
Chapter 117 Training

The news of the contest became louder when Hax announced that the Prime Soldier could participate in a different contest for the better version of  Prime Gear. 

The Prime Hunters wanted to join in on the fun, but Hax didn't allow them. They were too strong, not to mention they had a psychic power that could kill thousands in one move.

That would be like telling children to fight Mike Byson in the ring.

But the Prime Hunters weren't that disappointed. Hax gave them an even better armor made out of Oracle Gafratite.

The Prime Gear version was the same as the PG-15, but the differences in materials made it far stronger, so they didn't complain about anything. They still wished to have a contest, but Hax kept on rejecting their request.

"Come on, Hax," Goras said. "My men are bored. You expect them to watch the others having fun while they sit down and yawn?"
