
30: Madam of Tsujihara mansion

Three weeks have passed since the topic of marriage was mentioned. The whole Tsujihara mansion already knew about this matter and all of them couldn't feel happier when they heard that Yuki is going to be their 'madam'.

They all knew that April Stewart had been aiming at their boss and dreaming of becoming the madam of Tsujihara. They hated her and can only pray that Kevin will never accept her. Thus, as soon as Kevin told them that he will be getting married to Yuki, all of them unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Yuki came to the mansion, the environment has changed 180 degrees. It was more cheerful, filled with laughter and even their boss' face shone with brightness and smiles. Unlike before, the mansion felt gloomy and dark.

There are times when Kevin was infuriated due to problems that happened at the company and he vented his anger on everyone. No one dared to say or report anything to him. Therefore, Lucas and Sam, as the representative of the bodyguards of Tsujihara mansion came to Yuki and asked for his help. They begged Yuki to do something to soothe Kevin's anger. If not, they won't even dare to breathe in Kevin's presence.

Yuki who was puzzled with their sudden 'ask for a favor', still did as he was asked to. He went to Kevin's home office and accidentally heard Kevin shouting through his phone call. He slammed his phone on the table and grunted. However, the fierce and scary face immediately eased when he noticed Yuki slowly walking towards him and a big smile.

"Hey, baby."

Yuki went to Kevin and landed his butt on Kevin's lap, making him feel over the moon. Kevin propped him to a better position to make Yuki feel comfortable and didn't accidentally grind on his junior.

Yuki wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and looked up facing each other. "Is everything alright? You seem so stressed."

Having someone care for you is such a new thing but a nice feeling for Kevin. He rubs his face on the palm that caresses his cheek like a dog wants to be petted. But the difference is he didn't purr and wag his tail.

"Nothing. It's just something that happened at the company." Kevin still enjoys the loving touch.

"Is it unsolvable? Or was the damage too big?"

Kevin frowns. He raises his right eyebrow and stares at Yuki for a minute. "Why are you suddenly asking? Did someone ask you to do this?"

Yuki sighs and cupped both of his cheeks. "Kevin, I'm just worried about you. I know your employees made some mistakes and you're angry but don't keep your anger too long. Instead, why don't you take a breather and think calmly about how to encounter it. I just... I don't like seeing you like this." It's not that Yuki doesn't like but he is scared of Kevin. When the low and deep voice shouted, weak-willed person, can even wet their pants.

Kevin chuckles. Grabbed those small hands that caressed his face and pecked both of them. "Thank you for worrying, baby. I'll try to restrain it in the future." Not restrain from getting angry but restrain from exposing his dark side in front of Yuki.

"Please, if there is anything that I can help just tell me, okay? If you lack manpower, I lend a hand. I'm a fast learner so you can just teach me once or twice and I can get it done."

Looking at the serious but cute face in front of him, Kevin feels like all of his burdens and problems have been lifted and his heart feels so calm. His lips curved. "Well... there is something that you can help with."

"Really? What is it? I'll try my best." Yuki excitedly said, oblivious to the hidden meaning behind those words.

"I feel drained and exhausted. Help me reenergize," He whispers the last part.

Yuki's body stiffened. He recognizes the sly smile. The smile when Kevin's perverted mode is turned on. He regretted what he said but he can't take it back. Yuki lowered his head, didn't dare to meet the sharp eyes. Kevin raises his eyebrow, his face full of anticipation.

Yuki bit his lips and slowly leaned closer. Shutting his eyes tight and putting his lips on top of Kevin's. The sly man smirks. Yuki was about to break the kiss but a hand suddenly pulled the back of his head and another hand grabbed his waist.


And so, they started with a little kiss and ended up with four rounds on the bed and two rounds in the bathroom. Yuki passed out and slept until the next morning. His body ached all over and he felt so tired. But his sacrifice was worth it. As he went down to get his breakfast, Lucas came to him with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Yuki." Yuki just blinked his eyes repeatedly and stared at the handsome bodyguard in confusion.

"I guess Mr. Yuki must have talked to Mr. Kevin last night, right?" Yuki avoided Lucas' eyes, hiding the reddened cheeks.

'Yes. I did. I did it the whole night until it hurt my body all over,' Yuki grumbles in his mind.

Lucas knew what they did was more than just 'talk' from the way Yuki reacted. "Mr. Kevin went to work this morning in a good mood. He also seemed refreshed and energetic. That's why I want to say thank you. Only Mr. Yuki knows how to handle Mr. Kevin's mood." Yuki stiffly smiles but as long as everyone is happy, he feels glad.

Therefore, since then Yuki was thought of as the angel that defeated the devil. Everyone in Tsujihara mansion like him and they long ago have been considered as the 'madam' of the mansion and no one else should take that place.

Kevin is also relieved when they look sincerely happy when he announces that he and Yuki will be getting married. This shows how Yuki is loved and well-accepted by everyone. Kevin felt even more sure with his decision in choosing Yuki as his life partner.

Even though Kevin didn't publicly announce his marriage, in a week, once or twice he will bring Yuki to his office. Yuki hid his face and also his long hair so no one could recognize him. But all the employees of Tsujihara Group could take the hint that they are dating when the couple came to the office hand-in-hand.

