested on my hip. "So, are you coming down to bed? It's been over six months since the four of us have been able to spend a night together."

"Are you sure that you want me to, because I won't be any better than last time? Raven and Echo were pretty much useless for most of the next day and even you had some difficulties walking," I chuckled darkly, sliding my arms around her waist.

Katye smirked, "I already gave Kane a heads up that Raven would stay the next day or two up here with us, maybe longer since I want her help with the Anomaly Stone. We have four days before they want to start building the new defenses, so as long as we are back on our feet by then, things will be fine."

"Why is does that remark sound like a challenge to me?" I asked with a husky note in my voice.

"Because it was one," she said, and then gave me a quick kiss before she slipped into the Shadow Realm.

I gave a throaty growl with a smirk, before I chased after her. Needless to say, the four of us had a long night, with Raven and Echo only getting some sleep after they were thoroughly exhausted. Katye was able to last till sunrise due to her enhanced body, but even she was left completely drained. The three of them ended up curling around me with Raven on my right, Echo on my left, and Katye sleeping on my chest throughout the morning.

Despite the long night, I did not need to sleep, so I watched the house through my Domain, keeping our 'guests' from entering the second floor and our suite by sealing them off from the stairs. Eventually, the others woke up and all three were in a similar weak-kneed state, though it did little to stop the three stubborn women that I loved, since Katye had a surprise for me. She had developed a minor Yang spell similar to my healing spell, but worked in a different way, Rejuvenate. All three of them had a tendency to overwork themselves, so Katye had taken it upon herself to develop a way to remove that fatigue. I was a little saddened by how easily she got them back on their feet, since last time I had gotten to pamper them and lounge about for hours, but there was work to be done, for two of them anyways.

Katye and Raven had plans to go over their notes about the Anomaly Stone with Gabriel. When Josephine and Gabriel had been brought over here, he was carrying his journal with all of his notes about the one on Alpha. Their hope was that by comparing notes they might be able to figure out the missing pieces needed to travel between the planets.

That left Echo and I with little to do, but one of our old hobbies, sparring. Since I had awoken my Dusa form, we rarely sparred because it was not helpful for either of us with how much my perception had increased. Yet another problem Katye had solved... more or less.

"I wonder why this was her solution to the problem," I remarked, tying a blindfold around my eyes.

"Does everything that goes through your mind filter through the bedroom?" Echo retorted.

"Ha, I didn't say anything about sex which means that one of you are into some kink... ow," I laughed then complained when something hit me in the head. "Jok yu, we haven't started yet."

"Just shut up."

"Ha, that means it's you," I chuckled, activating my Wind Domain right before another small rock came flying at me.

I dodged the stone then rushed towards Echo while retracting my Wind Domain to extend only three inches from my body and using my Earth Domain to locate Echo. No other magic was allowed, so I was forced to react quickly and try to predict her movements by how her feet were positioned. At long last, I finally had a method that forced me to work on Indra's old lessons and gave Echo her advantage back.

Neither of us were using weapons since it would be too easy to cause a serious injury, even if I could heal them, it was not worth it. Her right foot shifted as I neared, so I knew there was an attack coming my way. I raised my forearms to block a possible punch, but then I felt her right foot lift off the ground. I slapped down her rising knee with both hands, but that meant that I was wide open to her follow-up attack, a solid right hook to my jaw.

Thankfully, my body was stronger than most because of the Soul Markings or I would have likely been knocked to the ground from the weight of the punch. I tried to tackle her, but Echo had expected that move and jumped back while pushing me to one side and twisting her own body the other way. I caught myself from falling over with the change of momentum, but Echo tried to kick my leg out from under me, attacking the back of my knee.

I let my knee bend with the kick, absorbing the hit a little easier, and fell to a kneeling position, but that allowed me to grab her leg. With my strength, I easily pushed her off balance and sent her falling to the ground hard on her back. I kept one hand clamped around her ankle and raised my other to block a kick to my head from Echo. Snatching her second ankle, I pulled her closer as she sat up and delivered a heavy punch to my chest.

"I think it's my win," I laughed, grabbing her wrist.

Echo's response was to throw a sucker punch with her free hand, but I felt the movement and guessed her well enough to block the shot. I shoved her back down to the ground and pinned her arms over her head while I used my legs to completely pin her down. There was a deep satisfaction with her squirming under me even if I could not see her with my eyes, and I had one thought going through my mind.

"Are you going to admit you've lost, or do I need to keep going?" I asked, one hand keeping hers above her head while I moved the other to wrap my fingers around her neck gently.

"I'll beat you one day," Echo replied defiantly.

I chuckled lightly as my thumb traced her lips. "But not today," I said, before kissing her passionately.

The next few days passed in a similar fashion, though we added Anya and Ryder into the sparring sessions, which meant that things did not end up devolving into fun time again. Still, it was a good way to get more experience, even if I was back to getting daily beatings.

Katye, Raven, and Gabriel worked on solving the problem of traveling by the Anomaly Stone. Although they had the Disciple's suit, it was encrypted and Raven had had little luck decoding it, making it little more than a fancy outfit currently. Again, the solution laid in the language that Katye had been given with the Inheritance and the paintings on the cave walls.

