
Waste of time?

"So?" asked Giorno, who was accompanying me back home after my meeting with Marisbury. "How was your meeting with the heir to house Animusphere?"

Sighing at his question, I looked at him for a moment with a tired expression. "It was... a waste of time."

"Hmm, I suppose that was to be expected." said Giorno. "Even you yourself had doubts about what he meant by a security organisation so it shouldn't come as a surprise that it wasn't a productive encounter."

"Indeed." I replied. "I mean, the ideas weren't all that bad, but it was just completely useless."

Pausing for a moment, I simply continued walking before explaining Giorno.

"First of all their goal is to deal with 'existential threats to humanity', which in itself isn't all that bad, however it is just unnecessary." I said calmly. "Now that I have access to the throne of heroes I know more about what it really is, a dimension of sorts where a higher being stores the souls of the greatest and most powerful humans to use them against 'existential threats to humanity'. And what they want to do is set up an organisation that summons heroic spirits and uses them to defeat 'existential threats to humanity'. You see where I am going with this? They are literally just adding themselves to an already existing process, and it is impossible for things to go well when humans are involved in every step of the process so what they are doing is messing up something that already works just fine! Besides, I can already do that! I can summon heroic spirits and I can deal with 'existential threats to humanity', so the existence of the organisation itself is just nonsensical!

Secondly is the method they plan to use, I mean they literally want to bring in magus and make them masters, which is honestly one of the dumbest things I have ever heard. It is like they are ignoring the fact that magus and heroic spirits usually don't get along at all! Magus are prideful and evil while heroic spirits are prideful and good, and while there are exceptions to both cases this is usually how things are. How do they plan on getting the heroic spirits and the masters get along huh?

And the third and last thing, which is what pisses me off the most... they have no funds! There is no support for this because everyone they have shown it to has said that it is nonsense! And they still don't plan on changing? I understand that it is his dream or whatever but at some point he should draw the line and be realistic. He will end up spending his fortune on something that is simply unnecessary."

"Seems like he got under your skin quite easily, young master." said Giorno.

"Sigh, I guess so." I replied. "I just find annoying how the entire organisation is basically a way to replace everything Zelretch and I could do on our own. Well, I have always disliked useless things so it is not unexpected."

Giorno nodded and we continued to walk to the car.


A week later, I found myself on an airplane with Giorno and Artoria, heading to a small town in Wales.

"Are you excited?" I asked Artoria.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say excited." she replied while shaking her head. "More like curious."

"Curious?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." she said while nodding. "I want to see where my body was buried."

"Ah, you are talking about the town itself? I meant if you were excited about getting a new body." I explained while resting my head on her lap. "In the letter they kept saying that they have 'the body of the king' and 'the mind of the king'."

Artoria chuckled slightly. "I am curious about the body, since I understand that it might be possible to re-create someone's body if you have their corpse, but I can't help being slightly angry at the fact that they would say they re-created my mind."

"Don't worry about that." I replied while chuckling. "You mind is perfect the way it is right now, so I won't be changing anything about it."

"Thank you, my dear." she said, lowering her and kissing me with a small smile.

"Anyway, what I meant to ask you is if you want an eye." I said, bringing the topic back to what I wanted to talk about. "I still don't know if the body they are talking about is the real deal or not, but if it is then you would be able to get a Mystic Eye from the ones I have, so? Is there any you like in particular?"

Artoria brought her hand to her chin and wore a thinking face for a second before shaking her head. "Is there anyone you wish for me to have?"

"Not particularly." I said while shrugging my shoulders. "But having an extra card might give you an edge on a tough fight, so you shouldn't disregard them too quickly. For example, a pair of Mystic Eyes of Binding would fit quite well your fighting style, since you have adopted a more defence oriented way of fighting, being able to stop more agile opponents, who are the ones that give you the most trouble, would be a good idea."

"Huh, you are indeed right as usual, my dear." she said with a smile. "I will see them once we return and choose one from them, though the Binding eyes sound pretty good."

I nodded in agreement at her words. In her Alter form, Artoria's agility is reduced, and if you add to that the fact that she still has the wound on her leg that Diarmuid left on her before she became my wife, well you get someone whose fighting style focuses heavily on letting the opponent come to her rather than pursuing.

Since it has been several years already, she has grown used to the wound and I too have managed to reduce its effects, however I am pretty sure she is still unable to perfectly move her leg.

As we finished our conversation, the plane began lowering as we landed.

"Time to go and see if this will be another waste of time or not." I muttered, getting out of the plane.
