

The last bell had rang signaling that classes were over. I was glad too because school was dragging out and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep. Pulling my hoodie over my head, tucking my hair behind my ears I walked out of class only to be met by Johnny. He had a smile ear to ear, that even me on my best day couldn't match...how is he so happy all the time? We walked threw the school as I listen to him prattle on about his classes, when he stopped saying he had to leave something about a meeting and he would see me tomorrow. We parted ways with a wave. But then it hit me, Martin wasn't with Johnny and they both seemed to be connected at the hip, he had disappeared altogether, ever since the gym.

Walking off the schools campus and into the parking lot I patted around my pockets for my phone.

Shit...my phone was missing. Thinking back on it I remember leaving it in the gym on one of the tables before I squared off with Justin. Groaning I went back to the upper field, where the gym was. I would have to climb the steps back up to the top field this whole place was like one long work out. Almost everyone had gone home, except the few kids on the field that stayed to practice. From their scent they smelt like they came from my new pack. Walking by they gave a polite wave, as I nodded, these people seemed friendly ever since we transferred to the pack.

I opened the door to the gym, it was dark in side, squinting my eyes I had to focus hard to be able to see, even with my wolf senses. Then it over came me, that smell, thick wooded pine and fresh clean....like a rain smell. The scent was thick and the air heavy with energy. My head became dizzy again as I looked for the source.

There he stood on the opposite side of the gym with his back to me again. He hadn't noticed I walked in, or if he did he didn't show it. He had on longs jeans and a plain shirt that seemed to streach over his bulging muscles. He held my phone in his hand turning it over once, twice, before bringing it up to his face giving it a sniff. For a second I panicked because he was looking at the panda cover I had for my phone. I still couldn't see his face and thank God he hadn't noticed me yet.

Stupid D...nice work. I scrutinized myself on my choice of phone cover, oblivious to the fact this creeper just sniffed my phone...great. As I walked over to him my foot caught the corner of a table making me shuffle on my feet loosing balance. I could feel myself fall forward and I lifted my hands to shield my face from the fall. I was fast but not fast enough to catch my self from a trip especially because my attention was else where.

I waited to make contact with the floor but instead I felt a pair of hands, one gripping the center back of my sweater pulling me back the other on my arm.

"Maybe you should watch where your going." My breathing picked up at the sound of his voice so near me, his voice and the words he spoke were harsh. He tugged me up in one swift move springing me back onto my feet. I kept my eyes to the ground and my head low so he wouldn't see my face.

"Umm...uh...thanks." As I spoke I saw his body tense as he inhaled my scent.

"Who are you?" I could feel his eyes on me but my head was so low he couldn't see my face.

"I came here for my phone. You have it." I rushed out pointing to his hand.

"Oh, here." He handed it back to me, as he did so his fingers lightly brushed mine, sending a little jolt through my arm. He quickly pulled his hand back a little surprised himself.

"What th-"

Without saying a word I booked it out of the gym. I didn't want to see nor hear what he had to say. As if his scent hadn't convinced me that we were mates the little shocked I felt from his touch sure did. And if what Martin said was true which I'm sure it was...he radiated power, he was Alpha Rowan. How could I be Mated to an Alpha... and to Rowan no less, who was intended for someone else.

Running into the woods I sent a quick text to my father saying I was running wolf. Still running with out looking back, I took my backpack off and threw it high in the air, with out thinking I quickly shifted in my wolf. Catching my bag mid fall in between my teeth, I landed swiftly on my feet.

I couldn't have found my mate, it just doesn't happen that way. My mate was suppose to be meant for me not someone else.

I ran as fast as my paws could carry me. Dodging trees, as the grass shifted under my large paws, I had to get away. Suddenly the forest opened up to a large field with a small river. I walked out of the forest line carefully and slowly sniffing the air making sure no one was around. My ears twitched at the slightest sound, I couldn't help but be cautious. Walking up to the river I bent my head low peering at my reflection in the water.

My fur was a light tan almost cream color, my ears had black lining the tips. I had a white strip on my forehead down the center of my snout. I gave myself a wolfish grin, I was glade for one thing, my hair in my human form was a lot lighter then that or my wolf form.

After drinking some river water, I sat quietly looking around...it was quiet and tranquil, nothing but the sound of birds chirping. I stayed there for what seemed like hours, turned out to be a couple minutes. Picking my bag up once again, I started my long walk home.

I had my moment of weakness, no, I needed to come up with a plan to stay away from Rowan. He hadn't seen my face because of my hoody so that's a good thing. He wouldn't and didn't know who I was.

It took me about an hour to get home, I had gotten lost on the way. When arriving home no one was there except a note saying they left for dinner. I gave a small dance inside, I didn't feel like putting up with Laura's bull shit.

I walked up stairs, collected my bathroom supplies and took a long hot shower. When I was done I walked straight to my room and threw myself on to the bed. Nothing felt softer in that moment.

Then before I could think blackness engulf me and I was sleep for the night...no dreams and no nightmares.

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