
I'll Show You

"That is the reason I am going out alone this time," Haru's words left the group in silence as they looked at him without knowing what to say.

"Ok, so before you guys scream in surprise, I'll give you the reasons for going alone, So tell me how many of you got affected by the poisonous fog?" Haru asked.

The group looked at each other before they started to raise their hands, Everyone aside from Haru and Nam-woon raised their hands.

"…" Haru looked at Nam-woon without saying anything.

"Ok Ok, fine, damn it," Finally after a solid 20 seconds Nam-woon raised his hand with a pout.

"What about you Ahjussi? Didn't you get affected by it," Nam-woon asked even while knowing the answer.

"I didn't feel anything from the fog, Guess I am that strong," Haru said with a smug look that pissed off Nam-woon.

The group could feel it in his words that he wasn't bluffing; the fog really didn't have any effect on him and they haven't seen him out of breath even once till now.

"That is one of the reasons It would be better for me to go alone, if my partner gets infected it would disastrous for both of us," Haru said and the group understood, they knew very little about how infectious the fog was because they weren't exposed to it for long.

But they couldn't help but smile at Haru's words, the way he said 'It would be disastrous for the both of us' indicated that he didn't even think of abandoning the person he was with.


"There is another reason, right?" Hyun-sung asked.

"Yes it is the illusion ability I have, I can use that to run away if I encounter a monster that I can't handle, And I also pack quite a power in my fist, So no need to worry about me," Haru spoke with a smile, his plan was easy to understand and wasn't complicated.

He would go out and look for food and if he encounters a difficult situation he can use his ability to run away by putting the monster into an illusion. But even then it was a risky endeavor even though Haru was strong enough to crush the rats from before there are sure to be stronger monsters out there.

"So then, I'll get going before it gets any late, I'll be back quickly after checking out the shops in the surroundings," Haru stood up not letting the others stop him.

"I'll be back in a bit Resha," Haru addressed Queresha with a smile.

"…Ok," Queresha nodded while everyone looked at her, they thought that she likely wanted to stop him from going alone.

So did the others but it is not like they could since they couldn't come up with something other than 'It is Dangerous outside,' since danger will be at every step from now on. They needed to get used to it.

"So all of you stay sharp ok," Haru said while looking at everyone and they nodded.

'Even if I ask Haru-ssi to take me along with him I'll be a burden, I'll make sure nothing happens here while Haru-ssi is away but I won't stay behind next time,' Hyun-sung clenched his fist while Sang-ah was also thinking while looking down.

"Well Ahjussi said he'll take us with him next time," Nam-woon said while lying down on the platform. Even though he was trying to be calm the others could see he was pissed off, It was clear that Nam-woon didn't like the feeling of being left behind because he was weak. Especially after he said things like that before.

Even though Haru tried to nicely avoid saying it they all knew that the main reason he didn't take them along was because they were weak.

'Just you wait damn it, I'll prove it to you,' Nam-woon thought while looking at Haru walking away before standing up.

'Hmm,' Haru looked around a few times as he walked towards exit number 2 which didn't have people near it since most of the people were gathered around exit numbers 3 and 4.

[Many Constellations are delighted by your choice.]

[1000 Coins have been sponsored.]

[Some Constellations are worried about you.]

[400 Coins have been sponsored.]

[Some Constellations are looking forward to what you will do.]

Haru opened the shutter that was all the way down and walked out before closing it behind him as silently as possible so that the fog doesn't enter inside.

Coming outside the poisonous fog entered Haru's nose but it didn't affect him in the slightest. Haru could hear hurried footsteps behind the shutter but he just climbed the stairs to reach the surface.

But just before going up Haru raised his right hand and suddenly a sheathed katana appeared in his hands.

It wasn't anything special but a simple katana made by Zenobia. Well, you can't exactly call it normal anymore, but there was no use of magic during the forging of this blade so it didn't have any magical abilities.

'To the constellations it might seem like a gift from my sponsor or someone who wanted to support me, if they can interfere with the scenarios they should be able to send private messages and items if they pay enough,' Haru thought, in reality, he had taken it out from his own inventory.

The reason he wasn't worried about it was that the man who attacked them before also had a sword and that guy's coat was also an artifact that could store items albeit only some but it could do that.

'I doubt he was carrying a real sword around and even if he was, the coat can't be explained, it was definitely from his sponsor,' Haru had come to his conclusion as he stealthily ran on the road.

'If I remember correctly there should be a convenience store that is a five-minute walk from the second exit along with some cafes and restaurants,' Haru had visited here once with Hae-in to try some Chinese food at a nearby restaurant so he remembers the area even though he had seen it once like two years ago.

Haru looked around the streets and there were many bodies along the way some looked like they were killed by the Dokkaebi with their heads split open, some seemed to be killed by human hands with knife wounds or getting hit by a blunt object and some were….

'…..Killed by monsters,' Haru saw many bodies that were cut in half or some that were crushed to a pulp.

Looking around Haru was about to reach the store but….

'The amount of bodies and the blood on the ground doesn't match up,' Haru thought while looking at the ground around the convenience store there was a lot of blood but the absence of the bodies only meant one thing.

Haru took out his katana and stabbed back feeling the sword penetrate flesh.


Looking behind Haru saw a wolf that was about four feet in height with its mouth open as if it wanted to bite him. Too bad it was killed by the katana that went through his head.


"A pack of Monsters who hunt for food," Haru thought as he swung his katana cutting the wolf from before while looking at the pack of wolves coming out from the alleyways nearby surrounding him.

'6 including their leader, the wolves are three times stronger than the rats but the leader seems to be stronger than the wolves by at least ten folds,' Haru held his katana with an impassive look while looking at the wolves. The leader was twice about as tall as him with light grey fur.

[Many Constellations are excited.]

[100 Coins have been sponsored]

[Some Constellations want to see you get beaten up.]

[200 coins have been sponsored.]


The wolves growled and rushed towards Haru from all sides as he ran straight towards one cutting its head, then ducked under to dodge the wolf that jumped on him from behind and stabbed it through its heart before flinging its body toward the right hitting a wolf.


Seeing the two wolves jumping at him Haru slashed the katana horizontally cutting the two down. Haru went towards the one wolf who was down, leaving an opening.


With a zap, the pack leader appeared beside Haru swinging its front claws at Haru's head.


Haru easily stopped the claws and pushed the wolf back easily.


The wolf growled as lightning crackled on its body and it rushed towards Haru at full speed.


Sparks flew as the wolf's claws struck the katana in Haru's hands. The wolf blitzed at top speeds using the buildings nearby to change directions.

After a few more clashes the wolf found an opening and pounced on Haru from behind causing him to turn around quickly.


Blood splattered on the ground and….

With a dull sound, the body of the pack leader hit the floor with his head separated.
