
The height of ridiculousness

Bodhi tree? Lex had never heard of it. It was almost as if it didn't make an appearance in almost every cultivation novel he had ever read.

That was because this was one of those rare trees, the knowledge and history of which had been lost to time, with only a scant few retaining their knowledge. Even Zuri, a formidable plant herself and one of the strongest beings in the Origin realm, had never heard of it.

Incidentally, there was a guest at the Midnight Inn who had also heard of, and in fact trained under a Bodhi tree. But such things were so ancient that no one would know of them, and not think to mention it to a random guest in the Inn - especially when that guest was a Dao Lord.

"How can I evolve into the Bodhi tree?" asked Zuri. Although she was herself unfamiliar with this tree, she did not hesitate now that she had made a decision.
