
The Endless Purpose

It was at that moment, I decided to make my presence known, a couple of seconds later they spotted me, a flash of recognition flashed in all of their eyes.

"I take it you all know who you are?" I asked curiously my mind flashed back to the creation of my eldest 3 brothers,

They all nodded, I smiled. "I also take it; yawl also know what it is you must do?"

"Yes, we do." the tall pale man, with bluish black wild hair spoke out. I nodded at him, "Then I will repeat it to you, just for me to confirm father's will for you." I spoke. They all nodded.

"Father can't speak to us himself?" Destruction asked, he was receiving looks from his siblings, but he could careless, I nodded at him, it was the same thing Samael said as he formed. "Father has his reasons." I said simply. I gazed at him, "Now let's start with you."

He scowled.

"You are destruction," I said to him, I felt a wave of confirmation from father, "mission is quite simple, before creation comes destruction, in order to create life, one must destroy life as well, it is not an easy task for the weak of the mind."

I should have asked father to make him like Beerus from dragon ball, that would be very interesting

Unfortunately, from what he remembered in the dc comics, Destruction gave up his duties in the future, although, I can't blame him in his decision, his family certainly didn't. it messed everything up. Hopefully everything will change in the future, a lot of stuff that happened could have been avoided, if destruction did not abandon his realm. I could probably show him a couple of things too, to make things even more interesting.

"Now you." I turned to to the tall pale man with wild bluish black hair, who nodded at me, "You are Dream." I told him, I felt once again, a wave of confirmation from my father. "Your job is relatively simple, the dreams of those inspire what can be, it can help a person evolve, it can help a person grow, whether it be good or bad is their choice, your job is to give them the gift of dreams let them dream."

From what he remembers in his past life, He is known by many names, most commonly "Morpheus." He has a long history of insensitivity towards others, and throughout The Sandman he must come to deal with his past cruelties. He is very concerned with fulfilling his responsibilities.

Hopefully as the eons go by, I can change that, whatever questions Dream may have about his existence will be answered.

I turned to the next person, "Oh? Me next?" a beautiful, slim woman asked asked coyly, I nodded my head, "Desire." I said, I felt another wave of confirmation from father, she smirked. "It is beautiful, but it can be dangerous, depending on a person's dream." I nodded to Dream, "or the person's will. That person will set off to accomplish anything that they want," I took a break to pause, before I continued, "Your job is to simply regulate it, step in if things get out of hand. "

I turned my attention to a young girl," "You are Delight," i said to her, I felt a wave of confirmation from father, "Joy and delight are the same things," I said much to her confusion, it "Joy is quite simple and fun, what makes life beautiful, give people joy, but at the same time, it can be destroyed by those who are against it, so be on your guard against the people who are, but never change who you are"

She nodded slowly

I spoke this out of deep concern for her, because in the dc comics she had changed her name to deliquirm he youngest of the Endless, her eyes let's just say are...extremely unique.

I turned to the next person, who was staring at me with curiosity. This was despair, now how should I put this ah... "Despair..." I said, A wave of confirmation from father and she nodded to me, "Despair is also important, what I actually mean is that we need or want something strongly and urgently. But they can't get it, they can feel despair, but it is needed for someone to question themselves, to find purpose again, once they do, they rise from the ashes that they fell on."

She smiled.

I turned my head to the next person, the man that looked blind, and the first of the endless to appear, I smiled, "You are Destiny," I felt a wave of confirmation from my father.

I spoke out again "People will say eventually, life is not set in stone, "While that is true to a degree, people still have outcomes people still have results, results that no matter how hard you try to change it you have no choice but to change it, I reached out and handed him a book and a pen, in which he took gladly, Take a pen and write down the destinies of the people, if things change interfere."

He nodded his head, and I turned my attention to without question, the most beautiful lady I have ever seen, I steeled my resolve and spoke out to her, "Death." I felt a wave of confirmation

She looked at me, and nodded, smiling nervously, I took a deep breath, oh man my heart almost skipped a beat. "Your job might be the hardest, nobody wants to die, but death is needed, for life to move on, when they do you must guide the souls of the dead to the afterlife,"

From what he remembered in the dc comics death of the endless, came into existence shortly before the first lifeforms appeared in the universe. She will function as the concept of death until the very last living thing died. After that, she was destined to put the universe to rest.

Though things have changed this time because we have a whole kingdom filled with angels, he wondered how things will change in the future because of it.

All finished, I appreciate powerstones, and maybe a review would be nice. Have a good day, and stay safe

Elliot_Jacksoncreators' thoughts