
78. Back in time xvii: Call me Rose...

"What are you going to pay me with? She abruptly asks.

" P_Pay you? He was confused. What was he supposed to pay for, he thought the muffins were free.

"Yes, pay me. You said it yourself that you would buy dozens of it if I sold it, so I'm selling it. And let me see, you had emm.. She tries counting the amount in her head. Aha!! You ate three muffins which equals to half of half a dozen, so how and when are you going to pay me?

He was looking extremely lost, and she was loving how cute he was when he got cornered, she was really holding back her laugh. "umm, I hmm, I'm _ I'm not with my wallet, so I can't pay you now. But when we get b_back, I promise I'll pay you right away. He tried assuring her.

" who said I wanted you to pay me with money? She asked with her palms raised high in front of her.

"T_Then what do you want? If not m_money, th_then what else could I pay with?
