

A few moments after Larry and Marlo disappeared, Vera and Kristine Joel walked out of a perpendicular corridor. Showing no inclination to be sneaky, the mother approached the pouch on the floor and picked it up.

Within the pouch were a couple of golden keys, as well as a hundred or so small diamonds. It was not enough to allow them to be extremely extravagant, but at least they'd be able to live comfortably at the Inn for a few years.

"I'm going to miss this place," said Kristine fondly.

"Well not me!" Vera exclaimed before grabbing a golden key and disappearing. It would not be long before her mother found out why she was so anxious to leave. After all, one of the tenets of prophecy were to reveal only what was absolutely necessary. The more details they revealed, the more bad luck they would accrue, and the law of luck was a tenacious one.

A single moment later, Kristine disappeared as well.
