
A poem

Aoi and her cohorts all paused as their gaze was fixed on the mesmerizing visage of the white lotus. The petals were longer than a regular lotus', spreading farther apart, and looked more beautiful. But at the same time, the cost of that beauty was an almost palpable fragility.

Just looking at it alone was enough to determine that the Lotus was on the verge of falling apart, and only by being sealed in that orb was it surviving.

The peculiarities of the lotus went further than just that. Its texture, the thickness, or rather thinness, of each petal, the lithe stamen, were all different from what was usually seen. There was a very simple reason for that. Lex had specifically requested the Sovereign Turtle to create a new special of Lotus for him, one that was both mesmerising and yet incredibly delicate. The turtle had delivered admirably, as this was too simple for him.
