
Ch. 2: First meeting of a male and female elves after hundreds of thousands of years.

-Planet Nevus, Year and place unknown.

A huge Tree piercing the clouds could be seen standing tall, wide and mighty. The tree by the name of Varinor was the home to the elves and was said to come to existence together with the planet itself. The Tree had the power to heal and even give life to the ones who inserted some of their mana into it.

Therefore the Tree of Varinor was the Symbol of Life and was the most precious to the elven Race as it not only helped them produce descendants but also protected them from anything not belonging to the planet or any harm at all.

Since there were no males in the Elven Race, the Females had to get to borrow the help of the tree of Varinor to produce any descendants as stated before. Although the females could get pregnant and inseminated by other races, they absolutely hated that and despised the males of other races.

The mana would be absorbed into the tree and produce a type of transparent fruit or egg that was filled with some kind of liquid. At first it would be very small, a thumbnails size. But it would gradually grow and grow. The process would last for 16 years. The one who implanted her mana, was to implant more mana everyday to nurture it, so it would grow.

16 years might sound a lot for humans, but don't forget that these are elves, their normal lifespan reaches way further than that of a human, and 16 years is but a mere instance for the Elven Race who can live for over 1000 years.

There was a girl seen hatching from the said fruit and opening her eyes for the first time. Her body was that of an adult human, the only difference between the two was that she had very long pointy ears and had silver hair and her height reached 180 cm in height.

All Elves had either Blonde or Silver hair. The colour of the hair did not matter and did not decide anything. It was just a colour. But these two colours were the only ones that elves could have.

The ones, who gave mana to the tree and nurtured the Fruit of Elven life, weren't called mother's like one would think, they were just called nurturers.

"Nora" the girls nurturer named her with a big smile.

The nurturers who gave mana to their fruits, would insert their knowledge, so that when they hatch out of their eggs, they would be a proper adult, they could speak and do whatever their nurturer could.

The Girl that just hatched looked at her nurturer with zero emotion and looked down at her hands. Her nurturer noticed that she wasn't normal. Normally the hatched Elves would smile brightly and would have the urge to explore the surroundings. But this girl.. she was weird.

The girl released the mana that she had by accident which brought her nurturer to shock, no Elven who just hatched would be able to bring out their mana, they could only do that in a few years.

The mana that leaked out of the girls body entered the Tree of Varinor, which made her nurturer faint in disbelief.

Everybody knew that once one of the Elves mana would be absorbed into the tree, they would have to stay and nurture the Fruit that would appear in just a few seconds. They would have to give it mana everyday for 16 years or it would die together with every other fruit that was nurtured on the tree. That's why Elves created the law that if given mana to the tree, the elves would have to stay with their fruit and nurture it. If they don't they would be sentenced to 100 years of jail time and then killed after the time is up. That's why everyone feared to use mana near the tree if they didn't want to create a new life.

What Nora just did meant that she would have to stay there for another 16 years and would have a very hard start of her life and the elves of her age would surpass her in strength easily and she would probably be bullied all her life because of it.

Nurturers only became nurturers when they had at least a few hundred years of age and had established themselves in the world and had the ability to defend themselves.

Nora had to stay there, and she was naturally looked down upon by other elves. She did not utter a single word for the whole time until her fruit also hatched.

No one was around to see her fruit hatch. The only one seeing this was Nora herself. It was the first time in her 16 years of life after hatching that her expression changed from an emotionless to a happy one that had a smile, that any man would kill for to see

"Cael" This was her first word ever said out loud.



-16 years ago.

My soul was transfered into some kind of space where I was surrounded by some kind of liquid.

[System Forcefully opened and evolved to the maximum]

[User not born yet]

[Users system searches for what to do in the meantime]

[System tries to comprehend users surroundings]

[System detected Tree of Life Nectar]

[System will try to annalise, study and copy any abilities from the liquids substance]

[The process will last 5 years]

[Should the system continue?]


'its not as if I have anything better to do, yes' I thought after hearing the systems mechanical voice.

-5 years later.

[Process completed]

[skills received]

[Skill: Auto heal]

[Skill description: Enhances users regeneration by 10%, proficiency: 0%, unevolvable]

[Skill: Enhanced body Defence]

[Skill description: Enhances users defence by 10%, proficiency: 0%, evolvable]

[Skill: Natures creation]

[Skills description: User can create things out of the Element of nature, Imagination is the only obstacle. Proficiency: 0%. Unevolvable]

[Gained great affinity to the following skill types: Healing, Defence, Nature, Enhance]

'Damn, I expected something more out of 5 years of said research.. Oh well, I don't even understand what this system even is.. I guess there are skills everyone can use or something like that..Anyways how much longer will I stay here..' I though about random things.

[System does not know what to do now, there is nothing else to do]

'well at least you know how I feel now..'



Years went on with me and the system nothing to do but receive the knowledge about this world, the language, the mannerism and such, well literally anything and everything that my nurturer received from her own.

It has already been 16 years since my consciousness came into this body.

I felt like breaking free and hatched from the fruit.

I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful but emotionless girl looking at me. The Emotionless face quickly turned into a bright smile.

"Cael" Nora spoke out her first word.

It was the first meeting of two Elves of a different gender in hundreds of thousands of years.

[User received a name from his Nurturer]

[Users name: Cael]

"Nora" I replied with her own name that I received after gaining her knowledge from her mana.

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Sett_Kaiselcreators' thoughts