

Tania's face, which was wrinkled with worry, immediately became more cheerful. The woman's smile was printed clearly, showing a row of neat teeth.

"Ah… Princess! Congratulations!" Tania exclaimed excitedly.

The woman got up and grabbed the princess by the shoulders. Arielle was very confused by Tania's sudden change in attitude. She just laughed as Tania hugged her tightly. The woman jumped with joy. Her embrace of Arielle's body did not subside. She made it hard for Arielle to breathe.

"Tania ... you're hugging me too tightly," she explained with a small laugh, feeling happy by Tania's enthusiasm.

Satisfied with hugging Arielle, Tania let go of her hug slowly. She gently stroked Arielle's hair lovingly.

"Sorry for worrying about such a pointless thing. I am very happy if you are happy, Your Highness."

"Tania, I have other news," cut Arielle, who was excited.
