
Volume 5 – Chapter 8(Anemo)


Author Note:

[ ] = When Twilight is speaking.

{ } = When talking through Telepathy.

' ' = When thinking in your mind.

<<  >> = When talking with your Pokémon or Tamed Beast.

--- --- = When describing a certain period of time OR Another place.

** ** = Point Of View i.e., POV

/// /// = In Call

" " = System and when talking to it.



Lumine placed her hand on an ancient device on the ground. The device made a sound as its red hue turned dark blue. Lumine stepped back, the device moved up in the air and started floating just a few meters above the ground.

Lumine: It's done, Mr. Erste.

Primis: Let's continue.

Lumine: Um.

Saying this, Lumine followed.

At this time, Paimon who was flying near Lumine asked.

Paimon: By the way, what is that device Lumine?

Lumine: I don't know.

Paimon: ......

A speechless expression appeared on Paimon face as she paused for a second before flying next to Lumine again.

Paimon: Then why are you activating them!?

Lumine: Because Mr. Erste told me too.

Paimon: ......…

Becoming bewildered again, she continued asking.

Paimon: You didn't even ask why?

Lumine: No. There must be a reason why Mr. Erste wants me too.

Sighing at this, Paimon hurriedly flew to Primis.

Paimon: Mr. Herrscher, what are those devices exactly?

Primis: Teleport Waypoint. By activating them, one can teleport to their location no matter what part of world you will be.

Paimon: WHAT! Paimon saw many of these waypoints in the last year! Were they also activated by Lumine!?

Lumine: Yes. Mr. Erste told me activate them whenever I see one. They make me somewhat stronger when I activated them for the first time.

Here Lumine put her hand on her chin and started pondering.

Lumine: So, they are in truth Teleportation points. Amazing. This world really is full of wonders.

Paimon: That's not the point!

Lumine: It's not?

Paimon: Of course, it's not!

Looking grudging at Primis, Paimon questioned.

Paimon: If we can just use these devices to teleport ourselves, why are travelling on foot! Paimon gets tired after so much walking every day!

Lumine: You are flying not walking.

Paimon: It's the same! Paimon gets tired by constant flying too!

Raising one of his brows, Primis answered.

Primis: Me and Lumine have no such issue. On the contrary, we love taking our time strolling while enjoying scenery on the way.

Lumine: Yep, I do.

Paimon: Don't talk about Lumine! She loves spending time with you more than looking at the nature around!

At Paimon this revelation, a blush appeared on Lumine's face as she started looking around.

Primis: *sigh* Anyway, the point is, we are in no hurry to reach Mondstadt. If we were then we would have arrived there long ago.

Lumine: Um. At that time, you would still be drowning in the sea until you get lucky and someone else fished you out.

Paimon: ...…

Now it was Paimon time to become silent. She started rubbing her cheeks.

Paimon: Yeah, Paimon really owes you for that, otherwise Paimon would've drowned.


"Primis: Not really. You have been drowning for seven years and yet no one came to save you...… A pity."


Primis could hear System spirit laughing inside but didn't say anything.

Paimon: But Paimon will do her very best to be a great guide.

Lumine: We don't need one. You are just a freeloader.

Muttered Lumine under her breath. Though Paimon heard it.

Paimon: Paimon is not a freeloader.

Lumine: You are.

Paimon: Paimon is not.

Lumine: You are.

Paimon: Paimon is not.

"Primis: *sigh* Here they go again."

"At least its lively now."

"Primis: I like silence and quiet."

"I thought Lord got used to it by now?"

"Primis: Believe me, I am controlling myself not to throw Paimon back into the sea."

"*chuckle* Of course, I believe Lord. Hehe…."

Shaking his head inwardly, Primis continued but Lumine and Paimon kept on arguing without stopping.

In the end, Primis decided to divert their attention to something else.

Primis: Lumine, if I am not wrong you have an inventory where you keep your sword, right?

Lumine: Huh. Yes, that's true.

Primis: What more can you do?

Lumine: I don't know. I didn't try.

Primis: Check now while we are making our way to our destination.

Lumine: Um, ok.

Primis: You return and rest Paimon. I don't want Lumine to get distracted if we start talking.

Paimon: Paimon won't distur----

Primis: I won't repeat myself.

When Primis spoke in a stern voice, Paimon flinched before turning into light and disappeared into Lumine's mind.

Like this, the rest of their journey went in silence.





An hour later.

Lumine was finally done and was now looking at Primis who was walking in front.

Primis: So…

Lumine: My inventory can hold infinite items and things inside will never expire since they will be stopped in time.

Primis: Hmm.

Lumine: There is also a holographic map where the key points can be saved. The Teleportation points are already marked on it and if I want, I can wrap myself between those devices right now. And...

Primis: Status.

Lumine: Yes. I can see my status and can also use Appraisal to check others. I also have these abilities before Unknown God took them away.

Primis: I see. What is your Level right now?

Lumine: Level 50.

Stopping on his tracks, Primis turned and looked at her.

Primis: Only Level 50?

Lumine: Mn. It seems that I have reached my limit. It's saying that I need some materials to ascend to the next phase.

Primis: What are those materials?

Lumine: 500,000 Mora and 500 Rank 1 Primogems.

Narrowing his eyes, Primis asked.

Primis: Rank 1?

Lumine: Um. It seems that Primogems have ranks.

Primis: Ok. And I suppose you have more than enough materials to ascend.

Smiling Lumine replied.

Lumine: I have a lot.

Primis: Good. But let's wait for now. Once we reach Mondstadt and choose an inn to stay. You can start your limit break in your room.

