
Don't aim too high

Primary Realm, Gaia's graveyard

Outside a cottage made of the most sublime wood, an old man was watering the ground from a common watering-can. The can was completely and totally normal, and not made from the bones of the Juggernaut King - whose body was identified as the hardest existing material in the universe.

The water, too, was ordinary well water, and not the dew condensed on the surface of the Tablet of Life, a divine item some believed was the source of all life in the universe.

It was this old man's habit to spend his time doing such mundane things, as they filled him with a sense of simplicity. There was no ulterior motive in his actions at all whatsoever.

But, today, something extraordinary happened in this otherwise, completely ordinary and not at all fantastical place. A closed scroll began to materialize in his hand, at first just as a vague image, as if it was naught more than a mirage. But slowly, it began to solidify.
