
The return of the crazy cultivation novel

Lex could scarcely believe what he was seeing! Dragons. Actual, living dragons! For a few moments, Lex's imagination went wild as he thought of every fantasy movie he had ever seen, and envisioned the massive, powerful behemoths they depicted. When he finally woke from his fantasies, Lex quickly read the description.


Massive, reptilian beings with immense power. No actual Dragons have been reported in the X-14 star system, but various species of Drakes - dragons with impure lineage - were original inhabitants of the system, leading to the belief that Dragons may have once lived here. Drakes still reside on multiple planets in the X-14 star system, and are renown jewelers.

Alongside the description was an image of a lizard like being the size of a Rhino. It was covered in brown scales and had large claws. Lex had no idea how a being with claws made jewelry, but he didn't want to sound racist so he just accepted the description.
