
I am a villain

[ Dio pov ]

"I had a realisation yesterday." I say while looking at Diarmuid. "So I will have to ask you for your help."

Diarmuid simply looked back at me as he stopped training and smiled. "Of course, my master."

"Good, now come and kill me." I say confidently.

"E-Eh... what?" asked Diarmuid with a confused expression. "May you repeat that master?"

"Yeah, come and kill me." I repeat, once again confusing him.

"But... why?"

"Well, I felt the connection between myself and on of my powers strengthen." I reply while touching the bandage that covered my forehead. "I have a theory that it might have gotten stronger because I 'died' yesterday so I want to test it out."

"But..." Diarmuid began saying, clearly hesitant to the idea of killing me, even if he knew I would come back fine.

"Don't worry, we will use this time to train a bit my reflexes and less used abilities, I just want you to kill me at the end." I explain while turning my fingers into large claws using my 'ultimate spear' ability.

Diarmuid was a bit surprised at this. "I understand you wishing to train master, in that case I have no problem helping you all you want, but to kill you at the end..."

"I understand your concerns, but I want you to trust me." replied Dio with a smile. "I will be fine so don't worry."

Eventually, Diarmuid gave in and grabbed his weapons.

"Alright, get ready master because here I go!" as soon as he finished talking, Diarmuid launched himself forward and attacked Dio, who barely managed to dodge the attack of the first lance and block the attack of the second one with his claws. Dio's luck however ran out on the third strike and while he saw it coming, he didn't know how to block it and found himself with a lance embedded in his chest, slowly bleeding out.

Diarmuid saw his master's corpse on the ground with a strange expression, however he sighed in relief once red sparks surrounded Dio and he stood up.

"Well, let's keep going." said Dio with a small smile.

Dio's throat was sliced open countless times, his shirt had been torn apart by the pierces and slashed of Diarmuid's lances and most importantly, he could feel his sanity taking a small hit.

Every death plunged him into the darkness, a darkness he had forgotten with the passage of the years. The darkness embraced him, begging him to stay, the cold dulled his mind and the the emptiness welcomed him.

As the number of deaths grew, he slowly become used to seeing his blood spilled in the ground, he became used to seeing the weapons rush at him and made their way through his body. His fear of death grew duller each time he felt the darkness of the afterlife, and each time he was among the living he lasted a second more. He began moving when Diarmuid's lances were close to him instead of panicking or freezing, he began dodging and blocking with his claws until he could last well over 10 seconds alive, it might not sound like much but in those 10 seconds Diarmuid threw at least 15 attacks without a problem, so he was basically surviving around 15 attacks.

Dio eventually lost sense of how time had passed, he also lost count of how many times he died after the number reached three digits, still he kept getting up and trying to defend, only to get thrown back down and bleed out again.

As he was dying in the floor, a sudden memory flashed past Dio, the first time he experimented on someone out of his own volition. He could remember the screams and the pleas, but he cold also remember himself ignoring them. The next time he was impaled by the weapons he found himself remembering the first time he made a philosopher's stone, he could see the faces of all the prisoners and guards that worked there, he could hear their screams as they slowly melted down and became part of the gem, but he could also remember the joy he felt once he saw it completed.

The next time he found his throat slit open as more blood painted his upper body, slowly trailing down to the floor, he found himself in the darkness, although the darkness was different form the other times.

"When did I become this monster?" asked a young boy with black hair in front of him.

Dio knew who the boy was, it felt as though he was standing in a mirror over twenty years ago. He felt pain course through his body as he slowly woke up, he stood up and went back to dodging Diarmuid's attacks only to a few seconds later be once again embraced by the darkness, the boy still in front of him.

"When did I become this monster?" asked the boy one more time.

Dio simply looked at the boy's face, a pinch of shame appearing in his eyes.

As he woke up, he was met by Diarmuid's attack, which he dodged. He was however not focused enough to see the second incoming attack, this time he feel down in less than a second of being up.

"Will you just ignore me?" asked the boy. "Are you perhaps too ashamed but why you have turned into?"

Dio was about to answer, however he was once again greeted by the light reflected on Diarmuid's red lance.

"Are you not ashamed of yourself?" asked the boy in front of him, while a golden lance moved in Dio's direction.

"Do you even know how many you have killed?" continued asking the boy, his voice getting louder while Dio dodged and blocked countless attacks.

As he lost sense of reality, being screamed at by the boy and attacked by Diarmuid at the same time, Dio's sanity began slipping, slowly leaving him.

"I have killed hundred..." said Dio while dodging, his tone filled with sadness. "No, I have killed thousands."

As he continued dodging attacks, the boy kept accusing him in an angry tone.

"Didn't you dream of being a doctor once?! Didn't you want to help others?! Didn't you feel disgusted when you saw the strong stepping on the weak?! Didn't you feel rage when you saw bullies make fun of lonely people?!" kept asking the boy, his tone rising until it turned into screams.

Dio's eyes widened at the boy's words while a golden lance stabbed him.

Once Dio found himself in the darkness, he saw the boy looking at him with disgust evident in his eyes.

"You are a monster." said the boy.

Dio stared at the boy in front of him as countless memories passed through his mind. He felt his entire life flashing before him until he got to this very moment.

A expression in Dio's face changed from a pained one into one filled with disgust.

"So you get it huh?" asked the boy. "You understand how disgusting your life has been? You see how ugly you have turned?"

Dio remained silent, his expression unchanged and still brimming with disgust.

"The least you should do is-" before he could finish his words, the boy found himself unable to speak as a hand grabbed his throat, pressing it hardly and chocking him. He looked at Dio, whose hand was grabbing him, and saw his disgusted expression slowly turn into an arrogant one.

"Who the f*ck do you think you are, and who the f*ck do you think I am?" asked Dio, though it was clear he wasn't expecting an answer.

"You almost got me there, talking about helping others and whatever, but look closely at me... do I look like I give a sh*t about others? I live for myself and only myself, the only way I would help others is if I woke up and felt like helping others! Do you really think your pathetic words are enough to stop my desires? If this is how I used to be, then let me kill you and cleanse this world from such an embarrassment." as Dio kept talking, the hand that held the boy's neck tightened. "Fucking moron trying to get me to stop using words and thinking he would succeed... do I look like some second-rate villain to you?! How dare you think that my desires would be stopped by mere words YOU FUCKING CHILD!" screamed Dio, countless lines appearing on the boy's body as the eye on his forehead opened.


Dio released the boy's snapped neck and watched the lifeless body fall down, hitting the floor of darkness they were talking on.

His face changed from arrogant back to disgusted as he stared at the corpse before it was replaced by a cruel smile.

"Dumb brat... do I look like I don't enjoy being a villain?"




Author note:

Keep in mind that Dio is NOT a close-quarters fighter and he is only using his 'ultimate spear' ability while fighting Diarmuid in a 1v1 up close, basically were Diarmuid excels at. He is obviously getting completely wrecked by Diarmuid even if Diarmuid doesn't fight seriously.

Well, this chapter was quite long so only one today. It will only be one tomorrow as well since I need to re-stock chapters once more.