No matter how strong the urge the employees have to ask about their boss' partner, no one raises the question. The female staff tried to dig some secrets from Kevin's secretary but she only said, "Mr. Kevin said if anyone asked about my partner, just tell them. But he or she will be terminated immediately and they won't be paid for the month."

Since then, no one dared to ask Kevin's secretary about the secret lover. Words also have been passed on that once Kevin saw the news about his secret lover popped up on the internet, everyone in Tsujihara Group won't receive their payment for three months. This is to warn them that they cannot talk about their boss' lover and they also should shut their trap if someone tried to discover the CEO of Tsujihara Group's relationship.

Today, Yuki was brought to the office again. Wearing a loose sweatshirt and a beanie to hide the high bun, Yuki hung his head low as soon as they entered the company building. The CEO got a separate lift but it won't stop the employees from stealing a glance at the person who managed to melt the icy heart. Yuki can't stand the heated stare so he had to use Kevin's big build to hide himself.

As soon as Kevin and Yuki walked into the lift, the female employees squeal. "Oh my! So cute!"

"He's so cute! W- wait... that person is a 'he' right?"

"I think so. From the way he dressed, I think he is a man."

"Oh, God! The way he hid himself makes him look so tiny!"

"Even his side face looked pretty... wonder how he looked..."

"I bet that person must be so handsome. Can't you see how our boss pulled that cute guy's face on his face just not to let us see? He must be so jealous we're staring at his lover!"

"Is he a celebrity? Or maybe someone famous?"

"Well, whoever he is, I don't mind as long as not that ugly bitch."

"She hasn't come here for a while. Did she know about Boss' lover? I wonder how she will react when she hears about this."

"I can't wait for her to come and witness their lovey-dovey scene in front of her eyes. In that time, I'll give her a good slap on her face. Only then she will stop being delusional."

The female employees instantly stopped talking once they reached their floor. Only when they are inside the lift do they dare to bring up this kind of topic. Away from probing ears. Somehow, God is listening to her wish and decided to grant it.

Five minutes after noon, most employees have started going down to the lobby to get their lunch. The girl who wanted to slap April on her face is standing near the front desk, waiting for her friend. Her eyes lit up when she saw the 'ugly bitch' entering the building with her smug face.

As usual, April thought she was an important person and didn't need to inform the front desk if she wanted to meet with Kevin. The front desk girl was about to stop her from entering but her friend held her back. She whispers, "Let her be. If Boss is mad at you, just say you already stopped her but she won't listen. Trust me, Boss will believe your words more than her." And so, the girl just let April go up to Kevin's office.

April went to Paris for the past two weeks. She excitedly brings some souvenirs for Kevin. Kevin's secretary also has gone out so no one is in her way. She pushes open the door, "Kevin! I bring someth-...."

She didn't manage to say the whole sentence as she was too shocked. The paper bag in her hand fell to the floor. Her body trembles.

She was missing Kevin and she thought if she stopped meeting Kevin for a while, the guy would start to feel her absence. But she didn't expect to witness such a scene.

Yuki is straddling Kevin with Kevin holding him tightly and they are French kissing. When they break the kiss, a string of saliva is connected to moist lips. Yuki was also shocked by her sudden appearance. Yuki tried to get off of Kevin's lap but Kevin wouldn't let him. Instead, Kevin grabs his buttcheck, lifts him and puts him on the table. But still, Kevin didn't let him run away.

Kevin wipes the corner of his lips, "Can't you knock? More importantly, what are you doing here?"

April staggers and almost stumbles down. She shot a deathly glare towards the man sitting on Kevin's table and wrapped in his arms. Yuki unconsciously shrinks his body and his face on Kevin's broad chest. This makes April's blood boil.

"What are you guys doing?" April asked with a trembling voice and stiff smile.

Kevin frowns. "What I was doing with MY LOVER in MY OFFICE has nothing to do with you. I should be the one who asked you that question. What are YOU doing in my office?"

April staggered while approaching them. "I went to Paris for my work for just two weeks. I was excited to meet you because I miss you and I even bought gifts for you. But what do I get when I return? Watching you making out with this slut!"


Kevin slams the table, making Yuki jolt. "You can swear, curse or call me names but don't you dare call my lover like that. *scoffs* Slut?? Are you talking to the mirror?"


Yuki flinched again when the woman shouted. He clenched on Kevin's shirt and shut his eyes tightly. Kevin noticed this and gently patted his back to calm his nerves.

"Leave. If you have anything to say, tell your dad. I have no business with you."

April walks to his side, totally ignoring Yuki. She grabs Kevin's arm and begs him, "Kevin...please. Don't do this to me. Don't you know I have loved you since we were young? I have always dreamed of marrying you. When our mothers suggested we get married I was so happy. Please, Kevin. Don't leave me. I really love you. I can do anything for you. If you want me to leave the entertainment, I can do it as soon as you agree to marry me. Please..." She rubs and shakes Kevin's arm while pleading.

But it didn't move Kevin's heart at all. He feels more disgusted instead.

Kevin yanks his arm and returns it to Yuki's waist. "My patience has its limit. Leave before I do something worse to you. I don't want to hurt you because I don't want my lover to see me hurting a woman. So before I really lose my temper, you better move."

April clenches her fist. Her chest went up and down due to rapid breathing. She takes a final glare at the man in Kevin's embrace. She stomped out of the office while mumbling, "You will regret it, Kevin."
