
Ordinary days in the Festival... Part-3.

Dragon Palace, Main Gate.

"Whoa~, everything seems so pretty… They really decorated all the streets and houses…"

Selain nodded her head at Riya's words and said in a calm voice,

"Originally I heard that the dragonmen would decorate the whole city, and I was planning to take you all to see the scenery, but we got teleported to that sudden evaluation test area, and all plans fell apart…"

"Right now I don't have any solid plans, so let's just enjoy the day and try our luck at random places…"

The rest of the group also nodded their heads at Selain's words.

Originally they would have been able to enjoy the festival three days ago, but now that the circumstances are different, they will have to change the plans accordingly.

At the moment, the group was wearing the traditional Dragonmen-style clothes, and they all looked amazing in them.
