
Little Incident

"Hey, did you know Miss Lucy is going to marry Sir Ruffle?"

"Oh, that fierce history teacher?" Dylan asked, covering his mouth in disbelief.

The door to the restaurant opened, making the bell above the door ring. Aimee was still telling Dylan about the scandal of one of the teachers at the academy when Dylan left school, so she didn't realize that Lazarus had come in and pulled out a chair at the table they were sitting at.

Dylan and Aimee immediately stopped their conversation to see an innocent-looking Lazarus join in and sit at their table without being invited.

"Sorry to interrupt your conversation. It's cold outside, and I don't have any money with me." Lazarus turned to Aimee, who was frowning. "Aimee, did you bring any extra money? May I borrow it to buy food?"

"I-I can pay for your meal, Sir." Dylan said, offering his wallet.
