
Evolution and Leveling/Yuki got a Red rank Treasure

Yuki, who was still asleep, was oblivious to the fact that she had ranked up a tier in her Beast rank. If she were to be awake right now she would probably be screaming about how happy she was that her hard work had finally paid off.

The sun finally was up but Yuki was still asleep, lucky for her no Beast dared to go to the cave. After what happened in the cave all the Beast that was nearby the cave was shocked that a huge fight had happened, so they did not dare to take a closer look at it.

When the sun was now at its highest peak, Yuki started showing that she was about to wake up. Then moments later she finally woke up.

"Ugh, what happened?"

Yuki then began to remember what happened that night, after a few moments of trying to think of what happened she finally remembered.

"Oh, yeah I fought the Bear's army... wait I won right so the reward should be received now." Yuki then opened her system and nodded happily.

"Yes, my hard work finally paid off." But Yuki was confused as to why she did not evolve, and only managed to move up one tier, So she decided to ask Fubuki about it.

"Hey Fubuki why did I not evolve, and why am I just one tier up?"


[The host will not be able to upgrade her evolution until the host is in Spirit Beast, Peak Tier.] Fubuki answered

"This is going to be hard, but how about my level then? I can see that every time I evolve the requirement that I need will double so isn't it going to be harder now?"

[Yes. The host will probably struggle but it will be all worth it in the end, so the host doesn't need to worry.] Fubuki tried to cheer her

Yuki was stunned at this. 'Was Fubuki trying to cheer me up? this has never happened before' Yuki thought while still thinking of Fubuki, but she just ignored it for now and decided to ask Fubuki again.

"So... if that happened wouldn't I need to reach level 5,000+ plus when I can evolve? So isn't my need for EXP going to be big, Fubuki what about my EXP then"

[The host doesn't need to worry about that. Because when the host reaches the next rank of the Beast which is the Demonic Beast rank, the host evolution requirement will reset to how you started. But the EXP you need will go up.]

"Hmmm.. ok then so can I ask whether you can tell me how much EXP I will get when I reach Demonic Beast."

[No problem. Like now when the host evolves her exp need will add 20 each time, but when the host reaches a higher rank it will multiply by two. So when you reach a breakthrough to Demonic Beast Early Tier the host will need 40 EXP to level up to two, 80 for three, and so on.]

"So even though the system can make me OP, it still balances things out huh? I like that." Yuki muttered to herself

Yuki then prepared herself to go out but remembered that she still has not eaten those Beast Core that she got last night. So she ran towards where she hid it quickly to see if all her Cores were still there.

She then quickly dug the ground and sighed in relief that all the Core are still there. "Haaa... Yes, it is still here, it got me worried there for a moment. Ok let's see how many I got, and after it's time to eat them." Yuki said while drooling at the sight of all the shiny Core.

What Yuki got was 100 savage beast cores and they are divided into three parts.

"So I got 30 Core that has a chance to up my stat in defense, 43 in agility, and 27 in attack stat. Wow not bad I did not expect that I would get more agility than defense. Well, I guess it's a good thing since I focus more on speed than defense." She said while shoving some Beast Core into her mouth.

"This is just good, I just can't seem to forget, and not get tired of the taste after eating a lot now." Yuki ate all the attack cores but sadly she only managed to get 15 stat in those 27. But what she did not know was that she was already extremely lucky because on average other people will only get like 2-3 in 10 Core.

"That's fine even though I just got 15 stats. That is already pretty high anyway so now…"

Yuki then stared at her remaining 73 Core.

"Now where the hell I'm gonna store this, there are so many I cannot simply leave it or just eat them all in one go since I think it's a waste." While Yuki was thinking she heard Fubuki's voice.


[The host should use her 1x free item, and 1x imaginary item.]

Yuki was stunned at Fubuki's answer. It was not because she was smart but she just talked to her like a friend. Yuki did not even ask her but Fubuki must have seemed to know that Yuki was in a little bit of trouble so she helped. 'Why does it seem that she has become more like a person now? She is even helping me even though I did not ask for help.'

When Yuki was about to ask, she remembered that Fubuki was given to her by Serene who is the strongest Goddess, so the system was bound to be weird. Yuki then just decided to ignore it for now, and just thanked Fubuki.

"Thank You."

But when she was expecting an answer Fubuki was now silent. 'This is weird' said Yuki, but she just shrugged and decided to follow Fubuki's advice.

Yuki then summoned her two tickets. When she was about to use it she frowned and asked Fubuki again.

"Umm... Fubuki, how do I use this Item?" Yuki said while pointing at the Imaginary item.


[The host just needs to hold the item and imagine what item the host wants. But there is a limitation to this: the host cannot go past the Red rank of treasures since the ticket is just a Red rank.]

"Oh, that's too bad."

If someone heard this they would cough up blood in anger. 'Does Red rank mean nothing to you? Do you think that you can just pick it up like some food where you can constantly get it!'

"What should I get though?" While she was thinking she suddenly remembered that in one of the novels that she read, the mc has something called a special ring. It was a ring that can store anything other than living things.

She then picked up the ticket with her paws and closed her eyes to focus on what she wanted. After a few moments of thinking, she got a notification from Fubuki which made her extremely happy.


[A new item has now been placed in the shop]

"Finally that was harder than I thought it would be."


• Health Pot - (300) - Increase health by 100

• Mana Pot - (400) - Increase mana by 200

• Regen Pot - (300) - When drinking the user will get 30 HP and 30 Mana per 1/s. (Duration 1m)

• Spatial Ring (Red) - (700k) - A ring that has storage that has a size of 35x35 meter space inside it. The ring can change its size automatically to fit on the user's finger.

"Oh wow, that's more expensive than I thought. I'm glad that I haven't used my 'Free Item'." Yuki sighed in relief that she did not get blinded by greed when she had this.

Yuki then used her other ticket to buy the ring.

[The host wants to buy Spatial Ring (Red) Yes/No]

"Yes!" Yuki said in an excited voice.

[The host used 1x free item to buy Spatial Ring (Red) congratulations.]

A ring then showed up in front of Yuki. Yuki was now very happy that she finally got some storage.
