
Sect Master (II)

編集者: Atlas Studios

At this moment, a huge explosion appeared at the top of the mountain, and a powerful shockwave swept down the mountain. The parents' expressions changed drastically, and they fled towards the town in fear.

The sounds of collision went on for nearly a minute before revealing a huge pit created from the destruction.

The hole was not deep, only 20 to 30 meters in depth. Clearly, even though the huge sword won in the end, most of its power had been used up.

"My strongest finishing move can rival an ordinary attack from my opponent." Chen Yiming came to a conclusion.

With his strength at the second stage of the warrior realm, his attack power had reached the lowest level of the third stage of the warrior realm.

This meant that those at the third stage of the warrior realm would not be able to severely injure him easily. Ordinary attacks were not enough to overcome the recovery ability of his Level-1 Undying Body talent.