Gabriel's notes were as detailed as you would expect from a scientist, including drawings of the Anomaly Stone and the cave drawings. Thorough examination of the their notes had shown that ninety-nine percent of the symbols on the two artifacts were identical, but there were a total of six runes that did not match. The difference quickly became the trio's main focus and, after a week of trial and error, the twelve symbols worked as a code to partially unlocking the Disciple's suit, but it only gave the option to travel to a single planet, Alpha, which caused a new round of discussions.

By traveling to Alpha, we could use the Temporal Anomaly to travel to Skyring then hope that the rest of the code needed to unlock the computer system installed in the suit was on the third stone. The problem after that became the issue of the 'time shift' since traveling away from Skyring would cause memories to become messed up no matter which planet we went to afterwards unless the person was wearing a Disciple suit, and we only had one. Neither Katye or I would agree to let the other one go alone and, to make matters worse, both Raven and Echo were also insisting on coming along.

Aside from the debate of who would make their way to Bardo, there were two more problems that we needed to address before anyone could go anywhere. Who would protect Luna, and what would we do about Gabriel and Josephine? They now knew about the existence of Eden on Earth and that we had natural born natblidas, the key to the Prime's immortality. With a rare change of pace since the four of us could not agree on anything, we left the matter entirely in the hands of the Council and did not even attend the discussions to ensure that no one would try to sway them one way or another. The decision could spark the prelude to the Final War, so Katye and I felt that it was only right that we allow the true residents of this universe make the call for their future.

Raven and I laid in a hammock under the night sky in my personal oasis. Katye and Echo were off somewhere together, also enjoying what might be their last time together. Tomorrow, we would hear the Council's decision after a week of discussion, and none of us knew what they would decide.

"Do you think this is the end?" Raven asked, weaving her fingers in between mine.

"I don't know... I hope not," I replied quietly.

Raven sighed, "I guess I shouldn't complain. I thought that I would have to live out the rest of my life without you at some point, but I guess that is going to be your fate... then again, that was always your fate."

I tightened my arms around her waist, holding her close, as I held back the sadness in my heart. We had been together for over ten years now, but it still was not enough time for me though I doubted that I would ever be satisfied. Raven had become my rock within this world, the reason why I worked so hard to make this life better than the original story. The realization that I would have to leave her, and Echo, behind was something that I had been trying to put out of my mind since the very beginning, but I could not do it any longer.

"You know that I will never forget you," I said softly.

"I know," she replied, shifting her body around so that she could place a hand on my cheek. "I would do anything to stay with you and Katye and give up everything to support you both."

I ran my fingers through her hair and said, "I know... I wish you could."

We laid like that for a while in silence then got up and I returned us to our room where Katye and Echo arrived a few moments later. It had been the four of us longer than it had been just Raven and I, so we wanted to spend the night together even if we needed some time with our original pairs. The night was quiet, just wanting to enjoy what time we had left.

In the morning, Kane, Indra, and Diyoza led a hundred warriors up to our home to move into the fortifications that I had built around the Anomaly Stone. We helped them move their equipment in and get the last of the defenses set up. After that, we left the troops in place and met up on the second floor, with Gabriel and Josephine coming with us as well.

"So, what's the Council's decision?" I asked as everyone found a seat in the room.

"I will join you six and travel to Alpha," Kane explained. "Gabriel's and Josephine's description of Sanctum makes us believe that they have not reached the point of your visions. The Primes had originally lost their control over the city, and most had been killed, so we will negotiate with them to eliminate everything that they have involving the Mind Drives. We'll allow those that are living to remain, of course, but there will be no more transferring minds into other people..."

"Do you think they will listen to you? What right do you have to tell us how to rule our city?" Josephine snapped.

I smirked while Indra shot her a glare, but Kane answered her calmly, "If they do not, we will use force to destroy your machines to ensure that these practices will not continue. This matter involves the entire human race, not just your city and ours, but also a third settlement who are actively trying to trigger a test that will judge all of humanity.

"The Anomaly Stones were created by beings beyond our understanding as a way for life forms to join them in 'transcendence'. Katye and Rebecca were given their powers by these beings and sent back in their lives to fix a problem caused by our original joining with them. The main problem that we are facing right now, is that the current humanity cannot pass the test, so there is a chance that we could fail, and every single human, across multiple planets, would be killed.

"We don't want to take any risks, so we are addressing every difference between their previous timeline and the current one. Sanctum, and the practices of the Primes, is something that could make us fail the test. If you can't see what is wrong with what you people are doing, then there is something wrong with you."

Josephine gave an angry huff to which I chuckled, and she snapped, "What's so funny?"

"Pride, greed, and envy... humanity will never stop its vicious cycle," I said, quoting Iseto's words when I had first met him. "We have done what we could to remove these concepts from Eden, but they'll never really be gone. It is a wonder that we ever passed at all."

"And the Disciples? What did the Council decide on traveling to Bardo?" Katye asked.

Kane smirked, "That they're your problem. After things are settled in Sanctum, I will return to Eden. We are not going to be reasonable for solving your lover's quarrel."

That got a chuckle out of Diyoza and even Indra smiled. Katye gave an annoyed sigh while I laughed and put an arm over Raven's shoulders.

"At least we will have plenty of time to fight about it on Skyring," I retorted.

A/N: I would like to ask for those of you who are enjoying the story to leave a review on the story if you haven't already since we are getting near the end goal of 100 chapters!

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