

Everyone was on edge, for usually when an issue arose, even if the Innkeeper did not return, he at least passed a few orders that would, to some degree, resolve all dangers. Now, however, not only was the Innkeeper not returning, but he had passed no new orders.

If Luthor were not inside an extended cultivation retreat, to be disturbed only if the Innkeeper summoned him, he would have been disgusted by the staff's reaction.

They were there to ease the burdens of the Innkeeper, not to become his new burdens. Still, while the staff did not have the same level of determination, they were not pushovers.

Security had been ramped up to the maximum, and no one was taking a single moment lightly. The four Gilati's had been banned from leaving the Inn by Gerard using his authority as the head of security. This gave John as much time as he wanted to conduct a thorough 'investigation' of their motives.
