
CHAPTER 16: Cambion.

They ran through the hallways for a little while, sirens were echoing through the building. Every now and then a demon would come out of the shadows, trying to take a hold of whatever soul it could.

Sometimes the human was fast enough to fend them of himself. If that happened, then he would aim his weapon at it and a fast small projectile would come out. Sirin had asked about that, apparently the weapon was a gun, and the projectiles were bullets.

Sirin thought that it was a weapon of cowards. Yes, it should be fun to play with and he definitely wanted one for himself. However, you could stay as far away from your opponent as your aim allowed you to. Furthermore, there wasn't a string like with a bow, so you also wouldn't need much strength to handle it. The only thing you really had to worry about was reloading in time and the recoil of the gun.

Eventually Sirin was sick and tired of running. The human he now had to protect if he didn't want to go back to hell was way to slow and an incredibly easy target.

He turned into his shade demon form and grabbed the human by his shirt. He was able to drag his own clothing and weapons into the shadows, what could be the difference with a sack of living meat?

He was able to move trough a large area of shadows with the human, but once he came out again, he felt that he was more exhausted than if he went by himself. He wouldn't be able to do it for long periods of time as he usually did.

The human was also not in the best state due to that. "What the fuck was that?" He yelled. "You were supposed to help me get out of here, not drag me to the shadow realm or something."

Sirin shrugged. "Come on. It's not that bad, I was the one that had to drag you with me."

"Oh, it was bad, so bad. What were those things? Those whispers?"

"I don't know, did you really think that I was the only creature that is able to move in the shadows? There are things that live there, you know."

"Was… was that hell?" The human asked with a pale face.

"No, but if you keep complaining I might as well take you there. I would have helped you get out of here either way."

Not wanting to hear the human complain again Sirin chose to just walk instead of moving tough the shadows.

After some time conversing Sirin managed to convince him that running wasn't a good idea since the footsteps of the human were loud. It was slower, but Sirin dint have to be on high alert all of the time anymore.

Eventually they passed a half-opened door. If it wasn't opened Sirin would probably have thought that it was just the wall or something. The door opened not horizontally but vertically, and it had black and yellow markings on the opening.

The human halted and inspected the door. "Do you think that we can take the time to go in? I know someone that should still be in there. Please let her go with us."

Sirin took the time to briefly examine the area. Apart from the thing moving in that room, he didn't hear anything else nearby.

"Sure, why not."

After watching the human struggle to open the door Sirin turned into a Naga and slid through the opening.

Since the door was stuck like that, he had already figured that something was blocking it. And since this entire building seemed to be made to keep demons out, he would probably be unable to break the door.

He found himself in an open area filled with tubed and desks. Scraps of paper were scattered throughout the entire area and a few dead bodies tainted the floor. Some of the tubed were filled with creatures. Some were dead and floated in a green waterlike substance, others were just barely alive and had scratched the glass until they just couldn't anymore.

Somewhere in the end of the room he could hear the sobbing of a girl. She sat in one of the larger tubes with a dim greenish light above her.

He slithered toward it only to move back in repulsion. Not that the girl looked that bad, or that there was something disgusting near her. However, there was something about her that he absolutely despised.

Then he saw the filed down horns, the purple tail, and the small useless wings. Yet she smelled and mainly looked like human.

This was a cambion, a human demon hybrid. He didn't know why, but this creature felt taboo and unnatural to him.

Sirin took a deep breath and tried to ignore the feeling. Then he wrapped himself around the glass. The girl had noticed him by now and stared at him with a terrified look in her eyes.

Then the glass chattered. Knowing that the sound would probably attract more demons he swiftly picked up the girl and ruched out of the room. since she was too terrified to move, he could get her trough the crack in the door more easily. After she made it through, he followed.

"Is this the person you meant?" He asked.

"Yes!" the human ruched towards hm to take the girl from his arms. Tough her eyes constantly remained fixed on Sirin.

Sirin nodded and changed back to his original form. If the man had said no, or hesitated for too long, he would have killed the girl by now.

"Let's get this over with." Sirin spoke as he started to walk down the hallway again.

Okay, I may not be able to continue with the daily uploads. My exams are approaching a lot faster than I'd like and even if I will try to upload as often as possible, I can't promise it will be daily. Just to make it up to all of you, I made a drawing of Sirin when he was just a hatchling in his Naga form, and I think this might be the cutest thing I've ever drawn. you can find it in the comments.

Caeruleumcreators' thoughts