Paimon: Yes, let's hurry. Paimon is hungry.

Coming out of Lumine's mind, Paimon spoke. Though Primis let her be this time.

Primis: Yeah, let's.

Paimon: By the way, what was Lumine's level in the past?

Lumine: Level 983.

Paimon: Woah! Lumine was really strong that time.

Lumine: Um. Both me and my brother.

Primis: Lumine.

Lumine: Yes?

Primis: Use Appraisal on me.

Lumine: W-What?

Primis: Do it and tell me what do you see?

Lumine: O-Ok.

Nodding her head, Lumine looked at Primis as her eyes glowed a little before an astonishing expression appeared on her face.

Lumine: How could this be?

Paimon: What do you mean, Lumine? What is Mr. Herrscher Level?

Lumine: Level 1.

Paimon: Huh?

Lumine: It's saying Mr. Erste is Level 1.

Paimon: That's impossible!

Lumine: I know.

'Lumine: There is no way Mr. Erste is only at Level 1. In the past years, we have sparred many times. Yet, Mr. Erste defeated me with hardly any effort. On top of that...'

A chill went down Lumine's spine as she remembered Primis "God of Destruction" form along with his "Crimson Moon". At that time this world almost came to an end.

'Lumine: *gulp* That was not the strength of someone at Level 1. I can feel that even if I was as strong as I was in the past, I would still be nothing in front of Mr. Erste.'

"So even the protagonist can't see through Lord's strength. Well, if even I and system can't, how could she in the first place."

Primis didn't reply as he was pondering about something.

'Primis: I think it must be because Lumine, System, and System's spirit are checking my strength as per this World's standard. And since I am beyond it, they can't see where I truly stands.'

While everyone was busy in their thoughts, they soon reached the top of a ledge where they got a scenic view of a nearby lake with a unique statue on a small island in the middle of the lake.

Paimon: That's the statue of The Seven!

Primis: Hmmm. Go and touch that Statue Lumine.

Lumine: Ok.

With this Lumine rushed towards the lake.

Paimon: Hey! Wait for Paimon!

Of course, Paimon followed behind.

After reaching the edge of the lake, Lumine hopped into the water and swam across before reaching the center island.

She observed the statue, looking at the figure holding something to its chest, wings protruding from its back. She then stuck her hand forward and touched the statue.


The gold slab began to glow in teal color.

As she stepped back, the ball in statue hand started glowing in teal before an orb leaves it and entered Lumine.

She gasped at the weird feeling as she noticed that the white strips in her clothes had now turned into teal color.

Paimon: Huh? Paimon can sense Anemo element from you. You get the power of Anemo just by touching the statue. It's Amazing.

Taking a deep sigh, Lumine brought her hand in front and concentrated.


Paimon: Woah!

Looking at the wind vortex in Lumine's hand, Paimon exclaimed.

As both Lumine and Paimon were playing with the Anemo element, a complicated feeling flashed through Primis' eyes.

"Is something the issue, My Lord?"

"Primis: No."

Replying Primis turned and walked away.

'Primis: Looking at the wind in Lumine's hand reminds me of my Sword Princess. It's really been a long time since I last saw both her and my wife.'

While Primis was walking away, some pyro slimes popped out of nowhere near Lumine who took care of them using her new element before hurrying to catch up to Primis.

Primis: Congratulations on getting your first element, Lumine.

Lumine: Ehehe...Thank you.

She scratched her cheeks in embarrassment before she muttered something under her breath.

Lumine: Though I want something as cool as Mr. Erste Blue Flames.

Primis, of course heard it but pretended not to.

"Dream on! Even I don't understand what those blue flames of Lord are made of till now. How could you get something so unique that even the System and its spirit don't know about."

"Primis: Why are you comparing yourself with her?"

"Hmph. I just feel like it."

Paimon: It's the first time I have seen someone get the power of element as easily as Lumine did.

Lumine: Maybe because I am from another world.

Paimon: Paimon thinks so too. By the way, Mr. Herrscher why don't you try too? Maybe you will also get the power of Anemo.

Prime: I am good.

Paimon: Oh. Come on!

Remaining silent, Primis continued walking.

Soon, the City of Freedom came into their sight. They were not very far away.


Suddenly they all heard a loud sound of wind above them and raised their heads.

There in the sky they saw a huge dragon. The entire body of the dragon was colored in a shade of blue, with his main body being a lighter Azure blue, while its talons and horns colored in more of a darker midnight blue. It possessed a total of six large wings on its body allowing it to fly. Behind those wings is his massive tail, which resembles bird-like feathering.

'Primis: Dvalin.'

Paimon: Paimon has never seen that dragon before.

While Lumine and Paimon were still looking at the Dvalin, all of sudden Primis glanced back towards the direction of the statue.

Even though they had already travelled some distance by now, his gaze still penetrated through the space and landed on the man with brown hair, dark skin, and golden eyes.

The man walked up to the statue of The Seven and touched it.

Seeing him a smile crept onto Primis' face.

'Primis: Now, this is getting interesting.'

With this he moved his gaze away to the Dvalin who flew towards the forest.






** Yuuya POV **

The moment I touched the statue, a small gust of wind blew up towards the figure atop the statue, with a ball in its glowing green in color. Elementals began swirling around the ball in its hand before an orb left it and enter my body.

Yuuya: So, this is feeling of elements. It's amazing.

Once I said that, a familiar voice rang in my head.

[DING! Congratulations Host on getting your first element, Anemo.]

Seeing the notification, I yelled in excitement.

Yuuya: Yes!



*A/N: Please throw some power stones.

