

Secretly, Lex spent a good amount of time testing the Delinquent Viper Vines ability. Naturally, he spread the vines around the entire Inn, underground of course. What Lex was testing was how quickly the vines could come out of the ground and restrain someone.

He tested it out in areas devoid of guests, of course, and on practice dummies. The speed naturally could not match that of his previous guards as well as bodyguards, but a portion of that fault lay with Lex himself. His mind could not work at the same speeds as them, and so his response would take longer. The remainder of the issue was, of course, that the Vine itself had only just entered the Golden Core realm. Mary was no better at controlling it than Lex, but she was no worse either, which was nice. Still, the Vine was fast enough and would have to do for now.
